The queen's heir husband

Chapter 623 1 Don’t Do 2 Endlessly

Chapter 623 Don't do anything, don't stop, kill it

"Okay, then I'll wait for you to give me the result."

"I'll just wait in this hall!"

Seeing that Gong Yueer's attitude was very firm, Huang Ying winked at the person next to her.

"Go, take the little girl's ID card to adjust the papers and see what's going on."

"This matter needs to be thoroughly investigated."

"I'll report to the leader right away."

After hearing this, Gong Yue'er was satisfied, and then sat down on the chair outside the hall.

That gesture, if she doesn't give her a satisfactory answer today, she won't let it go.

Immediately, Huang Ying smiled, and said to Yang Quan with a flattering face, "Special Assistant Yang, you see, this matter has already been dealt with."

"I don't know the result yet, so don't disturb the heir?"

"If this incident really happened, our relevant departments will definitely not tolerate it, and will it be convenient for Yang Te to help?"

As she said that, Huang Ying pretended to be in a hurry and threw herself on Yang Quan.

Unexpectedly, Yang Quan turned sideways when he saw this.

Huang Ying fluttered all her life, and fell to the ground so abruptly.


It hurts!

Hearing the sound of Ding Dong, the corners of Gong Yue'er's mouth twitched.

Just listening to this voice makes one know how painful it is, this secretary is really confident in her looks!

He thought that Yang Quan would definitely catch her, and he would also bow down under her pomegranate skirt.

Who would have known that Yang Quan was a wooden fish head at all, and even the people under Xiaoguan He were all straight men.

And it has reached the late stage of straight male cancer.

How do you know what pity is, otherwise it is impossible for one or two to still be single.

Huang Ying spent a lot of money, and she really didn't leave any room for herself in this life.

After the fall, the whole person was extremely embarrassed.

The security guard next to her hurried to help her.

Unexpectedly, she was so kind as to act like a donkey, and directly reprimanded those security guards.

I limped up from the ground, looked at Yang Quan, and looked extremely embarrassed.

"Well, Special Assistant Yang, I'm sorry, I didn't stand firm"

"It's okay, I didn't help you anyway."

Speaking of which, Yang Quan gave Gong Yueer a code word: "I'll go first!"

"Call the captain if something happens."

"it is good!"

Then Yang Quan turned around and left.

Huang Ying gave Gong Yueer a hard look, then walked towards the chair next to her.

Take off your heels and check.

He breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately, he only hit his knee and his ankle was not injured.

After putting on her high heels, Huang Ying gave Gong Yueer a hard look, then turned around and went to the bathroom.

As soon as she got to the bathroom, she took out her mobile phone in a panic and made a call.

"Mr. Wang, it's not good! Something serious happened!"

"The little girl whose score was changed is here, how do you think about this matter?"

"Okay! Listen to you!"

"Just do it!!!!!!"

A phone call made Huang Ying extremely relieved.

A trace of cruelty flashed across those charming peach blossom eyes.

It's fine that this matter didn't come to light, and they were able to hide it from the sky, but they didn't know that this little girl actually made trouble here.

He wanted to make things worse and give her justice.

There is no absolute justice and fairness in this world.

It's just the weak eating the strong. If you are weak, you must be the fish on other people's cutting boards.

If you are weak, any glory may not belong to you, it is just a wedding dress for others.

"If there is a way to heaven, you don't go, but if there is no way to hell, you just go in."

"Don't blame me for being cruel"

 I got sick today and went to get an injection, and I will make up for what I owe.
(End of this chapter)

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