The queen's heir husband

Chapter 633 The lie was exposed and I was frightened

Chapter 633 The lie was exposed and I was frightened
"Morning sickness reaction is strong!"

He Si nodded and looked at Gong Yue'er with a half-smile.

That look seemed to be telling Gong Yueer, make it up, let her continue making it up.

"What happened to your clothes?"

"I accidentally fell to the ground, so my clothes got dirty."

He Si took out his mobile phone and prepared to make a call: "Recently Yanjing has been lax about sanitation, I have to make a call to ask."

"Why is there still dirt on the street?"

Speaking of which, He Si actually got on the line and started calling the relevant departments.

Now Gong Yue'er knew that she couldn't pretend anymore, and the flattering smile on her face disappeared at this moment. She gritted her teeth and called He Si's name.


He Si just turned on the screen and didn't type it out. Seeing that Gong Yueer finally stopped pretending, he immediately threw the phone aside.

He looked at the angry little girl with a faint smile.

"Didn't you go to eat?"

"Why, don't pretend?"

Gong Yue'er just stood up for a moment, but when she saw the smile on He Si's face, she was shocked.

If other people saw Gong Yueer's doggy appearance in front of He Si, they would probably be very surprised.

This is the little devil, is this their boss Gong?
How come it's like a different person.

But in fact, Gong Yueer is like this in front of Officer He now, with a strong desire to survive, and is always ready to start the smooth hair mode.

If Xiaoguan He's hair smoothness is not good, then she will definitely not be able to get off the boat for three days and three nights.

This man, that's it.

Only use this trick.

Gong Yue'er slandered He Si in her heart, her big and bright eyes had actually exposed her emotions.

The little girl now is a lively and interesting person, especially those big sly eyes.

"Gong Yueer, you won't secretly scold me in your heart, will you?"

"No, no, it's too late for me to love you, how could I scold you"

"Well, go ahead, take a shower and change your clothes!"

"it is good!"

After receiving the pardon, Gong Yue'er was extremely happy, and wanted to attack He Si in the past, but dared not.

At this time, she didn't dare to approach Instructor He no matter what she said.

You must know that as long as he is not in the battle group, Colonel He is very picky about life, and he must be meticulous in everything, and his cleanliness is even more extreme.

If she threw herself covered in mud, Colonel He might get mad.

Gong Yueer hurried upstairs, quickly changed the clothes on her body, and washed them clean.

She was right.

He Si just disliked her, he just had a cleanliness obsession, and Gong Yueer's muddy body was the object of dislike.

As soon as Gong Yueer went upstairs, He Si made a phone call.

"5 minutes, I want her whereabouts this afternoon!"

Yang Quan was dumbfounded when he received the call.

Their captain actually wants to check on the little sister-in-law. Could it be that the little sister-in-law is really looking for Xiao Xianrou behind the captain's back?
The captain is going to be abandoned?
Hearing this news, instead of worrying about He Si, they began to gloat.

Finally, finally the captain was accepted by the little devil.

Five minutes later, He Si received the message.

It was a piece of surveillance, a piece of surveillance where Gong Yueer was kidnapped by the relevant department.

When He Si saw the surveillance, his anger couldn't be quenched.

Damn, what the hell.

Officer He, who was studying at the Imperial Royal Academy of Etiquette and was outstanding in everything, unexpectedly swears.

Gong Yue'er was so angry that she burst into swearing.

It's really annoying.

In fact, He Siming knew that those two gangsters were no match for the little girl, but when he saw the little girl tied up with a rope, his heart still rose in his throat.

 Updated on the 6.4th!

(End of this chapter)

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