The queen's heir husband

Chapter 665 The man's wife was bullied, he was furious

Chapter 665 The man's wife was bullied, he was furious
If it is in another school, it doesn't matter if the school flower is not the school flower.

But it's different in such an art academy. With the blessing of a school belle, she can flourish in the entertainment industry in the future.

Besides, women don't care about their appearance.

It's better to be called beautiful than ugly.

Without Gong Yueer, her position as the school belle would be stable.

As long as she becomes the school girl, she will definitely be able to get the role this time, and then she will be able to make her debut with this drama.

In the car, Gong Yue'er was still pouring out her grievances.

Originally, she was not a hypocritical girl, even if she had something on her mind, she would not speak it out, and usually digested it alone.

Because she got used to it by herself over the years.

She is so strong that she doesn't need anyone, she is a woman.

Because she has always understood that no one can be relied on, and she still has to rely on herself in the end.

But since Xiaoguan He came along, her whole person has changed.

It's still the same for outsiders, the cold and flamboyant Gong Yue'er, the femme fatale, the eldest daughter of the Gong family who is beautiful inside and out.

But in front of school officer He, Gong Yueer acted like a little girl.

Can act like a baby, can be cute, and can be wronged.

As long as there is a little thing that happened to her, she wants to tell He Si, and she will care about everything until the end and forgive everything.

I was wronged, and I wanted Colonel He's comfort.

The more Gong Yue'er talked, the more aggrieved she became. Why is she in love with vanity.

Even without school officer He, she can still give herself the best.

At the beginning, she inherited part of Gong Xunjun's inheritance, even though most of it was taken away by Li Shanshan, the remaining money was enough for her to squander for a lifetime.

Besides, Colonel He gave him a sky-high betrothal gift back then.

Later, the first lady also gave her a bank card, saying it was a bride price.

She hasn't checked how much money is on the card, but if her mother-in-law can take it out seriously, the amount will definitely not be bad.

She doesn't depend on anyone, she is a rich man.

Do you need someone else to take care of you?
He Si's face became more and more gloomy, and the hand holding the two-way disc was so hard that his joints were cracking.

He was angry.

He couldn't bear to hurt, couldn't bear to say a harsh word, and the little girl whom he took care of so carefully suffered such grievances at school.

It's unforgivable.

He Si suddenly turned his head and saw a sneaky figure through the car window, and he keenly caught the light source.


No need to think about who the little girl offended.

He Si's eyes were suddenly filled with a violent storm, but it was fleeting, and he restrained it completely.

Immediately, he coaxed Gong Yue'er softly.

All the anger that arose because Gong Yue'er didn't answer the phone and didn't reply to WeChat, all disappeared because of the girl's soft voice, and what was left was only heartache and pity.

If it wasn't for him, the little girl might be thriving in the battle group now.

She will definitely be the star of the warband.

But because of marrying him, she had to end her dream.

These are He Si losing money to her.

Shenyang Art Academy?

Do you really think his little girl is a poor girl with no background?
Wrong, the little girl in his family must be the center of attention, and she will become the envy of others.

Although there are many people in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in the Academy of Art, their identities are not ordinary, but the combined identities of these people are as noble as a little girl?
(End of this chapter)

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