The queen's heir husband

Chapter 670 Rich people are also disliked by others

Chapter 670 Rich people are also disliked by others

After hanging up the phone, He Yingying transferred 10 yuan with her friend's bank card.

The selection of the school beauty will begin soon, followed by the casting of the play.

Just the day before yesterday, she went to the head teacher's office, and it was revealed that the selection of the school beauty was not so simple.

It is closely related to this casting.

In He Yingying's eyes, Gong Yue'er was the most threatening person.

Since Gong Yueer broke the news, she must make good use of it, or she will be sorry for herself.

She must get that role. If she can debut in her freshman year, it will be very advantageous for her.

Besides, it was a great opportunity to play with Gong Luya, the most popular actress recently, and she absolutely couldn't miss it.

This incident can be regarded as a phased conclusion, and Gong Yue'er is not in a hurry to deal with those people.

Instead, he spent the weekend leisurely at the villa with He Si.

However, for Gong Yueer, there was pain and happiness.

Colonel He especially likes weekends and Sundays. It is rare for him to be free. He can spend his time with the girl he loves without doing anything.

The most important thing is to connect with emotions.

The little girl now lives in school from Monday to Friday, which is a torment for He Si.

Now he finally understood what a stupid thing he had done.

He actually dug a hole for himself and buried himself.

His little fox became more and more cunning, and even asked to live in school when they were practicing.

At that time, Colonel He would agree to anything as long as he could eat meat.

Promise first.

It's a pity that Officer He has forgotten that Gong Yueer is a black-bellied little fox, and he must never go back on what he promised her.

Otherwise, the consequences will be serious.

It is definitely an unwise decision to let the little girl live in school.

At noon, the two were lying on the sofa in the living room watching TV. The little girl was very relaxed, and He Si's leg was her pillow.

The whole person lay down on the sofa.

Although Xiaoguan He's thighs are a bit hard, they are still acceptable.

He Si just made a human pillow for the little girl, and he was checking the financial statements of the Empire Group for this quarter in his hand.

There are fresh blueberries in the fruit plate next to it.

He also had to act as a feeder, feeding Gong Yueer fruits from time to time.

Yang Quan hurried in from the outside and saw this scene.

My jaw almost dropped in shock, what's going on?
Their captain's status at home is so bad?Need to serve the little fox all the time?
Even when you are working, you have to take care of her?
It was a miserable day.

Compared to this kind of life, he prefers to be single, which is better than being a slave.

When He Si heard Yang Quan's footsteps, he raised his head and gave him a sideways glance.

The meaning of that glance was very obvious, telling him to wait outside.

keep quiet.
He Si put down the document in his hand, and looked down at Gong Yueer who was about to fall asleep.

With a pampered face, there is little tenderness in his eyes.

Only with Gong Yueer, He Si was so careful and tender.

The degree to which He Si spoils his wife is outrageous.

Let Nangong Kuo and the others complain every day, and the eldest brother will forget about them once he has a wife.

One of their brothers is enough, but now there is another Zhu Yi.

Is this kind of wife spoiling disease contagious?

Terrible, they need to stay away from the source of infection.

So much so that He Si now settled in Shenyang and opened up a business empire in Shenyang, but those few miraculously did not follow.

(End of this chapter)

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