Chapter 73
He Si, who was originally standing aside with an expressionless face, suddenly exuded a sharp aura when Gong Yueer's words fell.

A deep voice sounded unhurriedly.

"This matter is our mistake, we will bear the responsibility, and we will compensate as much as we want."

When Gong Yue'er heard He Si's words, she was so angry that she wished to split the man's brain to see if this was the rhythm of water.

How could this be..., the mother simply has a congenital disease and does not meet the conditions for pregnancy.

Even if there was a well-equipped and authoritative obstetrician and gynecologist yesterday, the situation of the pregnant woman would not be much better.

Gong Yue'er knew this very well.

When did you not know the situation of the mother at all, how could you take the responsibility for this matter on yourself?

"Officer He, this is probably your personal decision!"

He Si didn't expect Gong Yueer to question his decision so openly, so he narrowed his eyes, his eyes full of horror.

Turning his head, he stared at her sharply like a nighthawk.

The tone was indifferent, with an absolute indifference that rejected people thousands of miles away.

"Gong Yueer, in what capacity are you questioning my decision now?"

"My men?"

Gong Yue'er almost laughed angrily, and her eyes suddenly became cold.

After taking a deep look at He Si, he turned and walked out of the tent.

Yes, she has no position to question any of He Si's words.

Strictly speaking, not even his men.

Gong Yue'er got out of the tent with a full stomach.

In fact, she understood why He Si did this better than anyone else. It was because whether he could successfully transfer the crowd this time, the role of the village chief was too great.

They couldn't afford to gamble with so many lives.

But according to Gong Yue'er's straightforward character, she is what she is, and she will definitely not take the blame.

It will not let people have the opportunity to blackmail her.

That man was a naked threat at all.

These days, there are still people who are not afraid of death and dare to threaten over there.

Gong Yue'er walked directly to the emergency camp, the more she walked, the more aggrieved she became, the more she couldn't swallow that breath.

The pregnant woman gave birth to the child with all her might, and she would end up like this after death.

As soon as she reached the door of the tent, her footsteps stopped resolutely.

He turned around and walked directly towards the tallest tent.

Outside the camp, Gong Yue'er was directly blocked by two people.


Gong Yue'er's voice was low and full of air, she asked, begged to see Du Du.

At this moment, in the camp, He Si and Du are discussing the settlement after the mass transfer.

Hearing Gong Yue'er's voice, He Si's hand that was holding the pen paused for a moment.

However, his abnormality was fleeting, and then he held the pen and began to write down important information.

He Si's reaction did not escape Du Du's gaze at all, and a meaningful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Casually asked: "Is the youngest daughter of the Gong family outside the door?"

He Si was silent and ignored, not even the slightest reaction.

It's as if Dudu is talking about people who don't matter.

"That girl is your fiancee, right? When do you plan to get married?"

On weekdays, He Si always has an iceberg face, and it is simply a fantasy to see his face change.

That aura of rejecting others thousands of miles away is very annoying, even in private, he is meticulous.

(End of this chapter)

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