The queen's heir husband

Chapter 737 It's not good, something big happened

Chapter 737 It's not good, something big happened
Gong Luya's complexion was not very good-looking either, and her lowered hands were clenched into fists.

She wanted to slap the ugly woman in front of her to death.

It's really ugly people doing more mischief.

It is common for someone to show off in front of her at any time, and even yell at her.

If her mother Li Shanshan hadn't asked her to endure it, the time hadn't come yet.

When she is full-fledged, it won't be too late for this bitch to come again.

Otherwise, Gong Luya had already turned against Hongxia.

At this moment, although Hongxia's attitude was not very good, Gong Luya still didn't care about her.

"Sister Hong, Sister Hong, something is wrong."

"I have inside information that Wang Chenglong has been arrested. Do you think he will confess to us?"

"If Gong Yue'er and Fourth Master know that the two of us are playing tricks behind our backs, then we will be finished."

Hongxia didn't think that the matter would be so serious. She thought it was just bad news about Wang Chenglong, so she wrote a public relations announcement, and her original partner came out to support her.

This thing may be over.

After all, Wang Chenglong is not a public figure, but a behind-the-scenes director.

Who knew that things were so serious.

There was a cold look in Hongxia's tightened eyes: "When did it happen?"

"Where did you hear it? It's just hearsay, right?"

"Growing up other people's aspirations destroys one's own prestige!"

Gong Luya shook his head, his face became paler and paler: "Sister Hong, the news is not wrong"

"The Li family has received the news."

"What should I do?"

Hongxia also took a few steps back in shock, she didn't expect their confrontation to come so quickly.

She had thought that one day she would confront Gong Yue'er He Si head-on, and she had been preparing for this all along, but she never expected that it would come so soon.

She really wasn't quite ready yet.

Fortunately, Hongxia was more capable than Gong Luya, so she quickly dispelled the fear in her heart.

"Don't panic, the matter has not reached such a serious point."

"Wait, I want to make a call and ask."

Immediately, Hongxia took the phone and started calling her friends to find out if the news was true. Gong Luya was not idle, and asked Li Shanshan to go to Li's house to find out.

If this matter was exposed at this time, Gong Luya was afraid that the Patriarch of the Li family would abandon her.

The Li family was already very dissatisfied with her behavior last time.

Especially her grandfather.

Haven't answered her phone for a long time.

Now in the Li family, she has no status.

If this matter broke out again at this time, the Li family might really abandon her.

The more she thought about it, the paler Gong Luya's face became. She didn't expect that this matter was done so covertly, so why did Wang Chenglong go in.

Even if Gong Yue'er was disqualified from the audition and knew that she was playing tricks in the middle, there was no evidence.

It is simply that the dumb can't tell if they suffer from eating Coptis chinensis.

But now that Wang Chenglong actually got into the game, it's different.

If he recruits something, it will be really troublesome.

Here, Hongxia and Gong Luya tried their best to get Wang Chenglong to get rid of this matter.

Don't confess them, it's easy to say anything.

He went in, and he had family.

Soon, Hongxia asked someone to take care of this matter, and she was relieved.

Fortunately, the news was received in time, so there was no danger.

But they made a mistake. There was never anything that He Si wanted to know that he couldn't find out.

(End of this chapter)

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