The queen's heir husband

Chapter 740 One of the 1 people who eat melons

Chapter 740 One of the thousands of people who eat melons

What can he do?
Just wait.

This movie in his hand can produce the result he wants, and Director Chen is willing to go all out.

This drama has been in his hands for a long time, not because he couldn't find the heroine, but because he couldn't find the second female lead.

Because the female second will play two roles in it, there is a series of women disguised as men.

Those female stars who have auditioned have no problem with women's clothing.

But when she disguised herself as a man, she was too soft and beautiful, and couldn't show the ruthlessness and chill he wanted.

That's why this classic script was pressed again and again in his hands.

Even investors have changed several times.

Director Chen also got involved with several investors because of this drama, and now he has several lawsuits on his back.

Some time ago, some investors finally took a fancy to this drama.

He rekindled hope and began to choose the second female.

This time, he made up his mind to visit the Academy of Art, maybe he could be a bole, and then dig out a thousand-mile horse.

After all, among those artists who have debuted, he has not yet found a second female he likes.

It really is that Huang Tian paid off, and he met the person he had been looking for for many years by chance.

It's Gong Yueer.
If Gong Yueer knew that Chen Ge had such thoughts, she would definitely be so angry that she wanted to beat him up.

what director.

What Maxima, Bole, is simply nonsense.

She remembered that she had already entered the second round of auditions, but was abruptly disqualified.

Want to go back on your word now?

Sorry, not that interested.

Gong Yue'er is different from other people who want to be famous, she won't lick her face to get it.

She really wanted to be famous, and she really wanted to trample Gong Luya under her feet, but she also had dignity and integrity.

When the evening self-study was over, Director Chen didn't see Gong Yue'er.

Then moved to another place.

The head teacher of Gong Yue'er's class accompanied Director Chen to the dormitory to block Gong Yue'er.

After school, the lights in the dormitory will be turned off, and you always have to come back to sleep.

As a result, the two of them fled to nothing again.

Director Chen was so angry that he lost his temper. How could it be so difficult to find Gong Yue'er.

He wanted to go to Gong Yue'er's house to find her.

But even the school leaders didn't know where Gong Yueer's house was, nor did they have an address.

All he can do is sit back and wait.

Director Chen blocked Gong Yue'er at school. Somehow, this incident spread.

As soon as she walked to the classroom and sat down, a circle of people surrounded her.

"Yueyue, you are going to be famous, it's really enviable"

"School beauty, do you know? Director Chen is looking for you everywhere!"

"Why didn't such a good thing happen to me?"


The classmates in their class surrounded Gong Yue'er, making her scalp tingle from the arguing.

Fortunately, she understood.

The director of "Long Song Xing" is looking for her?

What are you looking for her for?Compensation for medical expenses?

Or settle accounts after autumn?

Gong Yue'er didn't think it was a good thing for Director Chen to find her, and she even didn't want to see Director Chen.

This audition was really not a smart move.

Her peaceful life seemed to be really destroyed.

Since the school belle contest, she can hear people talking about her wherever she goes, and now her Weibo has gained countless followers.

However, after Wang Chenglong's incident, many people have become fans.

That's a good thing.

Gong Yue'er managed to get rid of these classmates.

He took out his phone and prepared to check the trending searches in the past two days.

She didn't care about the entertainment industry before, but now she has to care.

"Da Hei Niu broke up with Fan Moumou?"

"Double Song divorced?"

(End of this chapter)

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