Chapter 747

Director Chen deliberately did not announce who the second female lead is this time. It is full of mystery and makes people full of expectations.

Many stars forwarded it, causing a butterfly effect.

The whole Weibo also started to explode because of this incident.

Soon "Long Song Xing" signed the second female lead, and became the second most searched, and even kept rising.

Some netizens who didn't know about Changge Xing were almost ashamed of this day.

This movie really became popular before filming started.

However, the popularity of this drama has subsided after a week.

Everyone was waiting for the second female lead to show up, but the official announcement was delayed, not even a name was revealed.

Even the students of Shenyang Academy of Art don't know who the second female lead in this drama is.

At first, everyone speculated that it might be Gong Yueer.

After all, everyone knew about Gong Yueer's troubles at school, and everyone knew that Director Chen came to school to find Gong Yueer.

If you want to sign the second female lead, it's their Gong Xiaohua.

But after this incident broke out, their Gong Xiaohua didn't respond at all.

It's time to go to class, to go to bed or to sleep.

However, now she sleeps significantly more than before, sleeping throughout the day and most of the day.

I don't know where so much sleepiness comes from.

Regarding this matter, Gong Yue'er was simply miserable.

As soon as I thought about it, I greeted the eighteen generations of He Si's ancestors in my heart.

What the hell, even gave her a day school.

There are not even beds in the bedrooms.
She was forced to go home every day like this, but the consequences of going home were really serious.

I don't know where Colonel He got so much energy to pull her to practice every night.

If it goes on like this, she will really die of exhaustion on the boat.

It is estimated that it will become the first shame of Yan State. This kind of thing is always so difficult to talk about, but there is no way.

When she was in school, she only studied on Sunday nights and slept in on Mondays, and she could go to the playground for a run at other nights.

But now, she is listless in class every day.

Not to mention Changgexing's second female lead, even if it's a female pig's foot, she doesn't have the energy to care about it now.

sleep max.

Many people were observing Gong Yue'er's reaction, seeing that she was getting more and more listless, many people gave up the idea.

It couldn't be her, it couldn't be her.

Two weeks later, Gong Yueer asked for leave directly and did not come to school.

This is also unavoidable.

There is another week before she will join the crew, and this week she has to sleep.

Immediately, Gong Yueer sent a text message to He Si: "I'm going to sleep for three days, please don't disturb."

Then Gong Yueer turned off the phone and disappeared.

Back home, He Si didn't see Gong Yue'er, and his expression was very calm.

Knowing that the little girl was having a hard time during this time, he also let him go.

Fortunately, Gong Yue'er didn't stay outside for a whole week, but only for three days, and two days were left for him.

Otherwise, he would really lose his temper. The little girl is getting more and more courageous now, and she hides quietly.

He Si made up his mind that when the little girl joined the crew, he would do what he should do.

Counting the time, the little girl's play is over, and he is almost back.

This year, they only get together for the last two days.

Then the long-distance relationship will start.

On the third day, when Gong Yueer came back, she went straight into the studio, and today she was going to take a makeup photo.

One set of women's clothing and one set of men's clothing.

She just dressed in men's clothes and went to He Si's company to pick him up from get off work.

 In the past few days, the company has been building dough outside, and I am struggling. Others are playing, I am typing, and the network is not good. For the sake of such hard work, come and count the tickets to comfort me!
(End of this chapter)

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