The queen's heir husband

Chapter 764 Those who are ugly should be hammered to death

Chapter 764 Those who are ugly should be hammered to death
Gong Yue'er was already drowsy from drinking, she was obviously excited to see her acquaintances, a smile was taken away from her usually cold face.

She smiled and looked at the acquaintance in front of her.

"Are you also here to play skewers?"

"Why don't we have a drink together?"

When the word "wine" was mentioned, everyone shook their heads in unison, and they were terrified to the extreme.

Being rejected, Gong Yue'er was very upset, and her face darkened instantly.

"Why, why don't you drink? Is this not giving me face?"

"Do you want to fight?"

It's over, it's all over.

At first I thought there was nothing wrong, my sister-in-law was quite normal, and she didn't show any anger.

As long as she's not angry or drunk, everything is fine.

But why did the group of them anger her without saying a word?
The little sister-in-law really doesn't follow the routine at all.

Standing aside, Yang Quan's face was extremely gloomy, but his heart was bitter.

Fourth master is gone, why don't you take the little fox with you?
All of them are no match for my sister-in-law.

Bainahai also had an expression on the verge of crying, wailing in his heart.

Everyone knows that little sister-in-law is amazing from other people's mouths, but what about him?

Being hammered by my sister-in-law and lying on the hospital bed for a whole month, that month was simply suffering.

He has truly experienced how powerful the little sister-in-law is, she is simply the Shura of hell.

If possible, he really wanted to kneel down for Gong Yue'er.

Auntie, can you stop making trouble?
Auntie, please, don't drink alcohol next time, it's a deadly poison.

Gong Yue'er was very angry, but among this group of people, she was most familiar with Baina Chuan.

Bai Nachuan had been her instructor for a long time, tortured her to death every day, and almost died on the playground.

Gong Yue'er stretched out her hand and pointed at Bai Nachuan.

"come here"

So many people didn't choose, but they chose Bainachuan.

The face of Bai Nachuan who was called by the name turned pale instantly, his legs were trembling, and he was really afraid of something.

He almost cried.

The next moment, Bai Nachuan directly pushed Yang Quan who was beside him to the front.

"Sister-in-law, let him go, he is the deputy team."

"He is handsome and has good skills. Sister-in-law, you can hit him as you like."

Unexpectedly, Bainachuan would have such a coquettish operation, and Yang Quan, who was pushed out, was heartbroken.

He was only one meter away from Gong Yueer.

This meter is negligible for the little fox at this moment.

If she really erupted, it would be so fast that they couldn't see clearly.

Yang Quan was also extremely nervous, with a serious expression on his face.

But in my heart, I was greeting the ancestors of Bai Nachuan fiercely, what the hell, shameless, this stinky shameless person.

It's okay to be afraid, and withdraw him.

It's simply unscrupulous stuff.

But even if Yang Quan scolded Bai Nachuan, he didn't mind.

What are you doing with integrity, if you can save your life, he would rather be shameless.

Bai Nachuan's actions made Gong Yue'er's face even uglier.

With one step, she came to Yang Quan, then reached out and picked him up, throwing him aside.

However, the force she threw was not very strong. After a few tumbles, Yang Quan stood firm and was not injured.

No one thought that the little sister-in-law would do it as soon as she said she would do it.

You can still hear Gong Yueer muttering: "You are so ugly, and you still block your aunt's sight."

(End of this chapter)

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