The queen's heir husband

Chapter 772 Makeup Artist Embarrass Gong Yueer

Chapter 772 Makeup Artist Embarrass Gong Yueer
He Si made up his mind to tell Gong Yueer.

What should come will still come, she can't escape at all.

Fourth master has always been so domineering, so the little girl has no choice at all.

After half an hour, He Si's voice disappeared from the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Gong Yueer petrified.

That face was expressionless, but at the moment the phone hung up, her brows furrowed tightly.

So, that's why fourth master didn't let her touch alcohol?
Some time ago, Bainachuan and the others were hospitalized because of her?
After hanging up the phone, He Si and the little girl took the video call.

Gong Yueer sat there silently, and He Si did not speak.

A little regret.

Could it be that the little girl can't accept this fact?
The next moment, Gong Yue'er raised her eyes lightly: "So, there is a very strong power in my body, and it will burst out after drinking?"


But as soon as He Si's words fell, Gong Yue'er's mouth curled into a faint smile.

The smile just keeps getting bigger and bigger.

Instantly became flamboyant.

She was still laughing, feeling a little uncontrollable.

Can't accept it?

Why can't she accept it, this feeling is so good.

What the hell, she's going to be number one in the world.

With such a powerful force, who would dare to bully her in the future.

See who is upset, let's blow the hammer.

What a feeling.

Gong Yueer smiled prettily, she felt like a poor person who won the 500 million grand prize.

He Si's face slowly darkened.

He just looked at the little girl with silly joy.

After about 10 minutes, Gong Yue'er finally recovered a little bit.

"That, fourth master, haha, I'm so happy."

"Finally, I don't have to be so aggrieved anymore!"

"Fourth Master, let me ask you a question."

"Then is it you or me who is stronger?"

He Si thought for a while, and then answered in a well-regulated manner: "I can't control you a bit too."

The next moment, Gong Yue'er's expression changed instantly, and she was extremely flamboyant.

"He Si, listen, since you can't beat my old lady, you should settle down for me"
"Believe it or not, if you make me unhappy, I will beat you!"

"No, I've been bullied by you all the time. I finally turned over. Tell me, should I beat you up?"

"Or hammer twice?"

Pa, fourth master hung up the phone instantly.

show off.

Gong Yue'er is very embarrassing now. After being squeezed for so long, she finally has a chance to turn around. In the battle group, her biggest dream was to teach Officer He a severe lesson.

However, she couldn't beat it.

After being a grandson for so long, she finally became an aunt.

When fourth master came back, the first thing she had to do was to settle accounts after autumn.

He Si was worried that Gong Yue'er wouldn't be able to accept it, but who knew that the girl's reaction was to settle accounts with him after Qiuhou.

Want to hammer him.

I am fat.

It's getting more and more lawless.

He was so angry that he hung up the video, and didn't bother to watch her flamboyant and flamboyant.

In the past, he liked to see the happy expression on the little girl's face when she bullied others.

But this time, he hated it.

However, when Colonel He came back, Gong Yueer happily went to settle accounts with him, but it turned out to be a tragedy.

fuck, liar
It was agreed that she has become stronger, but why is she still the one who was squeezed.

In the afternoon, Gong Yueer arrived at the set on time.

Lucy, the makeup artist who was supposed to do her makeup, threw her face away.

(End of this chapter)

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