The queen's heir husband

Chapter 777 Mess with the mandarin ducks, Master 4 is angry

Chapter 777
God, why is this happening?

Is there a bug in Gong Yue'er?

She is a small college student, but she can know so many big people.

It's really enviable and jealous.

Soon it will be Gong Yueer's scene, Lucy stands aside and gloats.

She wanted to see how Gong Yueer, who hadn't done any styling, would look on camera.

It is estimated that he will be scolded bloody by the director.

Lucy even thought of an excuse, and when the chief director blames it, she won't be able to blame her.

She took all her responsibilities clean.

But when she saw Amy, her face paled instantly.

how come.
How could this happen? Gong Yueer actually invited her idol.

Icons in the fashion industry.

Her idol never does styling for ordinary people. She is the first lady's makeup artist, and there are only a handful of people who can make her makeup on weekdays.

Even let her apprentice be a well-known figure in the industry.

The self-righteous Lucy is simply a frog in a well.

In Shen Yang, she may be the strongest makeup artist, but there is a sky outside the sky, and there are people outside the people.

Her little skill, she can't show it in front of Amy's apprentice, let alone Amy.

Amy is also a person with a sharp mouth.

The moment she saw Hongxia, her eyes became sharper, and she turned to look at Gong Yue'er.A look of disgust.

"I said, you are going back to living more and more now, and this kind of eye-catching person will not be dealt with."

"Still placed under the eyelids, the diaphragm should not respond"

"Let's go."

Only Amy dared to dislike Gong Yue'er without any scruples in such a public place.

If it weren't for her friendship with Gong Yue'er, she wouldn't have rushed over in a hurry.

The assistant next to the director secretly told him the situation here. Originally, everyone was waiting for the director Chen Ge to clean up Gong Yue'er.

He really treats the studio as his own home.

Who would have thought that the usually upright chief director would not say a word.

Open one eye and close the other.

That attitude is simply infuriating.

The director was also very bitter, asking him to clean up Gong Yue'er?

Come on, he doesn't want to seek abuse yet.

He was very clear about that aunt's temper. He had suffered so much in order to sign a contract with her.

Such a lawless girl, how dare he stand out?

As long as Gong Yueer doesn't delay the filming progress, Director Chen Ge doesn't bother to bother.

Everything is mainly engaged in art, and everything else is ignored.

The chief director always had this attitude, and the others dared not speak up.

In full view of everyone, Gong Yueer brought Amy, Jijie and her party into her dressing room.

But after more than 20 minutes, Gong Yueer came out of the dressing room.

The timing was just right, without any delay in the progress of the filming, and this scene was between her and the leading actor.

There is almost no NG in the rivalry between the two of them.
perform exceptionally every time
So at the same time, Gong Yue'er could rehearse several scenes, and instead of slowing down, the progress was much faster.

After putting on makeup, Ji Jie personally sent Amy's team out of the set, and then watched Gong Yue'er filming.

Ji Jie still doesn't know Gong Yue'er's identity.

So I am very curious, who is the person who can make Nangong Kuo make such a generous move and let him go out of the mountain even if he offends him.

Later, after receiving information from Nangong Kuo, he realized that she was the eldest daughter of the Gong family of the Eight Great Families.

Didn't the Gong family come to an end? Miss Gong also disappeared for a while.

Unexpectedly, he came to become a star.

Could it be that she is Nangong Kuo's woman, the Gong family fell, and she found a backer like Nangong Kuo?
(End of this chapter)

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