The queen's heir husband

Chapter 78 Injured

Chapter 78 Injured
The more she hit the back, the more frightened she became. Chen Xia's back was already wet with sweat.

Her clumsy body made it more difficult for her to cope, but Gong Yueer's speed became faster and faster.

It was even as fast as lightning, which shocked her even more.

"It's time to end."


Seeing that Gong Yue'er's movements were getting faster and faster, the people around were dazzled, let alone Chen Xia.

Gong Yue'er's eyes without any emotion burst out with murderous aura the moment her words fell.

Gong Yue'er quickly inserted her right foot between her legs, and by the time she realized it, it was too late.

Her hands were like lead, she hugged her shoulders motionlessly, and exerted all her strength.

That huge body was thrown to the ground by Gong Yue'er.

Throw over the shoulder!
Suddenly, the air seemed to freeze.

Countless eyes shot at Gong Yue'er, and those eyes fixed on her.

How can it be?

How could she defeat sister Xia? That was simply unbelievable.

Miss Xia is a master of wrestling. Every time she trains, she tortures her opponents to death.

Those women stretched out their hands to wipe their eyes, fearing they might make a mistake.

On the other hand, Jin Jinxin seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, and sneered in his heart.

Isn't it a joke that she is weak, is she cowardly?

Now I finally know what's going on, right?

Standing there, Gong Yue'er's obsidian-like eyes radiated a cold light, and because of the movement, a few traces of blush appeared on her originally expressionless face, making her whole person look dazzling.

She stretched out her hand to straighten the crooked hat, and looked up at the petrified women.

There is a smile in the eyes, full confidence in the corners of the eyes and brows, and there is no shortage of infuriating provocations.

"Are you still fighting? I still have something to do, so if you want to fight, let's go together!"

"No, no. We're just following along to have a look."

"I have something else to do, I'll go first."

"Wait, there's me!"

They scrambled to escape from Gong Yueer's sight, and at this moment regarded Gong Yueer as a snake and scorpion.

Seeing those figures leaving quickly, Gong Yueer spoke indifferently.

"and many more!"

Those figures escaped, wanted to escape, but dared not.

"Then, what do you want?"

Seeing that timid look, Gong Yue'er's eyes were full of disdain.

"You take her away."

She stretched out her finger and touched Sister Xia, who was lying on the ground, before she suddenly realized.


Several people pushed and shoved, you pushed me, I pushed you, but they didn't dare to get close to Gong Yueer.

Fearing that she would repent, an unhappy man beat them up hard.

In the end, Jin Jinxin was pushed out, and she approached Gong Yueer cautiously.

Facing those eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, she was so frightened that her legs trembled.

But he had to go over and help Sister Xia up.

"Sister Xia, are you okay!"

"Miss Xia!"

The woman called Sister Xia was helped up without speaking, but stared straight at Gong Yue'er, her eyes were full of persistence.

"I don't agree!"

"Oh, what does that matter to me?"

Gong Yue'er shrugged her shoulders, looking very flattered.

In the eyes of other people, Chen Xia's actions were courting death. She knew she couldn't beat her, but she still provoked her.

Either his brain was flooded or he was beaten stupid just now.

Fortunately, they are still headed by her.

Seeing Gong Yueer helping Chen Xia leave quickly, the smile on the corner of her mouth gradually disappeared.

The eyebrows moved slightly, and his face became colder.

She moved her body, hiss!

The pain in her back made her make a small sound.

(End of this chapter)

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