Chapter 782

"Yue Yue!"

"little sister-in-law"

When Gong Yue'er fell down, the people on the ground rushed up.

No one expected this change, nor did they expect that there would be problems with the props.

But their speed is fast, but it is not as fast as the speed of an object in free fall!

Gong Yue'er fell directly from above.

Fortunately, she stretched out her hands and knew how to protect herself. When she fell down, she covered her head tightly with her hands.

Then he rolled on the ground several times with great strength.

When the manager Ji Jie and the others ran over, Gong Yueer was already in a coma.

The scene was in chaos.

"Quick, call an ambulance"


On this big mountain, even if the ambulance came up, it might be several hours later, but Gong Yueer was unconscious and needed to be sent to the hospital imminently.

Last time, when something went wrong on Yang Quan's side, it was replaced by Bai Nachuan and a few small team members who were secretly protecting Gong Yue'er.

The moment Gong Yue'er fell, they also rushed over.

Bai Nachuan glanced at Gong Yue'er who was lying on the ground in a coma, his eyes were extremely anxious.

Then quickly contact the battle group's helicopter.

It was a very wise decision for He Si to relocate the whole battle group to Shen Yang.

At this moment, it only takes more than 20 minutes for the battle group's helicopter to reach this place.

Fortunately, the crew was accompanied by medical staff, who gave Gong Yueer emergency treatment.

But there was no sign of bleeding on her body, but she was in a coma, and it seemed that her internal injuries were serious.

The height they took today is more than ten meters above the ground, which is equivalent to the fifth or sixth floor.

Although Gong Yue'er is a Lianjiazi, she can jump out of the sixteenth floor window of the hotel to drink.

But that used external force.

There are pipes and walls everywhere on the floor, which is really nothing to the team members who travel through mountains and rivers.

But today, it just fell out like this.

Gong Yue'er was lucky that she didn't die on the spot, and she also took first aid measures herself.

Bai Nachuan was so anxious that his eyes turned red instantly.

It's over, it's over, if there is something wrong with my sister-in-law, the captain must not go crazy.

If the little sister-in-law can't survive, the captain will probably die in love too.

Bainachuan called He Si with a satellite phone.

As soon as the call was connected, Bai Nachuan started crying, and a big man started howling.

"Fourth master. Little sister-in-law. Little sister-in-law fell off while filming."

"now in a coma"

"What should I do, will sister-in-law die, fourth master?"

He Si only made a gesture of listening to the phone, without saying a word, and hung up the phone resolutely.

problem occurs?
Why did something go wrong.

Hearing that Gong Yue'er was still in a coma, how could He Si sit still.

The big things are not as big as the little girl's.

He is now outside to make himself stronger, but it's all because of the little girl.

If something happened to the little girl, how would he survive.

That was his fate.

After hanging up the phone, He Si immediately took a helicopter to Shen Yang.

On the plane, He Si learned about the situation through the satellite phone above. Something went wrong with the props?
Check the props several times before shooting, will something go wrong?

He Si is not a fool, this kind of little trick is left over from him.

He Si gave an order, and the entire crew was detained.

Gong Yue'er was taken to the hospital by one of the helicopters, and there were two other helicopters, and countless people from the battle group came down.

(End of this chapter)

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