The queen's heir husband

Chapter 788 The little girl woke up

Chapter 788 The little girl woke up

The first thing Gong Yue'er regained was consciousness. She heard all the words of fourth master.

Speechless to the extreme.

He even wanted to slap fourth master hard on the head.

Don't you know that all newborn babies are like this?

Because they didn't bloom long, they all look like little old men, and they will become more and more beautiful and cute in the future.

It will be addictive.

Gong Yue'er didn't even dare to imagine what it would be like when her and He Si's child was born in the future.

Would fourth master despise their children's ugliness?

It will also be said that the child's parents are both dragons and phoenixes, so why did they give birth to a mouse that can make holes.


If that time really came, and Xiaoguan He said such a thing after she gave birth, she would be so angry that she would pick up a scalpel and end him.

How can there be such a man?
But when it really came to that time, He Si behaved in a different way.

It is obvious that Gong Yue'er's child is smaller than Yan Yan's child and not heavy.

More like a little old man.

But Officer He crawled in front of the crib, watching his baby giggle.

After a while, I laughed again, and then I laughed again.

"Why is the child born to me, He Si, so handsome?"

"Sure enough, strong genes have advantages."

The ward was crowded with many people, and no one paid any attention to He Si.

Ever since Gong Yue'er gave birth, He Si has been a sand sculpture.

At this moment, Gong Yue'er opened his eyes.

When I spoke, my voice was hoarse: "Water"

"Well, wait, I'll pour it."

He Si was completely conditioned reflex. Hearing Gong Yueer's voice, he turned around and was about to leave the ward door to pour water for Gong Yueer.

But when he reached the door, Officer He suddenly ran away.

A trace of disbelief flashed in his eyes.

Turning around in an instant, she looked straight at Gong Yue'er.

Those eyes were as sharp as a nighthawk, staring at Gong Yue'er was like staring at prey.

He Si's sexy lips moved, but he didn't speak.

Four eyes facing each other.

The expression on He Si's face was serious.

Gong Yue'er was smiling with her mouth parted, that smile was so bright and incomparable.

When she spoke again, her voice had returned to normal, with a hint of a smile in her tone.

"Fourth Master, you've recovered."

"Fourth Master, I'm thirsty and want to drink water."


Following Gong Yueer's words, He Si turned around dully to pour water for Gong Yueer.

In the living room, Nangong Kuo and the others were playing Glory of the Kings, and Kaihei was in progress.

Nangong Kuo's voice was the loudest: "Dongfang Yun, you go from behind, we will outflank."

"Jin Mu, do you know how to control the crowd? You zoom in!"


No one noticed the change in He Si, He Si quickly poured a glass of water and returned to the ward.

At this time, Gong Yue'er had already propped herself up and sat up.

He kept looking at He Si.

Gong Yueer took the water from He Si's hand and took a sip.

After such a period of time, He Si completely recovered from the shock.

He put down the cup, walked over and hugged Gong Yue'er in his arms.
Very excited, her voice trembling: "Yueyue girl"

"You finally woke up"

Gong Yue'er reached out and patted He Si's back. She knew that something happened to her, and He Si must feel bad.

But at this moment, when Xiaoguan He hugged her, his whole body was trembling, and his heart ached to the extreme.

"Honey, I'm fine."

"I'm very good"

He Si hugged Gong Yue'er for a while, and then he came out of his worries.

The first thing to do was to ask the doctor to come over and give Gong Yueer some medicine.

(End of this chapter)

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