The queen's heir husband

Chapter 792 Begin to accept her difference

Chapter 792 Begin to accept her difference

Suddenly quieted down, Gong Yueer began to think about what happened before and after.

She began to believe what fourth master told her.

Could it be that she was seriously injured before?
How many ribs did she really break?
It's unbelievable, it's terrifying.

To make Gong Yueer believe in this fact is like making an atheist believe that there are ghosts in the world.

In the early morning, they returned to Shenyang.

Back at the villa in Holiday City, the accompanying medical staff carried Gong Yue'er into the master bedroom.

The servants here have already received the news.

The master bedroom was quickly transformed into a sick room suitable for retreat.

Toss until midnight.

Finally, only He Si and Gong Yue'er were left in the room.

The room was eerily silent.

Gong Yueer's face was still pale.

He Si sighed heavily, and naturally knew what the little girl was doing.

He walked over and sat on the edge of the bed.

Reaching out his hand to stroke Gong Yue'er's hair affectionately: "Girl."
Gong Yue'er raised her eyes and looked at He Si: "Fourth Master, are you afraid of me?"

"I'm different, do you think I'm a monster?"


In fact, this incident was not as unacceptable as imagined, but for Gong Yueer, what she feared most was that the people around her were afraid of her.

Afraid He Si would dislike her
In this world, there are not many people she cares about, and not many people care about her.

Grandparents are gone.

Now in her whole world, it seems that there is only one He Si left.

She couldn't imagine what she would be like without Ho Si.

As long as you think about it a little bit, you will feel that the sky is falling and the earth is falling apart, and you will feel pain.

In the past, she was the fearless Miss Gong family who traveled the world alone.

Now there is something to be afraid of too.

Scared of being alone.

I am used to two people, and when I return to one person, there will be a sense of fear.

The mighty Gong Yueer is still weak emotionally.

"Good, no."

"I'm only worried about whether this will harm your body. I can accept everything else"

"Girl, remember, no matter what you look like, ugly, fat or different from others, you are still the person I love the most."


Gong Yueer was moved by He Si's fearless love.

His eyes were red instantly, and tears fell down unexpectedly.

What is He Si afraid of?
I am most afraid of his girl crying, afraid of his girl crying.

For him, this was simply a fatal injury.

Quickly coaxing her in a low voice, it took a long time to coax her.

Gong Yue'er got up, took off the plaster, and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

In the mirror, she stared at the injured lower back and looked again and again.

Remove the bandage and gauze, there is no wound.

The skin can be blasted and broken.

In order to verify whether she really had the healing function, she picked up Xiaoguan He's shaving knife in the bathroom and cut her hand severely.

There was a tingling in the fingers.

Gong Yueer frowned slightly.

She killed her, and the wound was deep, and blood kept gushing out immediately.

There was also a stream on the ground.

He Si was originally a different person from ordinary people, he was the captain of that mysterious team.

Smelling blood, he rushed in.

Seeing Gong Yueer holding a razor blade in his hand, there was a pool of blood on the ground.

His face darkened instantly.

"Stupid or not?"

He Si walked over, quickly took Gong Yue'er's hand, turned on the tap and rinsed in the sink.

Want to stop bleeding quickly.

Blood mixed with running water quickly flowed away.

The air was filled with the smell of blood.

(End of this chapter)

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