The queen's heir husband

Chapter 801 Master 4 Domineeringly Occupies 3 Jiangzhou

Chapter 801 Fourth Master Domineeringly Occupies Sanjiang Prefecture

Gong Yue'er didn't pay much attention to fourth master's avoidance of her answering the phone.

It must be the He Family Manor's phone call.

As long as it's a call over there, fourth master will avoid it. After all, Gong Yue'er doesn't like it and rejects the He family manor.

When he came to the study, He Si answered the phone with a cold voice full of cruelty.


He Si just hummed lightly, and stopped talking. He kept the phone next to his ear and listened to the person on the other side of the phone talking.

It's just that the fierce aura surged from He Si's body instantly, and those deep eyes were full of killing.

His left hand was placed on the table, beating rhythmically on the table.

The crisp sound that came out was a bit frightening.

The fourth master in the study room didn't turn on the light, and it was blindingly lit.But those eyes were exceptionally bright, and the burning flames could destroy everything.

Anyone who is familiar with fourth master knows that fourth master is angry.

The anger was surging like a surging river.

After hanging up the phone, the aura on Fourth Master's body didn't dissipate, but surged even more fiercely.

Anger is hard to quench.

Immediately, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and that smile continued to expand, very charming.

A bloodthirsty smile.

For many years, fourth master didn't feel this way.

This kind of feeling can only be felt when he just formed a battle group and went on a mission to conquer the world.

Now, that feeling is back.

In Yan Country, Fourth Master is invincible and has no opponents.

Because he is powerful, mighty, and rules the world.

With such a powerful existence, someone dared to provoke him now, it was simply beyond his control.

Even in that mysterious place, fourth master's anonymity is still an existence that cannot be ignored.

But there are people who don't have a good eye, but they like to confront He Si.

It is absolutely impossible to swallow He Si.

During this period of time, fourth master went to a very mysterious place without telling Gong Yue'er. That place was in another sea area and did not belong to any suzerain country.

an independent existence.

There is no force dominating that sea area, and there are three powerful forces.

He Si took a fancy to the fighting power of those forces.

He is the heir of the Yan Kingdom, he has a mission, and there are many things that cannot be done as an heir, but if he takes down that island, he can absolutely control that force.

At that time, what he wants to do is just a matter of one sentence.

If he wants to protect the little girl, he must have great power, absolute power, and not be bound by anyone or any suzerain country.

Last time, the little girl was in danger, which gave He Si a preliminary understanding of the little girl's family.

It is a very powerful, unimaginably powerful family.

But for the little girl, this is an unknown, both good and bad.

Such uncertainty never existed in He Si's world.

Uncertainty makes people panic, especially the matter of being attached to a little girl, He Si is even more afraid.

He's going to turn uncertainty into certainty, and for better or for worse, it doesn't matter to them.

So he came, and he wanted to take down Sanjiang State and become the overlord of this state.

To the people of Sanjiang Prefecture, He Si was an outsider, even a strange existence.

Because there are mutants in Sanjiang Prefecture, with various abilities.He Si was just a mortal in their eyes, and he would be killed if he moved a finger.

the existence of the weak.

But who is He Si.

Even though he himself is weak, he possesses the charisma that others don't have. It didn't take long for him to establish his own power on the island.

(End of this chapter)

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