Chapter 812

After sending out these two sentences, Gong Yueer didn't give the netizens too much chance to react, and directly clicked to start the game.

Then the four teamed up and the game began.

The equipment for this game needs to be found in those rooms by yourself.

Seeing Gong Yue'er started the game, the netizens in the live broadcast room became excited, pop-up windows kept floating by, and it was impossible to see what words were written.

It's like watching flowers on horseback.

Many netizens who like this game are masters.

Everyone knows that this game is tactical. When parachuting at the beginning, choose some remote areas to land.

After the equipment is complete, they nest around the poison circle and pick up heads.

If you play well, you might be able to eat chicken.

Unexpectedly, Gong Yue'er did the opposite. When skydiving, she left the other three teammates and jumped to the central area.

Simply not afraid of death.

Only the real masters in this area, who are fearless, will choose this place.

After seeing this wave of operations, everyone already knows the result.

Gong Yue'er will die a miserable death.

Even jumping out of the parachute will meet people, and then directly declare the game over.

It was simply unbearable.

On the pop-up window, more and more people abused Gong Yue'er.


[Stupid woman. 】

I thought she was a master at first, but now I found out that she is a master of disguise, and an actor is an actor.

What kind of game expert, what understand equipment, are all pretended.

I'm afraid there is a script.

Rubbish show, rubbish Gong Yueer, don't watch it.

But there are also some different voices; 【You can’t do it, but it doesn’t mean others can’t. 】

[The operation of the great god is something you idiots can understand? 】

Gong Yue'er was faster than others when skydiving. She just mastered the technique when she was in the training camp, besides, she also mastered the real skydiving proficiently.

It's just a game, nothing difficult.

She jumped right next to a house and picked up a handful of M41s.

Originally, she could enter the second floor of the house and was picking up other equipment.

But she didn't do that, she didn't need any body armor, [-]x mirror, helmet or anything like that.

With a gun, she can travel the world.

As a result, all netizens were amazed.

Even the pop-up windows that had just been boiling for a while were silent for a moment, and only a few pop-up windows floated past.

The camera lens has been focusing on Gong Yueer's mobile phone.

I saw her wearing the headset of the mobile phone and skillfully operating the direction keys.

5 minutes into the game, she has already killed 4 opponents.

And the best operation is yet to come. She doesn't dodge or dodge, so she carries a gun and wanders outside.

That look made people grit their teeth leisurely.

But whenever someone aimed at her and approached silently, she could always turn around and shoot her in the head.

It's really just one click, one dozen and one accurate.

This operation is so amazing, so awesome.

It was as if radar and infrared rays were installed on her body. As long as she got close to a certain range, she could find the opponent accurately and kill them.

Netizens who originally questioned Gong Yueer did not speak.

Even a lot of kneeling down.

"Grandma, please take me."

"Grandma, I beg you to lie down and win, take me with you."

Originally, the fastest time for a game from start to finish was ten to twenty minutes, but Gong Yueer shortened the time of the game to the shortest.

She began to clear the scene from place to place.

Spread out from the center.

When she got to a crowded place, she stood there directly to harvest the heads.

(End of this chapter)

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