The queen's heir husband

Chapter 814 Gong Luya's 1 Wave God Operation

Chapter 814 Gong Luya's Divine Operation
Whether this actress is a big hit in the entertainment industry or not, she is a traffic-level actress and has no masterpieces.

But straightforward.

Those who like her like her very much, and those who don't like her will blame her for being too straightforward.

Because of this character, he offended many people.

At this moment, she hesitated to speak, but everyone present knew what she meant.

After all, the angel's tear of the pigeon egg was a cultural relic of a suzerain country, and after various accidents, it was reduced to the auction house.

Cai Ling likes this shiny thing, so she took it for 5000 million U.S. dollars.

That thing, no matter who sees it, will be jealous.

After all, the price is priceless, that is, the sky-high price.

Another actress continued the star's speculation just now: "There are only three people, and the tears of the angels are placed on the table, so they must have been taken away."

"Oh my god, such a thing can happen"

There are two newcomers sharing Cai Ling's lounge with her, which shows that the relationship is unusual.

This made many people jealous.

One must know Cai Ling's status in the entertainment circle, if she wants to support someone, with the resources in her hands, it is simply a piece of cake.

Gong Luya's face turned blood red instantly.

"It's not me, I didn't take it"

"Although I like it, I can buy it myself, there is no need to make a fuss."

"I wouldn't be so stupid as to do something like this knowing that I would be found out."

Gong Luya spoke resolutely, with a firm tone of voice.

Even a little disdainful.

No matter how valuable the angel tears of this pigeon egg were, she still didn't pay attention to it.

Everyone present knew Gong Luya.

She is a popular little flower now, or they knew her before Gong Luya was famous.

She is the daughter of the Gong family of the eight major families.

Such a rich and noble family, needless to say money, what can't they afford?

There was also the discord between the sisters who had caused a lot of trouble some time ago. In order to frame the other daughter of the Gong family, Gong Luya would do anything at all costs.

Even the child in the womb can be sacrificed.

However, all that was only due to the grievances of the rich.

It's just an open and secret struggle between families, and it can't explain the character problem.

There is no such moth in any wealthy family, everyone understands.

Because Gong Luya's surname is Gong, many people subjectively removed the suspicion of Gong Luya.

After all, such a proud girl is not short of money.

Even if you like the tears of the angel, you will use money to solve it. There is nothing in this world that cannot be bought with money, and there is nothing that cannot be solved with money.

Gong Yueer, who had been playing games beside her, didn't pay attention to the scene in the middle of the stage.

With headphones in her ears, she was listening to the footsteps in the headphones intently.

Killing everywhere, sweeping the battlefield.

She is not interested in anything between these actresses.

Even though this game is boring to her and has no technical difficulty, compared to this banquet, she still chooses to play the game.

The music stopped suddenly and she didn't hear it.

These actresses gathered in a pile, and she didn't pay attention.

It was precisely because of Gong Yue'er's high-minded attitude that this matter had nothing to do with her that it made people suspicious.

She held the mobile phone in her hand, as if how they directed and acted on their own had nothing to do with her.

Gong Yue'er was very keen on eyes.

Suddenly, countless eyes shot towards her.

(End of this chapter)

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