The queen's heir husband

Chapter 824 Are local tyrants wholesale?

Chapter 824 Are local tyrants wholesale?
The program production team, which should have been the most happy, was also dumbfounded.

What is this operation?Where did the rich come from.

Is there a mine at home?This reward is millions, this is a local tyrant at all, a real local tyrant.

The system prompts 【Congratulations to Gong Yueer for getting a thousand helicopters. 】

The system prompts 【Congratulations to Gong Yueer for getting a thousand helicopters. 】

The system prompts 【Congratulations to Gong Yueer for getting a thousand helicopters. 】

Unexpectedly, the next moment, such a system prompt appeared on the bullet screen.

In an instant, the entire program production team was petrified.

Is there a problem with the system?then what?
The program production was the first to react, and quickly arranged for someone to check whether the rewards had really arrived.

When the staff member went to open the backstage, Gong Yueer gave a tip in his name, and the odds were too much for him to count.

What kind of coquettish operation is this?

What the hell is going on here?

In the end, the program production asked the staff to give him the IDs of those tippers.

Most of those IDs come from Yanjing, and there are even foreign ones.

The chief director Chen Ge, who had been standing by the side without saying a word, looked at Gong Yue'er with strange eyes.

He knew that Gong Yue'er's boyfriend was very rich, and he was so rich that both men and gods were angry.

It's just that he didn't expect that he would be willing to spend a lot of money just to make his girlfriend smile.

Even if many actresses in the entertainment industry encounter this situation, there are usually rich businessmen, friends and so on to support the situation.

But the scenes are not so spectacular.

Gong Yueer's operation was indeed a bit high-profile.

But at this moment, Gong Yue'er herself didn't know about it, so after the announcement, she went back to the hotel directly in the nanny's car.

I'm really a little tired today.

The little ancestor wanted to go back to the hotel, how could Jijie not follow, originally there were still many things to hand over, but Jijie had to leave early.

On the way back to the hotel, Jijie received a call from the program team.

After hanging up the phone, he quickly opened the mobile APP and clicked into the live broadcast room.

Now that the live broadcast is over, the popularity of the live broadcast room has not decreased but increased, and the ratings of variety shows are constantly rising.

More and more people poured in.

Everyone watched this eternal spectacle through this channel.

If only one person tipped Gong Yueer so much, those online names possessed by lemon essence would probably blacken Gong Yueer.

Which rich man's outer room is this again.

Does anyone in your family know about such a big fanfare?

But the crux of the problem is that it is not one person at all, but several people are swiping at the same time.

As if on the bar, there will be provocations on the barrage.

[Damn it, did you hit the bar, come again]

【Come on, shameless! 】

【And I! 】

The system prompts one after another.

Those lemon extracts are even more sour, but I don't know why it's dark, so I can only watch helplessly.

The program production team was extremely excited, so what kind of system prompts are there, but they are all white money.

Chief director Chen Ge saw that something was wrong, so he hurriedly used the time to go to the bathroom to call Ji Jie.

After hanging up the phone, Jijie quickly clicked on it.

Seeing this, the corners of his mouth twitched.

what's going on.
He knew all those IDs, people from the Eight Great Families of Yanjing.

Nan Gongkuo, Zhu Yi, Dongfang Yun, Jin Mu, Qian Chen.

Those who are familiar with them can tell from their nicknames that they are them.

Although Ji Jie is Gong Yueer's manager, the more popular this kind of speculation, the better, and his artists will become popular faster.

(End of this chapter)

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