Chapter 826 Fourth Master Lied

A historic battle is taking place in Sanjiang Prefecture at this moment.

The fourth master killed everywhere.

He was sitting on a chair beside him, leaning lazily, watching an annual martial arts blockbuster.

The special effects are full.

Originally, the whole person was very careless.

At this moment, the phone in his pants vibrated suddenly.

Fourth master raised his eyebrows, suddenly feeling a little guilty.

His phone is basically silent, but the little girl has reminders for any calls, WeChat, and messages.

You don't need to take it out to see, Fourth Master knows it must be his little girl.

In an instant, the sharpness in fourth master's eyebrows and eyes dissipated.

He took out his phone and saw the text message from Gong Yue'er.

The fourth master, who was already covered in murder, saw his little girl being bullied, so it's okay.

Then without thinking about it, I replied a text message.

"Went out!"

When He Si sent it out, I knew it was over.

He was in a trance for a moment, so he sent these two words out. If it was WeChat, it could be withdrawn, but now it is simply a message.

There is no recall function for text messages.

When the message showed that the sending was complete, He Si felt even more guilty.

It's over, it's over.

The little girl didn't know where he was or what he was doing.

He didn't say, and she didn't ask.

This is the love between them, absolute trust.

But these two words are nothing in the eyes of others, it is the husband venting his anger on his wife, but it is definitely not the case in Gong Yue'er's eyes.

The little girl's insight is astonishing, maybe she will find some clues.

Instructor He is still thinking of an explanation.

Gong Yue'er called.


He Si answered, the voice still had no emotion, but it slowed down a lot.

"Yue Yue."

Afterwards, the people around He Si heard that their fourth master was chatting with a woman.

In such a serious place where killings are everywhere, if you are not careful, you will die here.

Fourth Master actually still has leisure time to chat on the phone.

The fourth master is the fourth master.

This mentality is really unmatched.

Seeing how calm and composed he was, Fourth Master's subordinates admired him even more.

He is in Sanjiang State, although he does not have superpowers, he is not a supernatural being.

But he has an aura of being king. Even someone who is more ferocious and powerful than fourth master will surrender involuntarily in front of fourth master.

The fourth master was still the fourth master in Yanjing back then.

"Fourth Master, what's the noise over there? It's so loud?"

He Si glanced at the scene in front of him. The floor tiles on both sides of the street were all hovering in the air, forming a huge tornado.

The tornado is constantly growing, absorbing everything around it that can be absorbed.

Fourth master stood inside the protective cover, watching all this.

Hearing the little girl's question, fourth master glanced at the person next to him indifferently.

Made a silent gesture.

The man stretched out his hand and waved, and a protective cover was added inside the protective cover, which was transparent, but could isolate all sounds from the outside.

Fourth Master lied, without blushing or panting, and said lightly, "I'm playing a video"

"Closed now."


Gong Yue'er responded lightly, but her brows kept frowning, and she always felt that this was not the case.

But I couldn't tell what was wrong, and there was no sound at this moment.

Is it really watching TV?

However, the little girl thought about it again, who is fourth master, he would definitely not lie to her.

Gong Yueer subconsciously chose to believe.

But not long after, when Gong Yue'er knew everything, she asked fourth master Qiu Hou to settle the score.

At that time, fourth master was simply too miserable to witness.

(End of this chapter)

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