The queen's heir husband

Chapter 833 What to See in the Poor Man's Room

Chapter 833 What to See in the Poor Man's Room

When Gong Luya started to work, the marketing account sailors were all bought.

As a result, I got the news.

The money Gong Yueer earned was used to distribute equipment.

Just when Ji Jie walked into Gong Yue'er's room, the copy they made in advance had already been sent out.

Very timely.

The effect is also very good.

There is no time for anyone to exploit loopholes at all.

Because of Gong Yue'er's actions, she attracted a lot of fans.

They're all fans of the game though.

However, don't underestimate the degree of fan attraction of a game now, a game can become a game for all.

If you attract one-third of the players of a game, it is also a considerable number.

With these fans, you can hate the sky and the earth, and hate your home.

Gong Yueer's game skills are simply against the sky.

However, the premise is that this aunt must not do things behind her manager's back, that would be courting death.

Seeing those equipment sent out, my aunt's heart is bleeding.

The money is all RMB.

Those game fans even sent her a private message [Thank you, aunt, I love you. 】

All of a sudden, this turned out to be the content of Chaohua.

Just because of the rhythm of the equipment distribution, those fans of Gong Yue'er began to make rankings for the aunt.

Her super chat ranking rushed to the top ten.

For a female star who has no works, this is simply impossible, and such things are rare in the entertainment industry.

All of a sudden, those players who had received Gong Yue'er's equipment all quit the game and began to make rankings and statistics for their aunt.

Also spontaneously set up Gong Yueer's anti-gang station.

The webmaster is a super player in the game.

Gong Yue'er has developed smoothly in the entertainment industry.

Gong Luya began to panic more and more.

In this panic, they ushered in a new episode of variety show, the theme of this episode.

"The Star Comes Home. "

Gong Yueer and Gong Luya invited some celebrities to their home.

But now, they are filming in the crew, so they are invited to the hotel as guests and visit their rooms.

Their respective rooms can also reflect their daily living conditions.

After all, it's a few months.

The few female stars invited are all the recently popular florets in the entertainment industry.

Good looking and good figure.

However, there is a disadvantage that all of them are female stars that Gong Luya is familiar with.

Gong Yueer didn't know anyone.

The program team also considered this issue, so they allowed Gong Yue'er to bring an assistant.

The effect of the previous episode was very good, and the ratings of this episode were much better than the previous episode.

After all, many of the previous issues were attracted by those sky-high rewards.

As soon as the live broadcast started, Gong Yueer became a little transparent.

He didn't talk much, just followed them and listened to their boring topics.

[I saw that my aunt didn't respond, she was about to fall asleep. 】

[Is that how my aunt does the show?I'm not interested in jewelry at all. 】

[Haha, my aunt is super cute! 】


Many people became fans of Gong Yue'er once again, obviously she didn't do anything, she didn't show any expression.

But it's welcome.

People who like her like her crazy.

The first thing I visited was Gong Luya's room, which was magnificent as soon as I walked in.

European-style decoration, highlighting the gorgeous.

【Oh my god, sister Xiaoya, you are too rich.I like the clothes in your closet very much, but I have been reluctant to buy them. 】

[This necklace is also]

Everyone is envious and flattering Gong Luya. After all, her room is full of luxuries that women like.

"You don't need to go to Gong Yue'er's room, there's nothing to see anyway."

(End of this chapter)

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