The queen's heir husband

Chapter 848 Are They The Real CP?

Chapter 848 Are They The Real CP?

At this moment, Gong Yueer and You Yi are training in the Gobi Desert.

The desert, the lonely smoke, the Gobi desert, the setting sun reflected their faces red.

In the past, when she was still in the war group, Gong Yue'er cut her hair, just like a student's head, but now after entering the showbiz, she has long hair.

Now Gong Yueer is more and more beautiful.

That kind of beauty is a bit like fireworks in the world, it only takes one glance to enter people's hearts.

Even entertainment for women is straightforward.

Shocked by Gong Yue'er's beauty, for some reason, Gong Yue'er's face has not been cut, it is obviously pure and natural, but recently it has become more and more defined.

Everywhere is good, no frills.

You Yi and Gong Yue'er trained under the scorching sun for several days, crawling on the hot sand.

Under normal circumstances, the two of them should be tanned. Although they are not as dark as the people of a suzerain country, they are not much better.

But now, Gong Yue'er and You Yi not only did not have dark skin, but their skin got better.

White and rosy, pink, like a baby.

It's amazing.

Youyi was also surprised at the beginning, she didn't get tanned at all, could it be because the sunscreen that Yueyue gave her worked?
But in the past when they were training, the female players would put sunscreen on their bodies layer by layer, but it didn't work.

After a training session, you will get a tan once.

After a few training sessions, there is no need to even wear sunscreen, because it is already dark enough, and it won’t be too dark in the dark.

When Yueyue gave her sunscreen, You Yi didn't care at all.

But she couldn't refuse Yueyue's kindness, so she wiped her whole body with Yueyue every day.

The sunscreen has never been seen before, and it has a faint smell of traditional Chinese medicine, but even so, it still smells good.

You Yi didn't know that it was Gong Yue'er who used the space medicine to stop it, adding clear spring water to it.

In the past, Gong Yueer only put the clear spring water in the cafeteria for the whole battle group to drink. In the past few days, the clear spring water that Gong Yueer gave to Youyi has not been diluted.

With sunscreen and training as a cover, Gong Yueer did not feel any pressure at all.

Sitting on the ground, Gong Yueer connected to the satellite signal with her mobile phone.

Every day, she would receive a WeChat bombardment from that bastard from Bai Nachuan. Although she knew how to listen, she never replied.

At this moment, she also directed the loudspeaker as usual.

"Whoever cares, I care about Youyi, what's the matter?"

"I'm telling you, I've fallen in love with Youyi. You'd better not think about her, or my brother won't be able to do it."

Then came several Wechat messages from Bai Nachuan pleading.

The corners of Gong Yue'er's mouth widened as she listened, and there was a cold light in her eyes.

What the hell, Bai Erhuo, it's not a good idea to hit someone, but to hit her entertainment idea, what a face.

Be a little more courageous.

This wechat message made Gong Yueer feel like a young girl in my family, but it was anger.

Her family's cabbage was actually taken by the pig next door.

Fortunately, Gong Yue'er was far away in the Gobi Desert at this moment, otherwise she would have rushed over to beat Baina Chuan.

Suddenly, Gong Yueer realized something, and turned to look at Youyi nervously.


"you and him"

Gong Yue'er didn't notice that there was tension in her voice, and she didn't know what she was nervous about.

You Yi's expression was very indifferent, and he hummed lightly.

"no way!"

In an instant, Gong Yue'er felt an urge to burst out laughing, and her hanging heart finally let go.

(End of this chapter)

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