Chapter 859

Gong Yue'er was dragged around several times before Wen Wan gave up.

"Mom, I'm fine, really fine!"

With half-doubt in her gentle eyes, she sat down on the sofa next to her.

"It's okay, it's okay, why did you faint?"

"No, no, I'm still worried about Yueyue letting you outside. You pack up your things quickly and follow me back to Yanjing."

"Go back and make up for it. I can rest assured that it is under my nose."

After throwing away the halo of the first lady, the current Wen Wan is the most down-to-earth mother in the world.

Maybe some time ago, she still had some emotions towards Wen Wan, but with the passage of time, she now understands it and doesn't hold any resentment anymore.

warm heart,

"Mom, I'm really fine"

"Eat, drink and sleep!"

Wen Wan murmured for a long time before letting Gong Yueer go.

However, she insisted on letting Gong Yueer pack up her clothes, and she would not let it go until Gong Yueer followed her back to Yanjing.

One is already unreliable, that is, calling home and not seeing anyone for a long time.

If there is something wrong with the daughter-in-law here, what should I do?

When her heartless son disappeared, Qian reminded her to take good care of Yueyue.

If He Si came back and knew that her mother-in-law didn't take good care of her daughter-in-law, she would probably complain.

Wen Wan knew that He Si's disappearance should be related to your Excellency, so she didn't ask.

Now that the burden of the first lady has been relieved, and the position of the He family's mistress has been given to Gong Yueer, she should not take care of those things now.

But the daughter-in-law's affairs have to be taken care of.

Your Excellency hasn't said a word since entering the door, and let you be gentle.

In the past, Wen Wan still cared about your honor, never said anything, and never showed it.

But it's different now.

Wen Wan began to cheer up, and you were subdued by this wife.

After a long time, Wen Wan left the room to Gong Yueer and Your Excellency.

Wen Wan went to rest next door, and the room suddenly became much quieter.

At this time, the emotions on Gong Yue'er's face were also calmed down. When facing Wen Wan, she would still smile and call her mother softly.

But facing you, he is just you, not He Si's father.

Because in this man's mind, the country of Yan is the most important, and everything else is secondary.

Then they just treat your Excellency as your Excellency.

Gong Yue'er sat down on the sofa opposite your Excellency, and asked lightly: "Your Excellency, you should know where Fourth Master went?"

"I suspect that something happened to the fourth master. Can you help me find out the current location of the fourth master?"

"Or make a phone call and ask if fourth master is safe?"

As soon as Gong Yueer opened her mouth, she was straightforward, because there was no need to face your Excellency.

Your Excellency sat there upright, looking at Gong Yue'er with raised eyebrows.

The tone of voice is still soft, but without any emotion.


Suddenly Gong Yue'er became dumb, she didn't know how to answer Your Excellency, she couldn't say that she had a premonition that something happened to He Si.

In front of someone like your Excellency, such a sixth sense is absurd.

And she still can't say that she should have a telepathy with fourth master now, your daughter-in-law has special abilities, which are different from ordinary people.

Then the answer I got is that maybe you will send her to a mental hospital to see if there is a mental problem.

Gong Yue'er's sudden silence made Your Excellency a little bit more interested.

(End of this chapter)

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