The queen's heir husband

Chapter 875 I have caused a catastrophe, and I am doomed

Chapter 875 I have caused a catastrophe, and I am doomed

As soon as Gong Yueer opened her mouth, the one who was most annoyed was Bai Nachuan.

I was afraid that he was going to bid farewell to this world, how could he be willing to die if he hadn't caught up with You Yi.

Fortunately, it was just a fright.

Bai Nachuan was the first to strike, and then the members of the battle group and other subordinates began to hammer the two old things.

The bad old man is very bad, I'm afraid he bullies people a lot.

Let them pay back their capital with interest today.

"Smelly girl, you will die badly"

"Smelly girl, you have fallen into my hands, I will kill you"

"My family will never let you go"

The old man of the Gu Leng family scolded Gong Yue'er, and Bai Nachuan slapped him a few times.

"Learn what's wrong, learn to swear."


After the hammer exploded, everyone thought that Gong Yue'er would give them another anesthetic.

After all, if the effects of these two old things are over, they will definitely be a threat.

But at this moment, Gong Yue'er took out the scalpel.

Once the scalpel is shot, I have the world.

One strike kills, one strike saves.

Gong Yue'er went down a few times, but the two old men just kept silent
But anyone who is familiar with Gong Yue'er knows that she is not only good at shooting, but also with a scalpel.

She can do it without shedding blood.

After a few knives, she picked out the muscles and bones of the two old men's hands.

The ancient martial art pays attention to Qi transportation to the dantian, what if their dantian is destroyed?
After Gong Yue'er did this, she handed over the two old men to Bai Nachuan, and asked him to send someone to take the two old men to the Gu Leng Family and the Ye Mei Family.

If it were someone else, I wouldn't dare to do it.

But for this group of people who have eaten the hearts of bears and leopards, is there anything they dare not do?

Afterwards, the seriously injured two old men were sent to their respective Patriarchs.

This incident caused an uproar in Sanjiang Prefecture and caused an uproar.

Gong Yue'er also went to a nickname called Brother Xiao.

Her mother's code name is Xiaoniao, and now she continues this code name.

All of a sudden, Brother Xiao became famous in Sanjiang Prefecture.

Not a good name though.

It's more of ridicule and overreaching.

A pariah who came out of a slum, but led a group of mobs, and is also worthy of establishing a force in Sanjiang Prefecture?

Also worthy of being compared with the Gu Leng family and the Ye Mei family?

To say that she is arrogant is flattering her, and it should be more stupid.

Everyone is waiting to see the good show. It has been a long time since there has been such a jumping clown in Delta, but it can be relieved.

Offending the Yemei family will not end well.

Offending the Gu Leng family is even worse.

Brother Xiao is really good, he actually offended the people of the two families, that would be beyond redemption.

Compared to the outsiders watching a good show, Gong Yueer and the others didn't take it seriously at all.

I didn't take it to heart at all.

Everyone thought they must be trembling, maybe hiding in fear.

Who would have thought that they were so arrogant that everything would go on as usual.

It's just that as time went by, the expression on the little fox's face became more and more indifferent, even when he smiled, it didn't reach his eyes.

Fourth master has no news yet.

If there is no news for a day, she can't sleep for a day, and the emotion of fear arises spontaneously.

A day has passed, and the people from the two big families have not moved. Could it be that they are going to swallow their anger?
This is simply not possible.

That night, the Gu Leng family sent another person, this time with a respectful attitude.

"Girl, our patriarch is here to invite you"

(End of this chapter)

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