The queen's heir husband

Chapter 896 Master 4 finally waited for the little girl

Chapter 896 The fourth master finally waited for the little girl
But now, Gong Yueer understood.

In her world, fourth master is an irreplaceable existence, and fourth master is her heaven.

"Fourth Master, are you there?"

"Fourth Master, answer me, I miss you"
At this moment, He Si was sitting in the innermost part of the cave, his handsome face that was originally as sharp as a knife turned pale.

Breathing is also a little disturbed.

The whole person was extremely embarrassed.

"Fourth Master, Fourth Master, do you hear someone calling you?"

"Fourth Master, is there someone looking for us?"

He Si had his eyes closed at first, but when his subordinates called him, he opened them, and his eyes were extremely sharp.

Calculating the time, it was almost the time before they came here.

Nan Gongkuo and the others found that he had lost contact. They would not feel any abnormality in two or three days, but after a long time, they would definitely find something strange.

It's just that this place is very evil and remote.

It takes time for them to find this.

Ten days and a half months, or even longer.

They were also careless, and originally wanted to pass through this forest and enter the hinterland of the Gu Leng family without knowing it.

When the time comes, Tong Nangong Kuo and the others will cooperate internally and externally to annihilate the Gu Leng family in one fell swoop.

Unexpectedly, not long after I came in, it began to rain heavily.

He Si took a few people and hid in a cave.

But not long after they hid in, the mountain began to slide, blocking the entrance of the cave.

Their comm devices had no signal in the hole, not even Hoss' satellite phone.

Fortunately, there is another dark river at the entrance of this cave.

There is water.

It takes a little time in the dark river to catch some fish to satisfy their hunger, so the few of them will not starve to death.

But it has been exhausting for so long.

Fortunately, when He Si went out, Gong Yueer gave him a lot of undiluted mountain spring water. He drank it all the time, and his physical fitness was very strong.

Hoss' situation is the best.

One or two of the people below are dying. If no one comes to rescue them, they probably won't survive tomorrow.

He Si slapped that person lightly in his eyes.

"Well, I heard, someone is coming."

"hold onto"

In fact, He Si didn't hear any sound at all. The bodies of dying people are very weak, and they will have auditory hallucinations, which is normal.

The fourth master, who has a cold personality and never speaks too much, will lie to comfort his subordinates at this time.

This is a white lie.

I just want them to last for a while, even for an extra hour.

Maybe in the last few minutes, they will be rescued.

"Fourth master."

"Fourth Master, are you there?"

He Si heard Gong Yue'er's voice, and a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He was also hallucinating.

How could his little girl appear in this place? That girl is probably busy promoting her new video right now.

Before long, she'll be a grand slam performer.

Whatever this girl wants to do, as long as she is serious, she can always get twice the result with half the effort.

His girl!

He Si was trapped in this cave, and the most he did every day was to think about his little girl and their future.

He also often dreams of her.

So it's really normal to have auditory hallucinations.

His little girl didn't know if she had grown taller, and he didn't call and stare at her, and he didn't know if she ate meals on time.

What a careless girl.

However, at this moment, He Si saw a figure in bright yellow clothes walking towards him quickly.

Even if he didn't see the face, He Si knew only the figure, turned into ashes.

His little girl, his Yueyue?

Just like that, he came to him wearing stars and wearing moons.
(End of this chapter)

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