Chapter 943
Leng Lie's sympathy is sympathy for He Si, but there is absolutely no soft-heartedness.

It is also a happy thing to be tortured by Xiao Jiujiu of their Gu Leng family.

Many people can't even think about it.

Fourth Master's having this kind of blessing can be regarded as a blessing he cultivated in eight lifetimes.

Fourth master sat in his seat and watched them leave one by two, his face darkened instantly.

He has entered the cold company.

However, the little girl turned around and left like this, she was really heartless.

Fourth Master shook his head helplessly, got up and went back.

However, this was progress for fourth master.

In the next few days, fourth master will still take care of Leng Lie's company every day. Even if Leng Lie is not in the company, he will sit in his office for a while.

Seeing He Si, the front desk of the company just said hello and stopped blocking him.

On this day, He Si came to Lenglie's company as usual, and Lenglie went out to work.

When he returned to the company and saw fourth master, his eyes were extremely surprised.

He hesitated to speak several times.

Si Ye was sitting on the sofa, drinking the tea that Leng Lie had found somewhere, feeling extremely lazy.

Seeing Leng Lie walk in, he also looked nonchalant.

In today's situation, He Si is still so calm, which makes Leng Lie feel a little admiration in his heart.

Same man.

Leng Lie's achievements in Gu Leng's family are obvious to all.

There are not many people in this world that he admires, and even fewer people can make him treat him differently.

But now fourth master has caught his eyes.

"Are you not flustered?"

He Si looked up at Leng Lie, and asked indifferently, "Why are you flustered?"

"You do not know?"

Fourth Master was even more confused, not knowing what Leng Lie was talking about.

Seeing Si Ye's reaction, Leng Lie immediately knew that He Si didn't know about it. According to He Si's power in the delta, how could he not know about such a big matter.

Was it deliberately concealed?

Seeing the inscrutable look on Leng Lie's face, Fourth Master had a bad premonition.

He put down the teacup in his hand and stood up.

"I'm leaving"

There must be something wrong with his little girl, and Leng Lie would not have such an attitude.

And it's not good for him.

Just as He Si walked to the door, a cold voice sounded.

"The young master of the Yemei family went to the Gu Leng family to propose marriage with a dowry gift."

"If you don't go, Xiao Jiujiu will marry someone else."


He Si stopped in his tracks, his back stiffened instantly.

The blind date has stopped, and now a person came directly to propose marriage.

The young master of the Yemei family, a masked man with a strange aura.

Wearing a half-face mask, revealing half of the face, it looks feminine, but evil.

This man is ruthless and cruel, and he has no lower limit.

After Si Ye came to the delta, he had confronted this man. This man's strength was astonishing. If it wasn't for the full moon night, he couldn't have escaped from him.

This man is so evil.

In Delta, every month on the [-]th night, members of the Mei family will send a woman into his room.

But later, those women disappeared without a trace.

This man is dangerous.

He Si didn't expect that it was such a charming man who would have an idea of ​​his little girl.

I just don't want to live anymore.

In the delta, the fourth master's influence is already very strong, and the little girl has also recognized her ancestors, so the fourth master does not intend to cause trouble.

But it's another matter if someone doesn't make him feel better.

(End of this chapter)

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