Chapter 95
Both of them froze, He Si's back froze, and he looked at the enlarged face with shock in his eyes.

Because of drinking, the coldness in Gong Yue'er's eyes had already faded completely.

Those eyes, like the bright starry sky, stared straight at He Si.

Let his brain have no time to think.

The next moment, Gong Yue'er curled her lips into a smile, that smile was very sweet, with a bit of joy.

Taking advantage of He Si's inattention, she actively covered it.

With a provocative smile on his face.

"Well, it tastes alright."

While whispering, she repeated a set of movements.

Gong Yue'er didn't realize that her series of anomalies were just angering a sleeping leopard.

He Si became more and more stiff, and he wanted to push Gong Yueer away.

But he didn't have such strength, his mind went blank.

Accompanied by Gong Yue'er's movements, his hands clenched into fists, and his veins exploded.


Gong Yue'er's murmured words fell into his ears, and he knew very well that the woman who lit the fire in front of him simply regarded him as a delicacy.


When this word flashed through He Si's mind, his eyes became deeper and deeper.

He actually thought of this wonderful word.

The fury made his body temperature start to heat up.

When he came back to his senses, He Si wished he could throw the culprit down the hillside.

But for some reason, he hugged him even tighter like a ghost, and he couldn't bear to do it at all.

The heart is extremely soft.

Who would have thought that this woman would get worse and worse, like this for a while, then like that for a while.

Treating his ear as a toy, pulling it wantonly, it hurt so much that he wanted to hit someone.


He Si was furious, but he could only let the little man in his arms do whatever he wanted.

He didn't even dare to move, he was afraid he couldn't help it.

The self-control he was so proud of was useless at this moment, all the cells in his body were clamoring.

This damn woman.Being drunk turned out to be such a virtue that made people want to beat her up.

He wants to resist.

He Si couldn't help but swear, how could it be possible for a drunk woman to pull his ears at will.

He is a man.

Such a thing will never be tolerated.

After the words fell, he seized the initiative.

He Si squeezed Gong Yue'er's face with his hands.


It feels like a plush toy, which makes people a little bit fond of it.

Gong Yue'er stretched out her hand and ruthlessly pushed away the strong man in front of her.

Sitting down on the side, breathing in fresh air with big gulps.

"Hey, did I get food poisoning?"

"Why is it difficult to breathe?"

At this moment, Gong Yue'er was so drunk that she didn't notice the complicated look on He Si's side.

Gong Yue'er has a boyfriend whom he has been with for several years, he knows it all too well.

Although they didn't have much contact with each other, every move of this fiancée over the years will be heard by his ears intentionally or unintentionally.

Her reaction was not like the reaction of having a boyfriend at all.

Not even the time to exhale and breathe.

Is it?

Thinking of this, He Si's heart throbbed.

He was secretly delighted.

Such emotions were so unfamiliar that he was a little at a loss.

He really likes her?

He tried his best to suppress this strange feeling, and then his eyes turned cold.

For more than 20 years, he has never had a special affection for any woman.

As the head of the eight major families in Yanjing, the He family has an extraordinary status.

As the first heir, he cannot do without women.

(End of this chapter)

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