
Chapter 38 The Covenant

Chapter 38 The Covenant
"Gujun Shangshen, and Xiajun Qingmu, I am willing to use my body as a betrothal to marry Houchi Shangshen, and I hope Gujun Shangshen will agree."

With the same sentence, the clear and uncompromising voice rang three times, each time becoming more firm and persistent.

Before the immortals recovered from the shocking ninety-nine thunder calamity, a more shocking scene had already occurred.

The Qingmu Shenjun with a solemn expression, the slightly dazed Houchi Shangshen, the mournful Princess Jing Zhao, the unbelievable Emperor and Queen of Heaven... and the Gu Jun Shangshen with a rather wonderful expression.

Although Shangjun Qingmu, who has experienced the Nine Heavens Profound Thunder, has not yet been promoted to the Supreme God, his terrifying power still scares everyone. As the immortal monarch most likely to become the fifth Supreme God in the ancient world, his Asking to marry, I don't know if Gu Jun Shangshen will agree?

It is not just the people in the Heavenly Palace who are within a hundred meters waiting for a response. In the void not far away, the man in white is leaning on the throne formed by the condensed purple light. The corners of his eyes outline a dangerous dark light, and he rests his chin. Watching this scene fixedly, he tapped with his left hand in a circle, expressionless.

It was strangely quiet, and after the quiet, anxiety slowly flowed. Everyone quietly glanced at Gu Jun Shangshen, who had all kinds of colors on his face, and slowed down his breathing wisely.

Well, although Qingmu Shangjun's deep affection moved the world and moved them deeply, but now, everyone can see that Gujun Shangshen, who protects the calf and cares about his daughter, is upset, and they don't want to rush forward As cannon fodder, it's better to shine a little bit.

Under the extreme silence, Houchi was stunned for a long time, and then he suddenly looked up at Qingmu as if he had come to his senses.

The young man lowered his head obstinately, and performed the ancient salute. He was wearing a dark red robe that was particularly eye-catching, as hot as a flame.

She hooked the corners of her mouth, narrowed her eyes slightly, and closed her hands slightly at her waist.

Taking your body as a job, Qing Mu, you are arrogant.With the character of the old man, it is strange that he would agree to you easily.Even though she was thinking this way, her eyes were still stained with a faint expectation, and she slowly raised her eyes to look at Gu Jun Shangshen who was already sitting in mid-air.

"Ask to marry Houchi? Qingmu..." Gujun Shangshen put on airs, expressionless, and said: "Why do you think that this gentleman will agree to you? Just because you have survived the ninety-nine thunder disasters?"

As if expecting that Gujun Shangshen would say this, Qing Mu put his hands down from his shoulders, looked at Gu Junshangshen firmly, and said: "Qing Mu swears to the sky, I will, within one day, within these three realms, In the Kyushu, if a god hurts her, I will kill the god, if a demon insults her, I will kill the demon, if you break this oath, all demons will be addicted to their hearts in the future, and their souls will be scattered."

Qing Mu's eyes were too determined and resolute, Gu Jun Shangshen was slightly taken aback, saw his daughter's secretly expecting and slightly shocked expression, sighed secretly, and his eyes became serious.

"Qingmu, since you are willing to suffer from the Nine Heavens Profound Thunder for Houchi, I will not make things difficult for you."

As soon as Gu Jun Shangshen said these words, Qingmu's eyes flashed with surprise, and he raised his eyes to look at Gu Junshangshen, but Hou Chi gave Gu Junshangshen a weird look, and touched his chin, as if he was not happy. Believe that he agreed so easily.

Gujun Shangshen swept the expressions of the two of them, put his hands behind his back, and said: "Although I don't intervene in the battle between immortals and demons, Qingchi Palace is located in the fairy world, and the two worlds are hostile. Sooner or later, war will break out and spread to the Qing Dynasty. Chi Gong, I want you to stay at the junction of fairy and demon for a hundred years to quell the war. If you can do it, no matter what the situation is in the two worlds of fairy and demon today, I will not stop you from getting married with Hou Chi. "

It was expected, but it was unexpected. Everyone knew that his precious daughter, the Gujun Shangshen, would not agree easily, but no one thought that he would put forward such a condition. For Xianjun, a hundred years is really not a long time. , just stationed at the intersection of the two worlds to quell the war, but it is not a simple matter.

Could it be that Gujun Shangshen wanted to use this to test the ability of his son-in-law? It's really not a good thing...

There was a slight fluctuation in the void not far away, but it was fleeting.

Qingmu and Houchi were also taken aback by these inexplicable conditions. Qingmu frowned, turned his head to look at Houchi behind him, and nodded: "I promise, I will definitely guard the two worlds." , the two clans will not be allowed to go to war for a hundred years."

"That's good." Gu Jun Shangshen nodded, his dignified expression instantly became joyful, and suddenly flew down from mid-air, landed beside Houchi, licked his face and said, "Girl, what do you think of my idea? If you stay elsewhere, you won't have time to disturb our father-daughter reunion, Father God has learned a lot of human skills, let's go, go back to Qingchi Palace, Father God will make you some delicious food."

Houchi twitched the corners of his mouth, and impatiently pushed away the smiling chrysanthemum-like face that was too close: "Qingmu and I have something to do, you go back to Qingchi Palace and wait for me."

Gu Jun Shangshen wrinkled his smiling face, hung his head, and said with tears in his eyes, "Girl, you don't like daddy anymore, where are you going with this brat!"

This frail figure with deep hatred and bitterness was too unsightly. Everyone turned around, and after thinking to themselves, "This is definitely not the ancient Lord Shangshen", they silently lowered their heads, watching the clean ground vigorously purify. looking at his own eyeballs.

Even the Emperor of Heaven and the Queen of Heaven flicked their robes and looked at him very unkindly.

The person who was called the 'stinky boy' still had a smile on his face, as if he didn't care about anything since Gujun Shangshen agreed to his marriage just now, and the whole world was so sunny.

"Let's go back to Mount Wangwang." Xu Shi's smiling face was too bright, Houchi's expression froze, he snorted, and waved his hand, not bothering to ignore Gujun Shangshen's pretending to be crazy, and flew out of Tiangong.

Gu Jun Shangshen was stunned for a moment, scratched his head, looked at Fengran who was beside him, and said, "What's going on, when did our house become that Gui Laozi's Lookout Mountain?"

"There are so many things you don't know!" Fengran gave him a cool look, pointed at Qingmu, and winked at him: "Your daughter is getting angry from embarrassment, Qingmu Shangjun, hurry up .”

Qing Mu paused, then chased after him with a smile all over his face.Feng Ran curled her lips, glanced at the ugly Jing Zhao, and followed him calmly.

Jing Zhao's expression darkened, his body moved and then stopped, this action fell into the eyes of the Emperor of Heaven, which made him even more angry.

Gujun Shangshen was about to leave, but he didn't know what he thought of. He turned his head to the Heavenly Emperor and said, "Twilight, in a month at most, I will let Qingmu go to the fairy enchantment. He has been guarding the two realms for a hundred years. It can be regarded as my return of favor to you, if there is nothing to do in the future, it is best not to meet each other."

"Jing Jian, bring Jing Zhao back to the Suoxian Pagoda, and he is not allowed to step out of the pagoda for a hundred years, otherwise he will be punished."

The Emperor of Heaven's face was gloomy, and he didn't agree or reject Gujun Shangshen, he just gave an order to Jingjian, flicked his sleeves, and disappeared into the eyes of everyone together with Tianhou whose expression changed drastically.

Jing Zhao's face was full of shock, Jing Jian made a 'no', knowing that his father must be furious, he sighed at Jing Zhao, and also disappeared the fairy trace.

Gu Jun Shangshen didn't care about them, he hummed a little tune, swayed on the cloud with a figure-of-eight step, but glanced at the void not far away, his expression froze, and he headed towards the Wangwang Mountain.

A thunder catastrophe ended safely, not only the ancient emperor Shangshen who had disappeared for thousands of years reappeared, even the fact that Hou Chishangshang was not a queen was also implicated, but these are still not as good as this thousand-year marriage proposal shocked.

Looking at the disappearing protagonist, all the immortals, who were satisfied with watching, pursed their mouths and headed towards their own fairy mountains. For a moment, the fairy robes fluttered, and the heavenly palace was full of waves.

"Hey, I've been discovered! It seems that Gu Jun's divine power is far superior to Twilight and Wu Huan's." The man in white put one leg on the throne, and brushed a strand of black hair loose on his chest. There is a smile on his face.

"My lord, Gu Jun is also a god, not to mention he was promoted after the Emperor of Heaven and the Empress of Heaven, how could there be such a big difference in strength?" A puzzled voice came from the side.

"That's why it's interesting...he suddenly appeared in the Three Realms, suddenly became a god, and even surpassed Twilight and Wu Huan with divine beasts. Don't you think...he is very interesting?"

"My lord, now that Qingmu has passed the Nine Heavens Profound Thunder, his spiritual power has greatly increased. Sooner or later, he will...besides you, there may be no opponent in the demon world. If he guards the junction for a hundred years, it will not ruin our great affairs. More What's more, a hundred years later will be his wedding with God Houchi, you..."

The man in purple at the side ignored the admiration from the man in white, and lowered his head with a serious expression on his face.I don't know whether it's because Ji Qingmu hindered the dispute between the two worlds, or because he was resentful about their marriage.

"Zihan, what's the rush? The Shangjun is not a Shangshen. I want to see what this Gujun is trying to sell. As for Qingmu's desire to marry Houchi..." He raised his eyes slightly, looked at Houchi and disappeared direction, muttered: "Unless... I die again."

Accompanied by the hostile voice disappearing into the air, the two people in nothingness slowly disappeared without leaving a trace.

In the depths of the Heavenly Palace, the Queen of Heaven looked at the Emperor of Heaven with cold eyes, and said angrily, "Twilight, how could you let Gu Jun and the others leave so easily, and let Jing Zhao suffer the punishment of locking the Immortal Pagoda for a hundred years!"

"Wu Huan." The Emperor of Heaven glanced at her indifferently, with a disappointed expression on his face: "Gu Jun and Hou Chi are among the gods and are on the same level as us. Qing Mu and Feng Ran have never violated the laws of my fairy world. Why should I keep them here?" ? Jing Zhaogui is a princess, but she has an arrogant temper. A hundred years of punishment is nothing more than tempering her mind. Although you are a mother, you are also a dignified queen, how can you treat the laws of the three realms as nothing?"

Tianhou's expression froze, as if she couldn't believe that the Emperor of Heaven would accuse her. Seeing the indifference on the Emperor's face, she suddenly panicked, and said with a wooden face, "You have treasured Jing Zhao for tens of thousands of years, so I don't believe you have the heart?"

"I can't bear to just hurt her, do you think the Three Realms will be safe in the future?" The Emperor of Heaven looked solemn, and put his hands behind his back.

"What do you mean?"

"Qingmu has endured ninety-nine times of mysterious thunder disasters, but he still hasn't been promoted to the Supreme God. Are you not surprised at all?"

"You mean..."

"The more powerful the mysterious thunder disaster he endured, the deeper the spiritual power gathered in his body. I dare to say that he will definitely be ranked as a god, and his divine power may even be higher than us. At that time, He and Gu Jun will definitely join forces, and the check and balance of the Three Realms is broken, do you think there will be peace? If Jing Zhao still has such a temper, in the future even we will not be able to keep her."

The Queen of Heaven frowned slightly, looking at the heavy-faced Emperor of Heaven, a trace of regret began to appear in her eyes, and she stopped talking.

If she knew that Qingmu would take advantage of this catastrophe of profound thunder to gain the supernatural power to become a god, she would definitely not force him to take out the dragon pill, nor...but now, it is too late.

When she looked back, the Heavenly Emperor also turned his head, his face was indifferent, but his expression was sad.

Even if I have to suffer from guilt for tens of thousands of years, Wu Huan, you never told me that you have nothing to do with Gu Jun, right?

Looking at the mountains, in front of the cabin.

Dahei looked at the returning crowd, ran up and down in the bamboo forest with joy, and looked at the old man outside the fence with disdain, and hummed 'puchipuchi'.

Houchi automatically ignored Qingmu, who was following carefully behind him, pointed at a row of wooden houses and fences, and said to Gu Jun, who was blocked outside, "Old man, I planted every plant and tree here." , the house was also built by Qing Mu himself, if you want to come in, fine, build the house yourself, remember, you are not allowed to use celestial power!"

"My dear girl, aren't you not angry with your father?" Gu Jun looked at the back pool with displeasure, grasping the fence with both hands, dangling his shriveled body on it, his face full of grievances.

"I don't care about you leaving me alone in Qingchi Palace for Wannian." Houchi bit the word 'Wannian' very hard, clapped his hands, and with a wave of his hand, a wooden deck chair appeared in the yard , and lay down: "But, I'm really concerned that you let Tianhou bear the name of my mother for tens of thousands of years. This is much more serious than you leaving me in Qingchi Palace."

Hearing the three words 'tens of thousands of years' that was bitten by Houchi again, Gujun Shangshen blinked pitifully, looked at the expressionless precious girl, turned his head, and looked at the prospective son-in-law : "Stinky boy, hurry up and find a way to let me in, or you will stay in that ghost place for 200 years and come back."

Seeing that this nominally respected Shangshen did not have the virtue of 'keeping promises' at all, Qing Mu's expression became serious, and he deeply felt that the road to marriage is long, and it is even more difficult to please his father-in-law, but he still sent an extremely fast Chaogu Jun Shangshen With a wink at An Xin, he bent down, took out something from his arms, and took out something and handed it to Houchi.

His movements were weird, and Fengran and Gujun Shangshen looked even weirder when they saw what he took out. Hou Chi lazily lowered his head under the suffocating atmosphere, and also stopped immediately.

In the slender and clean hands in front of her, she was holding a slippery egg with extreme care and flattery. If it weren't for the faint intertwining of gold and silver light on the egg, she could almost think that this fist-sized thing was definitely just an ordinary egg. That's all.

"What is this?" She raised her head in a daze, looked at Qing Mu in a daze, and asked in a daze.

"Ours." The young man said with a smile and a benevolent face.

(End of this chapter)

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