
Chapter 4 Confrontation

Chapter 4 Confrontation
Ziyuan Shangjun's voice is not small, and these words really make people feel mean and unreasonable, the lively lobby suddenly quiets down, and all the immortals follow Ziyuan Shangjun's sight and look towards the entrance of the lobby, all of them are together. Leng.

Among the crowd of little fairies, Fengran in the red dress and long robe stood out from the crowd, coupled with her flamboyant demeanor, she looked as cold as ice, and many fairy monarchs subconsciously took a few steps away from her.

According to Ziyuan Shangjun's words, this female fairy is clearly a Shangjun, but is there any female Shangjun in the Three Realms who is so difficult to get along with and has a strong evil spirit?
Although Fengran's evil name is known in the three realms, she has not been out of the Qingchi Palace for ten thousand years, and no one knows her face except the lords who fought against her back then. The other immortals are not as fond of fame and wealth as Ziyuan, so there is only Ziyuan, a superior, in the hall.

When Fengran was halfway up the mountain, she found that the people who rode up with her on the cloud were all Xiaoxians, and then realized that she was being teased by that little boy last night. , but Zi Yuan's eyes were full of resentment.

"Even Lord Ziyuan is willing to suffer and suffer in the mortal world, how can I, Fengran, enjoy eternal life alone with mere mortals!" Divide ruffian.

These words are really interesting, the meaning of "you don't die first, I swear you can't go first" is extremely obvious, and it is a female fairy who said this, the immortals heard it funny, and they couldn't help laughing.

But after chewing on the meaning of these words, all the immortals looked at the majestic Fengran, and there was a bit of inconceivable expression in their eyes. The Shangjun who wiped out tens of thousands of immortals and demons with his own power ten thousand years ago Fengran has always been rumored by the outside world to be as horrifying as a god descending into the world, but he never thought that she would be such a refined beauty. Seeing her looking at Jun Feng on the purple wall, her face was full of evil spirits, and she was tall and slender. The posture suddenly captured the heroic aura that ordinary female immortals can't match, and the immortals unconsciously showed admiration.

Among the female lords, except for Princess Jing Zhao, it is hard for anyone to be able to match her appearance and spirit!

Sensing the tense atmosphere between the two, everyone secretly sighed that the rumors were true. This Fengran Shangjun and Ziyuan Shangjun really have a lot of hatred, even if it takes ten thousand years, it will be difficult to wipe it off.

Ziyuan has always been used to running rampant in the fairy world, and he is also an arrogant lord. Seeing the immortals admiring Fengran's face, his eyes sank fiercely.

"Feng Ran, what are you doing out here if you're not hiding in Qingchi Palace? No one outside can protect you!" Zi Yuan snorted, with a haughty look on his face.

The immortals in the hall looked at each other, although they usually knew that Lord Ziyuan was arrogant and arrogant, but he didn't think that he would even dare to provoke Qingchi Palace openly even though he didn't pay attention to the ancient Lord God.

"This lord is not as protective as you are. I can't go anywhere on the ground of the Three Realms, but you, Zi Yuan, when I saw you ten thousand years ago, you were just a lord, and now you are among the lords. Seriously!" Congratulations, but... I don't know if there are still those elixirs in Jingyang's collection, and if there is enough for you to use alone!"

Feng Ran put her hands behind her back and walked towards the hall, walking leisurely, with undisguised sarcasm in her eyes.

Ziyuan has never had any talent in his cultivation. At the beginning, by chance, he saved His Majesty Jingyang from the Heaven Realm. He got a lot of precious elixir to improve his spiritual power. Only then did he have the immortal power of Shangjun, but he was the last one among Shangjun. Usually he is not favored by other superiors, and the friendship with the immortals is only for face.

But he has always been extremely proud of his position as the superior, now seeing the disdain in the eyes of the immortals because of Fengran's words, he suddenly became angry and shouted: "Fengran, you..."

Halfway through the conversation, he couldn't continue, and his face turned red.He had never been very popular, and the people who bothered to make friends with him just now were just little fairies, so of course he didn't want to offend Fengran, who had the peak strength of Shangjun, and no one spoke for him for a while, and the scene froze immediately.

And the two immortals behind him didn't know why since Fengran came in, they were a little distracted, so they didn't comfort Zi Yuan as usual, and stood aside.

Just like this, Fengran has already walked in front of Ziyuan, wearing a deep red robe with inexplicable fortitude on his body, and his expression is solemn and solemn: "Ziyuan, the revenge of a sword back then, I have been fighting for thousands of years!" Don't dare to forget, if there is a chance in the future, I will definitely repay you twice."

Zi Yuan was startled by the lone wolf-like eyes of the woman in front of him, and took two steps back, the terrifying memories that had been buried deep in his soul suddenly emerged.

Back then in Yuanling Swamp, Feng Ran, who was soaked in blood all over his body, was seriously injured and could kill the third prince of the Yao clan. If he hadn't arrived just in time to sacrifice the immortal sword in the dark, he might not have been able to save the dying Jingyang. If so, he also suffered from Fengran's palm and managed to escape after destroying his foundation for a hundred years. At that time, Fengran was not yet a Shangjun, but he was as terrifying and difficult to deal with as a demon god, let alone today.

Seeing the undisguised fear on Ziyuan's face, all the immortals in the lobby had sneering expressions on their faces, as if they couldn't believe that the dignified Lord was so weak and deceitful, amidst the silence of embarrassment, they smiled elegantly and peacefully The voice suddenly sounded in the back hall.

"Fengran Shangjun has never been out of Qingchi Palace for thousands of years. This time, when he came to Daze Mountain, Donghua was disappointed." Donghua Shangjun in a blue Confucian robe appeared at the entrance of the inner hall, with white hair and long beard , with a calm demeanor, with the wisdom and understanding of an elder.

Donghua is the oldest Shangjun in the Three Realms. As soon as he appeared and joked, the stagnant atmosphere just now loosened a lot. Even Fengran remembered Houchi's words, and waved his hands to say he didn't dare.

A group of Shangjun appeared in the lobby after Donghua. Although they were not close to Fengran, they looked at her with curiosity and approval.Donghua Shangjun even left all the guests behind to discuss with her the technique of building a foundation with spiritual power.All the immortals know that Donghua Shangjun is addicted to immortal arts, so it is not surprising that he behaved like this.

As a result, Zi Yuan seemed to have been deliberately left out, his face changed a few times, he raised his eyes and inadvertently glanced at the Wuxuwuwu standing behind him, remembering the congratulatory gift, his eyes flickered with joy, and looked at Several lords in the hall coughed heavily.

"Donghua Shangjun, I have experienced something recently, and I really can't get rid of my resentment. Today is your old birthday party. I shouldn't say it to spoil the fun, but the old Shangjun has always been highly respected. I hope you can comment on the truth."

While talking, Zi Yuan bowed to Lord Donghua with a very solemn look.Everyone was stunned, and looked up at him. Donghua Shangjun frowned invisibly, looked at Fengran with a little regret, turned around and said loudly: "The old man never asks about the affairs of the fairy world. If Shangjun encounters injustice, just go and listen to it."

Hearing the evasion in Donghua's words, Zi Yuan hastily waved his hands and said: "Sir, it's about the monster clan, how can you just let things go hastily?"

Although the two clans of immortals and demons have ceased fighting for thousands of years, most of the immortals in the hall have a deep hatred with the demons. As soon as Ziyuan said something, it made all the immortals look dignified.

Donghua Shangjun saw that Ziyuan said something serious, and said in a convincing way: "If it is related to the monster clan, of course it is a different matter. Ziyuan Shangjun, you might as well talk about it, what is so important?"

Seeing that all the immortals were serious, Ziyuan only had Fengran's expression indifferent, and a dark light of unknown meaning flashed across his eyes, and immediately straightened his expression and shouted angrily: "My lords, Fengran colluded with the demon clan and wanted to attack my fairy world." Bad."

As he spoke, he pointed at Feng Ran, his face full of righteousness and awe, but he didn't see the two Wuxu standing behind him suddenly turned pale.

"Master Ziyuan, do you have evidence?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Shangjun asked bluntly, with disbelief on his expression.Everyone knows that Ziyuan and Fengran have a deep hatred, so what he said will be greatly discounted. Besides, Fengran is now under the protection of Qingchi Palace, and has a big enmity with the demon world, so why would he collude with the demon clan?

"Of course." Seeing that everyone didn't believe it, Zi Yuan raised his hand and waved it back: "Master Donghua, I, Zi Yuan, am I a person who talks nonsense. Wuxu and Wuwang met the demon clan in Qilian Mountain a few days ago. Injured by the Yaozu, even the coral tree I wanted to give to Shangjun was taken away together. Qilian Mountain is under the jurisdiction of Fengran, without her permission, how could the Yaozu enter?"

The immortals were stunned for a moment, and looked up at Feng Ran, colluding with the monster clan, this is a serious crime!Even with the blessing of Gujun Shangshen, the Nine Heavens Thunder Punishment is unavoidable.

Feng Ran raised her eyebrows, and seeing Zi Yuan's proud face, she sighed and said, "Zi Yuan, this is not a trivial matter, are you going to force me to confess my guilt just because of the one-sided words of the two people behind you?"

Seeing Fengran showing weakness, Ziyuan smiled triumphantly, pulled Wuwang from behind and pointed at him: "Fengran, don't make excuses, there are wounds on Wuwang's body that were injured by the demon clan as evidence."

Seeing all the lords looking at him with burning eyes, Wu Wang wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, his expression was anxious, and he didn't say a word.

All the immortals sensed that something was wrong, only Zi Yuan was complacent, Donghua Shangjun saw something was wrong, sighed secretly and was about to speak, but was interrupted by Feng Ran.

With a sound of '噗嗤', Feng Ran put his hands behind his back, with a bit of sarcasm: "Zi Yuan, your cultivation of immortality these years is really in vain, thanks to the fact that you are still in the rank of Shangjun, the wound on Wuwang's body is obviously immortal. I was hurt by the law, and you still use this to slander me?"

Zi Yuan was taken aback, and when Donghua Shangjun frowned and kept silent, he knew that Fengran's words were not bad, and his face immediately turned into a pig's color, and he turned around and shouted angrily: "Wuxu, what's going on? ?”

In fact, it is no wonder that Ziyuan, if he does not have the peak strength of Shangjun like Fengran and Donghua, it is indeed difficult to see it. If he is not in a hurry to take revenge on Fengran, he may be able to see the clue.

Wuxu and Wuwang knelt down on the ground, with anxious expressions on their faces, they couldn't utter a complete sentence after teasing for a long time, they just kept shouting 'Shangjun forgive your sins. '

"Let me tell you. A few days ago, the fairy boy of Qingchi Palace found someone intruding. After searching all over, he did not find the intruder, but he found a coral tree in Huajing Pool. I am still wondering how Some people are so daring, dare to break into the enchantment clothed by the gods of the ancient king, and today I know that it is the property of the Lord Ziyuan..."

Fengran took out a coral tree from the Qiankun bag and put it on the ground while talking, with sneering eyes: "Master Ziyuan, you keep saying that I colluded with the demon clan, and you are treasonous, now you allow your subordinates to enter the Qingchi Palace, what should you do?" ?”

Zi Yuan's face turned pale, and suddenly remembered what happened to that dragon back then, gritted his teeth and hummed: "The two of them entered the Qingchi Palace without authorization, you just deal with it, what have you got to do with me?"

Even if His Royal Highness Jingyang was protecting him, the Heavenly Emperor would not allow the dignity of the God of God to be offended lightly, so Zi Yuankao didn't think about it, and directly responded to Fengran.

The two Wuxu Wuwang knelt down on the ground, their faces were pale, and they looked at Zi Yuan with a bit of disbelief in their eyes.

Feng Ran seemed to have known that Zi Yuan would say such a thing a long time ago, so he sneered and didn't bother to talk to him anymore, turned around and looked out of the hall with a flick of his sleeves.

The immortals were surprised to see that Ziyuan didn't take the lives of his subordinates so seriously, and many superiors looked at Ziyuan with contempt on their faces.

Seeing the stagnant atmosphere in the Donghua Shangjun Hall, he sighed, knowing that the birthday banquet was probably broken up unhappily, and was about to smooth things over, when he heard a sudden phoenix cry from outside the mountain, he couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

"Shangjun Donghua, Jingjian came here to celebrate his birthday in the name of his father, and wish the old lord a blessing like the East China Sea and a longevity like the Nanshan Mountain." However, a sentence that fit the occasion was uttered by the visitor with a warm and warm feeling, which made him feel warm and happy. People are like spring breeze.

When the immortals in the hall heard this, they hurried out, Jing Jian is the second son of the Emperor of Heaven, and now he is celebrating the birthday of the Emperor of Heaven, so he is of an extraordinary status.

Seeing the terrified faces of all the guests, Fengran curled her lips and followed her outside, she carelessly flicked her sleeves, her eyes glowed with joy.

Fortunately, Houchi hadn't gone up the mountain yet, otherwise, if he met Jing Jian, the son of the Emperor of Heaven, he really didn't know what would happen!
On the empty stage outside the fairy mansion, a young man wearing a crown jade and wearing a boa robe stepped down from a blue phoenix. Seeing the fairies greet him, he said with a smile: "Jing Jian is really terrified to let all the fairies welcome you."

As he spoke, he handed a green brocade box to Donghua Shangjun: "This is a spiritual herb that Jingjian found in Ji'an Mountain a few months ago. Hey, I hope it helps."

Donghua Shangjun wanted to push each other, but when he heard this, his face showed a bit of joy, knowing that Jingjian had decided to take the extraordinary product, he was not polite, and said gratefully: "The base of the villain is weak, Your Highness Lao Er has troubled you. "

The immortals couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional when they heard Donghua Shangjun's words. Xianshan Xianshan is the first disciple of Donghua Shangjun. He is upright and fair, and he is very popular in the fairy world. It was almost annihilated. Thanks to Donghua Shangjun who has been using elixir to protect his origin, he escaped the catastrophe. Now he has practiced for tens of thousands of years to usher in the catastrophe again, but the immortal power is not as good as before, and the catastrophe is a disaster At least, this incident became Shangjun Donghua's heart disease.

"Jing Jian was entrusted by his father, so you don't have to worry about it." Jing Jian smiled, with an elegant and calm demeanor.

Standing behind the immortals, Fengran squinted her eyes and looked carefully, and snorted nonchalantly. The whole family of the Emperor of Heaven is so virtuous, and they are used to attracting people's hearts. This Jing Jian is much more pleasing to the eye than his elder brother Jing Jing's arrogant look.

As if remembering the hatred of those years, Feng Ran stared at Jing Jian with burning eyes.

The person being watched seemed to have sensed something, looked this way with a little doubt, and saw Fengran raised his eyebrows and looked at him with disdain, was slightly startled, and after a little hesitation, he smiled at Fengran, his eyes flickered. There was a hint of unexplained curiosity.

This female fairy is really a big evil spirit!

"Second Highness, the Phoenix family has always been extremely proud. I never thought you would be able to subdue it. Your Highness is really good!" Untimely praise suddenly sounded, and Zi Yuan passed the crowd, stepped forward and smiled, and looked in Feng Ran's direction look.

Fengran's body is the fire phoenix, and all the immortals knew that Ziyuan was deliberately humiliating Fengran, so they all shut their mouths tightly so as not to suffer disaster.

Jing Jian was obviously displeased when he heard this, but seeing that the person who spoke was Zi Yuan who was on good terms with his elder brother, he could only purse his lips and smile, and seeing everyone's gazes on the very evil female fairy just now, he asked curiously Said: "My fellow immortals, is this immortal...?"

"Second Highness, this is Lord Feng Ranshang from Qingchi Palace." Zi Yuan immediately moved to Jing Jian's side, seeing that Jing Jian's face was strange because of these words, he hurriedly answered another sentence: "Feng Ranshang You have such a big heart, you don’t talk about it uninvited, just now you have to attack me!"

(End of this chapter)

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