
Chapter 51 Prelude

Chapter 51 Prelude
The hidden mountain is very quiet, as cold as usual for a hundred years.

Baili Qinchuan walked into the bamboo workshop with the egg in his arms, and saw the figure with his eyes closed and meditating in front of the desk. Eyes opened, stopped.

Those eyes were deep and cold, with a little bit of blankness between them. In a hundred years, he had never seen Houchi like this before. He paused, walked up to the front and softly called: "Master."

Houchi came back to his senses, and saw Baili Qinchuan standing not far from her, his face wrinkled into a ball, with a worried look on his face, he couldn't help but smiled and said, "What's wrong?"

Baili Qinchuan breathed a sigh of relief, pointed to the egg on the table, and touched his nose: "I took him for a walk just now, and I felt him vibrate."

Hou Chi was taken aback when he heard the words, and hurriedly picked up the egg on the table, closed his eyes and revealed a ray of spiritual consciousness to wrap it around, and opened his eyes after a while, with an expression of surprise that couldn't be concealed: "Baili, he's coming out soon!" shell."

Baili Qinchuan narrowed his eyes with a smile, and hurriedly said: "I'll tell Bibo, that kid will be very happy." After running two steps, he realized something was wrong, turned around and walked back suspiciously: "Master, When Uncle Jingyuan came last time, he said that he would have at least ten years to come out of his shell, why is it so much faster all of a sudden, there will be no problem, right?"

Baili Qinchuan opened his eyes wide, looking at the egg in Houchi's hand, and made a few movements to pick it up and take a look, but put it down again.

Houchi's expression paused for a moment, a look of sadness flashed across his eyes, seeing Baili worried, he said after a while, "He was formed by Qingmu's and I's spiritual power, and now his spiritual power has soared, breaking his shell early, there are only two possibilities... ..."

As if exhausted to the extreme, Houchi smiled: "My spiritual power has soared or...Qingmu has already been promoted."

When she heard the news from Jingyuan yesterday, she felt it was absurd at first, and then at a loss. She had doubted Qingmu's origin, but she never thought that he was Bai Jue, one of the four ancient true gods, let alone Bai Jue. The first thing Jue does when he wakes up is to marry Jing Zhao.

Almost without thinking, she could guess the shock that the awakening of the true god brought to the Three Realms and the wedding that everyone would flock to three months later, just like her proposal back then.

The true gods of ancient times only existed in legends, and even the emperors of heaven could hardly compare with the rulers above the three realms.

But what about her Qingmu?Bai Jue woke up, where did Qing Mu go?
No one would ask this question while Bai Jue was awakening.It's just a sage, it's too insignificant compared to the true god Bai Jue, everyone will think so.

Baili Qin Chuan has been in Yinshan for a hundred years, and he has long known the reason why Houchi appeared in Tianyou Continent, and also knew that a hundred years later is her return date, and now he was just stunned when he heard this, and said: "Is it true that Qingmu Xianjun Promoted?"

Houchi nodded, put the egg back into Baili's hand, and said softly, "He has been promoted." Not only that, but also restored his identity as a true god.

Baili Qinchuan saw that Houchi's expression was not happy, and asked, "Master, is something wrong?"

Hou Chi stood up and stood in front of the Soul Rescue Pagoda. In the pagoda, Bai Xuan's eyes were still closed, and the emerald green flame was burning on him, which hadn't been extinguished for a hundred years.

Houchi looked at it, and suddenly felt a little tired: "It's nothing serious, Baili, the hundred-year period is coming soon, after I leave, the hidden mountain will be handed over to you, although you have not had the predestined relationship to cultivate immortals these years, but after setting up the formation But the method has greatly improved, and my formation outside the hidden mountain can keep this place safe."

Baili Qinchuan knew that this day was not far away, but after being together for a hundred years, his eyes turned red immediately, and he straightened his shoulders and said respectfully: "Master, I will pass on the hidden mountain forever." Go down, if you come back one day, you will definitely see a stronger hidden mountain."

"You can do whatever you want, but... the things I left for you are too heaven-defying, and you must not let Yinshan intervene in the mortal disputes at will."

Baili Qin Chuan nodded, and walked out with the egg in his arms. When he reached the door, he didn't know what he thought of. He suddenly turned his head, looked at the cold back of Houchi, and called: "Master."

Hou Chi let out an 'hmm' and didn't turn around.

"When my father passed away, you once asked me...'Will you regret choosing to cultivate immortality?'" Baili Qinchuan's voice was a little deep, completely different from the usual Qingyue leap.

When Houchi turned around, he saw a pair of dark eyes staring at her fixedly, the corners of the young man's mouth curled up, his expression firm and serious.

When the old prince passed away, she once asked Baili this question. At that time, the young man didn't answer her, but went back to the northwest in silence, and returned half a year later.

"Brother told me that my father enjoyed his old age in peace, without any illness or disaster, and he was very peaceful when he left." Baili Qinchuan paused, and continued: "Although I don't regret it, I still regret that I didn't accompany my father to the end. After a journey, I realized after that that some people will not wait for you in place. The most helpless thing in the world is the word "too late". Master, for the sake of Immortal Baixuan, you can cut your own debt and exile for a hundred years , then Qingmu Xianjun, whom you have missed for a hundred years, must be worth your return."

When Jingyuan came yesterday, he was not far away. Although he didn't hear the whole thing, but seeing Houchi's appearance, he also knew that something must have happened to Qingmu Xianjun. Some things are confusing to the authorities, but to the bystanders.

There was only so much he could say.

After Baili finished speaking, he turned around and walked out. Under the sun, his back seemed to be dyed with a thin layer of light, strong and tenacious.

Hou Chi stared at him blankly, only to realize that Baili Qin Chuan, whom she had always regarded as a child for a hundred years, had become so mature inadvertently.

In addition to bringing a message yesterday, Jing Yuan also asked her if she would like to go back now, but she declined.

In today's Three Realms, besides Jing Yuan, there is another person who can travel through time and space at will. Maybe... she is holding such expectations, unwilling to believe what Jing Yuan said, so she rejects his proposal and insists on staying. Spend the last half year in Hidden Hills.

However, what Baili said is right, the most helpless thing in this world is 'too late', no matter whether it is Qing Mu or Bai Jue who is promoted, she will never find the answer if she stays here.

Houchi raised his eyes to look at the Zhenhun Pagoda, and the figure in the ice coffin remained peaceful.

She said softly: "Bo Xuan, it's time for us to go back."

Half a month later, Jing Yuan set foot on the hidden mountain again, and was slightly taken aback when he saw the back pool where he was sitting quietly under the maple forest.

It's only been half a month, but she actually swept away the previous slump, and her whole body revealed a tenacious and unstoppable aura.

"You're here." Hou Chi looked up, saw Jing Yuan not far away was looking at her fixedly, smiled, and waved his hand: "I just set up a chess game, why don't we have another game at the end!"

Jingyuan raised his eyebrows, walked forward, sat down, and saw Houchi holding the black and white sons in both hands, and he was very happy when he was finishing, he said: "You are very idle."

"Wait for you to come, of course I have to do something to pass the time." Houchi didn't even lift his eyes, staring straight at the white words that Jingyuan dropped, frowned, thinking hard.

"You've thought it over." Jing Yuan was startled, and dropped a shot at random, giving Houchi a chance to turn the tables, and the person opposite immediately smiled.

"Naturally." Houchi said, taking advantage of Jingyuan's flashing spirit to attack cities and lands again and again.

"Okay, okay, let you win. What kind of brain do you have? It's been 100 years, and you still play chess so badly." Jing Yuan raised his hand to beg for forgiveness, dropped the white piece in his hand, paused, and was still serious Said: "Houchi, you are really ready to go back."

Although he told Houchi about Qingmu's promotion, he wanted Houchi to go back and face it, but when Houchi really made a decision, he was a little hesitant. not bad.

"Some things have to be faced sooner or later, Jing Yuan, I have always wanted to ask you." Hou Chi suddenly raised his head, looked at Jing Yuan, his eyes were burning: "If Qing Mu is Bai Jue, then... who are you?"

Being able to travel freely in the turbulent flow of time and space, Jing Yuan's identity is almost ready to be revealed...

Jing Yuan raised his eyes, his handsome face was full of charm, the corners of his mouth curled up, and he said with a smile: "Why, do you finally want to know who I am?"

"I don't want to." Hou Chi replied very quickly, settled the last one, and stood up: "It's just one of those few people."

She walked towards the bamboo workshop, a faint voice came.

"Pick me up in three days."

Jing Yuan looked at her walking away figure, and the streamer in his eyes slowly overflowed.

Houchi, are you really sure... can you call Qingmu back?

That night.

Baili Qinchuan chatted with Bibo in the yard, telling him to pay attention to things when he went back. Although Bibo didn't like these trivial things, he sat beside Baili Qinchuan honestly for the first time, listening with his head down. he commanded.

Sitting in the bamboo workshop, Hou Chi squinted his eyes to see them talking, suddenly, as if feeling something, he suddenly turned his head and looked towards the ice coffin in the Zhenhun Pagoda, where Bai Xuan closed his eyes tightly, without any change.

There was a faint doubt in Houchi's eyes. She clearly felt that someone was looking at her in a trance just now. Could it be...just an illusion?

The mountain behind Qingchi Palace.

The winter snow is pressed on the branches, crystal clear and crumbling.

Like a country of ice and snow, cold and lonely, there is only a figure sitting there quietly under the ancient tree in the center, the space around him seems to be frozen, snowflakes slipped from the ancient robe, and fell to the ground and instantly turned into snow water.

In the extreme silence, the sound of low footsteps sounded, and each step seemed to knock on the bottom of my heart.

Gu Jun Shangshen opened his eyes and looked at the uninvited guest who suddenly appeared in the back mountain. He did not ignore it like Tianhou did when he came here back then, but stood up and nodded slightly.

"Gu Jun, please stay safe." Qingyue's voice sounded not far from the ancient tree.

"Your Majesty is here, you probably didn't come to see me, an old man." Gujun Shangshen smiled, but there was no smile in his eyes, instead, his whole body was stiff and hesitant because of the existence of this person.

If anyone was here, they would definitely be intimidated by Gujun Shangshen's solemn appearance at this time. Even Gu Jun Shangshen, who was able to maintain his composure when Bai Jue Zhenshen woke up, would be so confronted with a formidable enemy.

The visitor was dressed in a purple robe, his handsome face was full of the world's fragrance, his long black hair was scattered behind him, and his long gilt fur was draped over his shoulders, dragging it on the ground, blowing the ice and snow, luxurious and noble.

The dark pupils imprinted the ethereal world, just like Bai Jue's expression when overlooking the world.

He looked at Gu Jun Shangshen indifferently, and said with a smile: "The last time I saw you was tens of thousands of years ago, Gu Jun, you are really old."

"It can't compare to the divine power of the gods that lasted forever. Didn't the gods have always lived in Ziyue Mountain, so why did they come to Qingchi Palace today?" Gujun Shangshen pulled the corner of his mouth, as if he wanted to make himself more relaxed, but Still being overwhelmed by Jing Yuan's coercion.

"Gu Jun, I don't want to go around in circles with you. Twilight was chosen by the ancients. I lived in seclusion in Ziyue Mountain these years and didn't care about world affairs. As for helping the demon world back then, it was purely because the demon emperor asked me to come to me. I don't care who the three worlds are. interest, and will not interfere."

Jing Yuan's words had a kind of icy cold feeling, Gu Jun was slightly taken aback when he heard that, back then he did not hesitate to destroy a hundred thousand immortal soldiers in order to help the demon world, and he has been secretly deploying them all these years, why would he suddenly say that now?

Could it be that something has changed... Thinking of Houchi who has been exiled for a hundred years, Gu Jun suddenly felt uneasy in his heart.

"Bai Jue has woken up. I think you guessed his identity when you knew he had inherited the Sunburning Spear, so you made a hundred-year agreement for his proposal." Jing Yuan looked at the disturbed Gu Jun, and said in a voice. There was a little smile in the middle, and the eyebrows raised slightly: "But I want to accept your love."

There was a sense of danger in the deep laughter, Gu Jun paused, the stiffness in his eyes disappeared, he took a few steps forward, but he was blocked when he was one meter away from Jingyuan, the gloominess between his brows became more serious, and he hunched over He straightened his shoulders, looked at Jingyuan, and said firmly: "Shenjun, what do you mean by this? The matter in Houchi has nothing to do with Shenjun!"

"Gu Jun, I asked you thousands of years ago if you have traces from ancient times, do you still remember how you replied to me back then?"

Jing Yuan turned around abruptly, looking at Gu Jun with icy-cold eyes, showing a slight chill, completely gone from the gentleness and harmlessness when he was facing Houchi.

A faint purple light waved from his hands and landed on Gu Jun. Gu Jun's complexion suddenly turned pale, and he knelt down on the ground with a muffled groan.

"Xiajun... Xiajun... I don't know..." Gu Jun gasped, unable to speak a word under the shroud of purple light.

"Don't think that you have the power of chaos, so you can resist my true god." Jing Yuan looked at him coldly, and said word by word: "Bai Jue just woke up, and you knew not to offend him, but when you How dare you deceive me and hide the ancients in the Qingchi Palace for tens of thousands of years, if she hadn't touched the sword mound in Daze Mountain a hundred years ago, I would never know that she still exists in the world..."

"I won't kill you, just because you brought her up, and you are her closest relative in this life." Jing Yuan lowered his head, and a faint purple light suddenly burned in his dark pupils: "However, there are some things that you have enjoyed for a long time." Ten thousand years, it should be back."

After finishing his words, he took a deep look at Gu Jun, and then disappeared into the snow.

The cold voice still echoed in his ears, Gu Jun Shangshen loosened his body and collapsed on the ground, looking at the disappeared figure, a wry smile crossed the corner of his mouth.

Sure enough, he is worthy of being a fully awakened true god, and he has no power to resist. It's just that he doesn't know what the awakened Qingmu will be like?

It turns out that he already knew Houchi's identity, so he must have been by Houchi's side for a hundred years. Could this be the reason why he gave up sweeping the Three Realms?

What is the relationship between the four ancient true gods?
Gujun Shangshen looked at the white snow, the meaning in his eyes was unclear...

Return everything?He opened his hand, and his withered and old skin suddenly became smooth and soft, just like a young man.

How do you know, I enjoy all this with peace of mind.

He raised his eyes and looked out of the mountain, his eyes seemed to fall on one place through the vast sea of ​​clouds.

There, it is the shore of the Three Realms, the shore of the Kyushu, the wild swamp, and the place where the True God Bai Jue lives after waking up.

(End of this chapter)

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