
Chapter 54 Humiliation

Chapter 54 Humiliation

The Qingchi palace was as quiet as ever, but there was a suffocating atmosphere.

Fengran in the main hall listened calmly to Chang Que's report that the celestial monarchs worshiped in Shangyuanling Swamp recently were like crucian carp crossing the river. She curled her mouth and waved her hand: "Chang Que, needless to say."

Her voice was a little tired, she rubbed her eyebrows and said: "I don't need to report these things in the future, lest Hou Chi hear it."

Chang Que understood what Feng Ran meant, sighed, nodded, and bowed his head in silence.

True God Bai Jue's wedding is approaching, and all the fairies and demons in the three realms rushed to congratulate him. Tiangong even swept away the previous hostility towards Qingmu Shangjun, and tried his best to facilitate this matter. Stay out of this unprecedented event.

The original marriage contract between the little god and Qing Mu Shangjun has not been rescinded, but now the real god Bai Jue is going to marry Princess Jingzhao of the Tiangong. It really complies with the saying '30 years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi', although many immortals don't know He said, but the gazes that looked at the people in Qingchi Palace inevitably had deep meanings.

Qingchi Palace has been detached in the Three Realms for tens of thousands of years, so it has never been insulted like this before, but... since the awakening of the True God Bai Jue, Gu Jun Shangshen has ordered the people of Qingchi Palace not to cause trouble at will. Without going out of the palace gate, she nestled in Qingchi Palace and was too lazy to go out.

And the little god...since he came back that day, he has been staying in the back mountain, seldom set foot elsewhere, and looks tired and unhappy all day long, just like the situation after Immortal Baixuan disappeared, even worse.

"Feng Ran Shangjun, Bai Jue will be married in one month, and the invitation has been sent yesterday." Chang Que pondered for a while, then took out something from his sleeve robe and handed it to Feng Ran .

The golden invitation card is full of strong aura, revealing the meaning of nobility.

Feng Ran wished to see a hole, finally snorted, put it away very quickly, and said: "I see, you go down."

"Sir, what gift should we give, and who will attend?" Chang Que continued, standing still.

Although he also felt that it was awkward and uncomfortable to discuss this matter, Chang Que had always regarded the etiquette of the Qingchi Palace as extremely important, and now that he was in an extraordinary period, he had to do everything in detail so as not to fall into the trap of truth.

"You go." Feng Ran stood up, waved her hands perfunctorily, and walked towards the apse: "As for gifts, just pick up a few fairy fish from Huajing Pond, tie a red ribbon, make it festive, and give it to you." The past is just as it should be.”

Chang Que looked at Feng Ran who had disappeared into the hall with black lines all over his head, his brows twitched, and the expressions on his face changed in various ways, which was very exciting.

Fengran Shangjun, he is also an ancient true god after all, so it's fine for me to congratulate him, but isn't this gift too shabby!

Thinking of all kinds of rare treasures that Fengran collected for Houchi and Qingmu's wedding in the past century, Chang Que sighed and walked out.

The mountain behind Qingchi Palace.

From a distance, Fengran saw Gujun Shangshen standing in the pavilion at the back of the mountain meditating, he hesitated for a moment, and walked forward.

"Old man, this is from the Heavenly Palace." Feng Ran said without thinking, picked up a corner of the bronzing invitation card with her fingertips, and threw it at Gujun Shangshen, full of disgust.

Gu Jun Shangshen caught it, put it in his robe without even looking at it, and said: "I see."

"Old man, how is Houchi these few days?" Seeing that Gujun Shangshen didn't want to talk about it, Feng Ran didn't bother to mention it, and asked Houchi.

There is a valley in the northwest corner of the mountain behind Qingchi Palace, which is like spring all the year round and is isolated from the world. Houchi lived there when he was young, but he rarely set foot there when he grew up. This time he entered the valley and never came out.

The gazebo is quite high, Fengran looked into the valley, a little frustrated: "What time is it, how can she still hold her breath?"

When Gu Jun heard this, his calm expression moved, and he said, "Feng Ran, what do you mean by that?"

"Qing Mu is getting married soon!" Feng Ran looked at Gu Jun Shangshen, and said casually.

"He is the True God Bai Jue now." Gu Jun Shangshen said in a deep voice with a stern face.

"So what, before he was Bai Jue, he was Qing Mu first." Feng Ran squinted his eyes, his expression a little far away: "Even if Bai Jue is the ancient true god, he didn't exist 10,000+ years ago , I know Qing Mu who fought side by side in the Yuanling Swamp and who would rather suffer a hundred years of demon power under Optimus Prime than wait for Hou Chi to return, what has it to do with him?"

Gu Jun was slightly stunned, as if he could not have imagined that Fengran would still say such words when all the three realms regard Qing Mu as Bai Jue, and indeed only a person with such a simple mind can be so single-minded.

"Old man, Houchi will never give up." Seeing Gujun Shangshen's expression is indifferent, Fengran said softly: "If even I can think so, then it is even more impossible for Houchi to give up Qingmu, but... "What kind of heart is Houchi? What Qingmu did for her back then, I'm afraid no one in this world can match it, but facing the current Bai Jue, even if he wanted to, it would be powerless.

Gu Jun Shangshen understood Feng Ran's meaning, and just about to say something, a white light streaked down from the sky and landed in front of the two of them.

Sensing who this divine power came from, both of them frowned.

In the white light, a golden ancient scroll floated above it, unfolding slowly, exuding a powerful aura.

Both Gu Jun and Feng Ran were stunned. What is so important that the Queen of Heaven would use the imperial decree of the fairy world to spread the word?
On the ancient scroll, each word slowly emerged, with golden light, arrogant and domineering.

Almost at the moment when the meaning of the imperial decree was clearly seen, a huge divine power surged from the body of the ancient Junshangshen, and the golden ancient scroll was instantly torn to pieces.

Chaotic spiritual power was scurrying around in the gazebo. Seeing the furious look of Gu Jun Shangshen, who had never changed his face for tens of thousands of years, Feng Ran's heart was slightly shaken, but he was also anxious.

The Queen of Heaven and the Emperor of Heaven are in charge of the Immortal World together, so naturally they also have the right to issue an imperial decree. This imperial decree seems to be the work of the Queen of Heaven.

Going down to the Queen's Pool, entering the sky in arrogance, with irregular etiquette, descending to a fairy king, closing the Qingchi Palace tightly, and thinking about your own past.

Once the imperial decree is issued, it will be known to the Three Realms. The Empress of Heaven wants to show her prestige to all the immortals in the Three Realms, and tell everyone that in terms of status, Houchi today is less than one ten-thousandth of that of Jing Zhao.

"How dare she... how dare?" Gu Jun Shangshen's fingertips trembled slightly, the dark green vortex in his eyes swirled silently, the entire back mountain was shrouded in this coercion, and it was extremely quiet for a while.

The moment the ancient scroll disappeared, a cold voice resounded in the white light, and then instantly disappeared into nothingness.

"Gu Jun, Jing Zhao and True God Bai Jue are about to get married, if you can't manage your daughter well, I don't mind sharing your worries for you."

One sentence of punishment, one sentence of accountability, courtesy first and soldiers later, cynicism, what a queen, what a rot!
Thinking of this, Gu Jun Shangshen closed his eyes, and slowly clenched his hands behind his back.

Wu Huan, no one in this world dares to hold her accountable, not the gods of ancient times, nor the ghosts and immortals of later times, and you... are no exception!
Fengran was silent for a while, seeing Gujun Shangshen's furious complexion softened slightly, she felt a little relieved, turned around and walked out without saying a word.

Houchi can't let this matter know, the old man's divine power fluctuated so much just now, she has to go to see how Houchi is doing, and she can't let Houchi out of the palace, otherwise those immortals outside don't know what to say Come on.Only halfway through, we met the Changque who came in a hurry.

"Fengran Shangjun, the little god is not in the valley."

Chang Que's expression was a little weird, Feng Ran looked suspicious, and hurriedly asked, "What's going on?"

"Little Shenjun likes to go fishing in Huajing Pond the most, but all the fish in Huajing Pond have cultivated to perfection and are extremely slippery, so I put a few more fish caught from the mortal world in the pool, and let her Be happy, I went to the valley to call her just now, there was only a note left on the table, and Bibo and the little god were gone."

The existence of that egg is no secret in Qingchi Palace, Feng Ran lowered her eyes and said, "What did Houchi say?"

"The little god said...she has traveled to the mortal world and will return soon, so we don't have to worry about it."

Feng Ran's sinking expression suddenly became stiff, and she raised her eyebrows in disbelief: "Did she really say that?"

Chang Que nodded hurriedly, with a puzzled expression on his face, what time is this, and the little god is still in the mood to travel in the mortal world.

"Chang Que, you just guard the palace. I'll go out to find Houchi." Mortal... Thinking of Mount Wangwang, Feng Ran hastily said a word and flew out of the palace.

Under the pine tree outside Qingchi Palace, Jing Jian in a green robe saw Feng Ran flying out, his eyes lit up, and he wanted to go forward, but after thinking about it, he retreated.

In the past hundred years, he has often come to Qingchi Palace, but he rarely goes in to visit. Every time he just takes a look at Fengran when he comes out. Fengran would nod when he saw him before, but since the awakening of the true god Baijue , I don’t even bother to look at it.

He knew that Qingmu would not have forcibly absorbed the demon power into his body and awakened so soon if his father hadn't forced Houchi to cut his god position and exile the sky for a hundred years. pool.

After all, he is the prince of Tiangong, Houchi has violated the laws of the Three Realms, it is really difficult for him to speak, and in that case, if he speaks, the emperor will probably be even more angry.

The crimson figure in mid-air stopped suddenly, and then flew towards the ground. A look of surprise flashed in Jing Jian's eyes, and he wanted to go forward, but he hesitated in place. Seeing Feng Ran getting closer, he finally took a long breath. She stepped forward in one breath, her eyes shining brightly: "Fengran, how have you been lately..."

Before he finished speaking, he froze in place, staring at Fengran blankly, unable to say a word.

Those phoenix eyes that used to be flamboyant were full of disdain, and even filled with monstrous anger, even on the day when he was expelled from Houchi, he had never been looked at by her so disgustingly.

"Jing Jian, don't come to Qingchi Palace in the future."

With a cold voice, as if looking at him more than once would bother him, Jing Jian's fingertips tightened slightly, and he said bitterly: "Feng Ran, I know Father Huang..."

"It has nothing to do with the Emperor of Heaven. If you have time to stay here, you might as well go back to the Heavenly Palace and see what the Queen of Heaven has done!" Feng Ran said lightly, hiding the anger between her brows, turned around and left, took a few steps, and returned Turning his head, the corners of his eyebrows were cold, and his smile was cold and decisive.

"Jing Jian, why do you have to be like this? In this world, there are heaven and earth, nine states and eight wastelands. Even if I have my eyes on anyone, it will not be you, the son of Queen Wuhuan, Jing Jian!"

After saying this, he resolutely left, and the red figure disappeared into the sky.

Jing Jian's expression changed suddenly, and he leaned weakly towards the ancient tree beside him, and after a while, he suddenly laughed.

"Fengran, you blamed me for your elder brother, for your father, and now for your mother's queen, why would you never look back at me, it's just me..."

The voice became lower and lower, and finally became inaudible. A blue shadow beside the ancient tree lowered its head, raised its hand, and covered its eyes, as if there was no light left in the world.

At the same time, Tiangong Yuyudian.

The Emperor of Heaven walked into the hall with a sullen face, saw Wu Huan on the throne with a peaceful look, and said in a deep voice, "Wu Huan, how can you issue such an imperial edict!"

"Why not?" Tianhou smiled, her brows were full of arrogance.

"If you do this, what do you think of Qingchi Palace? What do you think of Gu Jun? With his love for Houchi, he will definitely not bear this tone."

"So what if he can't bear it? Back then, Jing Zhao was locked up in the Immortal Pagoda for a hundred years because of Houchi, but now Houchi dares to go to Yuanling Swamp to meet the True God Baijue. For Jing Zhao, why not punish her a little?"

"Wu Huan, if you do this, you will only appear aggressive and give excuses to the Three Realms, and it's too much for Hou Chi..."

"Twilight!" Tianhou interrupted the Emperor of Heaven, and said coldly, "I'm just doing something for my daughter. Now that the True God Bai Jue is here, why should you be afraid of Gujun, let alone... I just want Houchi not to dare Facing the people in the Three Realms, lest Jing Zhao come to disturb the situation on the day of his wedding, don't forget, we received the great gift from Gu Jun back then on Kunlun Mountain, do you want Jing Zhao to accept it again?"

The Heavenly Emperor was blocked for a moment, unable to speak, so he had to flick his sleeves and disappear into the hall.

Ziyue Mountain in the demon world, Zihan carefully reported the imperial decree just issued by the Queen of Heaven, and at the same time looked at the expression of the person in front of him.

"Wu Huan... She may have lived too comfortably these tens of thousands of years." Jing Yuan interrupted Zi Han's report, her voice was faint, indescribably cold and indifferent.

He looked in the direction of the Sky Palace, and murmured: "The time is almost here..."

Fengran waited for three days at the Lookout Mountain, but still did not see Houchi, so she had to go back disconsolately.

Ten days later, Houchi, dressed in civilian clothes, passed by the bottom of the mountain, stared quietly for a while, then turned and left without taking a step.

One month later, when the wedding in Yuanling Swamp was approaching, Fengran finally saw Houchi fishing with a fishing rod in front of Huajing Pond outside Qingchi Palace.

At that time, she was dressed in black clothes, turned her head slightly, raised her eyebrows and smiled lightly: "Fengran, the hundred-year period has come, and it's time for me to fulfill my promise."

Feng Ran suddenly remembered that a hundred years ago, under Optimus Prime, Qing Mu once said to Hou Chi... When you come back, we will get married.

At that time, Houchi said... yes.

A lifetime, a promise for a lifetime, it turns out that Houchi has never forgotten.

Three days later, on the eve of True God Bai Jue's wedding, the gate of Qingchi Palace, which had been closed for several months, reopened.

(End of this chapter)

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