
Chapter 73

Chapter 73
When Sanhuo cautiously stepped into the room, the Buddhist book in Shang Gu's hand had already been turned over halfway. Straighten your back and walk forward.

"I don't know if His Highness is satisfied with today's dinner?" He stopped at a place a few steps away from the ancient times, chose a distance that he thought was safe, and whispered softly, just like a little daughter-in-law.

"The demon emperor is very knowledgeable, knowledgeable and interesting. I had a great time meeting him. However, I didn't expect Sen Hong to possess the demon power of a demigod at only tens of thousands of years old. There are two demon pills in his body. what happened?"

Hearing that the ancients only mentioned this matter, San Huo's face was obviously overjoyed, and said: "Your Highness's eyes are like candles, and you can see clearly. Although the previous demon emperor Sen Jian said that most of the demon power was lost, but all his life's essence and blood have been used to hide the demon core. Among them, when he was dying, he passed the demon pill to Sen Hong, this method is extremely dangerous, and it was Bai Jue Shenjun who helped Sen Hong to save the day."

"Oh, is that so?" No wonder Sen Hong admires Bai Jue so much, there is such a long history among them.

A lazy voice came from the couch, and Shang Gu didn't lift his eyes or move his brows.

The three fires of flattery were extinguished in the ancient tepid attitude, he smacked his lips, and was about to continue his efforts, when the person on the couch raised his eyes to look at him.

"I'm very satisfied tonight, especially the robes, which are luxurious and meticulous. It must have taken a lot of thought. It's the first time in 6 years for me to meet the king of the monster race. It's exhausting for you."

Shang Gu's eyes were dark, and he was quite playful. San Huo's heart shuddered, and he quickly fell to his knees: "Your Highness calm down, San Huo didn't mean to ruin His Highness's reputation... It's just, it's just..."

"It's just that you want to take advantage of me to get rid of Jing Zhao, so that Bai Jue can completely cut off ties with the fairy world, so that you can be a backer for the demon world in the battle between immortals and demons in the future. And let the demon emperor think that I have a close relationship with Bai Jue, and he is the master of the world , will definitely affect the words of the people in the demon clan, once this matter spreads, the fairy world will also think that I am leaning towards the demon world, causing people in the fairy world to be panicked and confused." Shang Gu put the book in his hand on his knees, and said with downcast eyes: " As expected of being the former king of the Yuanling Swamp, killing two birds with one stone is really wonderful. Sanhuo, do you want to set up a stage in this realm of the sky, and let Bai Jue and I sing for you in front of everyone in the three realms?"

She knew exactly what Sanhuo was thinking, this matter was nothing more than a farce if it was trivial, but if it was would be impossible for him to argue.

"Your Highness, San Huo really has this idea, and he never thought that he could hide it from His Highness, but San Huo just wanted to use His Highness's hand to provoke Jing Zhao away because of his dissatisfaction with the Emperor and Queen of Heaven. He definitely didn't intend to tease His Highness." San Huo raised his head. , the voice was full of grievances.

"Don't prevaricate me, you're full of bad things yourself, and you want to shift the responsibility to others!" Shang Gu reprimanded with a displeased expression.

"Your Highness, you don't know something." Sanhuo said in a deep voice: "After the ancient world enlightenment, the three worlds have their own affairs. The Heavenly Emperor was dissatisfied with the demon emperor Senjian who only had the peak position of the Shangjun but ruled a world, so he launched a campaign against the demon world. The war. This war... has not stopped for tens of thousands of years. The two worlds have suffered countless deaths and injuries. Up to now, the hatred is as deep as the sea, and it is impossible to coexist. Although I have the power of a demigod, I can only protect this Yuanling Swamp The safety of the tiny place is nothing more than the safety of the tiny place. And the Queen of Heaven, Wu Huan... is nothing more than a concubine. When Jingyang was traveling in the lower realm, he accidentally injured a mortal. All living beings in the Three Realms dare not speak. Feng Ranshangjun was ordered to be discarded in the Yuanling Swamp when he just broke his shell. If the old dragon hadn't seen her pitiful and let a thousand-year-old demon tree raise her, I am afraid that in this abyss full of beasts, Ridge swamp, she couldn't survive a day at all, and abandoned the youngest son of the clan to the fierce place. How can such a person be so good? How can the Queen of Heaven rule a world? Bless Feng Ran Shangjun, that must be exactly what the old dragon thought!"

"Everyone says that my monster clan is bloodthirsty, violent and warlike, and has not yet turned into barbarism, but at least we live an upright life. Why can the people of the fairy clan always be high and powerful, and our monster clan is regarded as a scourge. Get rid of it quickly, Your Highness... What's wrong with being born a demon? I have been hiding in the Yuanling Swamp for 6 years. I have neither harmed the mortal world nor the fairy world. Let Jing Jian take away my chance to be promoted, let me fall short!"

"Didn't you say... that Jing Jian happened to come to Yuanling Swamp..."

"Your Highness, there is a huge difference between a demigod and a superior. If the Emperor of Heaven hadn't noticed that I was going to be promoted, how could Jing Jian just appear in the Yuanling Swamp, and still carry the most precious treasure of the fairy world, the Demon Extinguishing Wheel?"

The ancient language is at a loss, looking at the indignant Sanhuo, a little sighed.

Twilight, Wu Huan... They haven't seen each other for 6 years, they seem to be from the past, and they seem to never know each other again.

"The battle between the two clans is imminent now, the Heavenly Emperor and the Empress are both gods, and my demon clan is too different. Sanhuo has made up his mind. Regardless of whether the Lord Baijue agrees or not, I will leave the realm of the sky and fight side by side with the demon emperor. "

Sanhuo stared fixedly at the ancient times, the uneasiness in his eyes gradually turned into calmness and persistence.

Shang Gu looked at him for a while, saw that his eyes were tired from staring, and slowly said: "What are you doing so indignantly, I don't want to pursue what happened tonight."

If ordinary people encounter these things, they will be full of anger, but even Sen Hong knows how to press his heart, he is exquisite, Sanhuo has lived for tens of thousands of years, and his heart has long been ground to iron, so how can he not do it, angry and dissatisfied Yes, but it is by no means to the extent that this kind of guy needs to point the sky and the earth in front of her.

"Thank you, Your Highness, I was guarding outside the side hall just now, you didn't see... Jing Zhao's face when he returned, tsk tsk..." Hearing this, Sanhuo immediately changed his expression and said with a smile.

"How long did Bai Jue teach you what you said just now?" Shang Gu said suddenly.The delay in coming here must have been called away by Bai Jue.

"It's not long, just a stick of incense..." Sanhuo covered his mouth, looking a little embarrassed and annoyed.God Lord Bai Jue just said that although His Highness is lazy, his mind is very active, so he still dismissed it.

Who knows that if you don't listen to the old man's words, you will suffer in front of your eyes.

"Go out." Shang Gu waved his hand and glanced at him, but he was not angry, but his expression was a little inexplicable.

Sanhuo ran out as if he had received an amnesty.

"Sanhuo." A faint voice behind him suddenly sounded, Sanhuo stopped in his tracks, turned his head, and felt a small drum beating in his heart.

"It's just a set of Bingdilian's robes, why must you not only disturb Jing Zhao's mind...but also make the Demon Emperor misunderstand my relationship with Bai Jue?"

There was slight doubt in the eyes looking over, Sanhuo's face tightened, and he called out to mother in his heart, the ancient god, you are too difficult to deal with!

"Old Dragon is just a dead horse as a living horse doctor, just a coincidence."

"Go out."

Shang Gu lowered his head, picked up the Buddhist book on his lap again, San Huo saluted, and disappeared at the door as quickly as he was running for his life.

After a long time, Shang Gu raised his eyes slightly, looking at the direction where Sanhuo disappeared, and tapped his fingers on the edge of the soft couch with a distant expression.

Presumably it was Bai Jue who explained something first, and this guy kept talking about him, drawing her attention to the current deadlock of the fairy demon. I have to say that Bai Jue knew her very well. She always thought that although Twilight was protecting her weaknesses, at least He has not lost his sense of fairness, but the failure of Sanhuo's promotion is obviously inseparable from him... And Wu Huan abandoned Fengran in Yuanling Swamp, he must know the reason, but he chose not to hear about it. Do not ask……

Now that the fairyland is in order, it is also Twilight's credit, the balance between the two, the flaws are not hidden, but in the end...he is no longer the one who studied the lower realms in the pilgrimage hall 6 years ago, and only wants to take care of the fairyland for her. Sentimental teenager.

6 years... is too long after all.

Shang Gu stood up from the couch and walked to the window. The full moon was printed from the sky and landed on the sky. She slightly pursed her lips and looked towards Bai Jue's room halfway across the hall.

Sanhuo didn't mention anything...but he said...Qingchi Palace stands tall in the Three Realms, so it will definitely not look down on Twilight and Wuhuan.

The words are full of certainty, the ancient emperor Shangshen has long ignored the affairs of Qingchi Palace, what he really wants to talk Houchi.

What kind of relationship... or entanglement between Houchi and Tiangong could make him say such words subconsciously.

The past about Houchi that Bai Jue and Tian Qi tried their best to hide... Could it be the reason why Jing Zhao and Sen Hong lost their composure when they saw that suit of robes tonight.

In ancient times, Lian Shen kept the Buddhist book in his hand on the couch and headed towards the inner room.

No matter what ideas they were planning, she had to figure it out before the opening of the ancient world. After all, the affairs of the ancient world were much more important than these trifles.

The room on the east side of the apse was brightly lit. Bai Jue leaned on the heavy wooden chair and closed his eyes slightly, with a cup of hot tea in his hand. With a voice, Bai Jue raised his eyes and looked towards the door.

"Shenjun, I'm back." As soon as Sanhuo approached the door, he kept yelling: "You are right, Your Highness is too scary."

Bai Jue frowned, and said, "Don't play these little tricks in the future, you are far behind her in these tricks, she just doesn't want to argue with you."

Sanhuo nodded with lingering fear in his heart, and said desperately: "Shenjun, His Highness is nothing to say to stand with you in that outfit. That Jing Zhao is simply incomparable. You don't want to put the deep sea dragon spit beads, but you want to pick up a small fish." Shrimp, there is something wrong with your eyesight."

Bai Jue glanced at Sanhuo coldly, Sanhuo quickly fell silent, and took two steps back in favor.

Bai Jue was silent for a while, then got up suddenly, the maid waiting outside heard the noise and came in, seeing Bai Jue's posture about to go out, she hurriedly took the gilded black pattern cloak from the screen and put it on for him.

Sanhuo said: "Shenjun, it's so late, you still have to go out?"

"If she's thinking about it, she won't give up until she understands it. I'm going to Tiangong."

"Are you going to see the Queen of Heaven?"

Bai Jue stamped his feet, shook his head and said: "No, with Gu's temperament, she will go to see Twilight, you wait in the hall, I promised the Demon Emperor to go to the Demon Realm, when I come back tomorrow, you will go with me. "

Bai Jue stepped out of the room, and as soon as he passed the back hall, he saw Jing Zhao standing beside the rockery outside the hall, still dressed for a dinner party, staring at him blankly, he frowned, and walked forward.

"I've met Shenjun." Never expecting that Bai Jue would appear at this time, Jing Zhao was startled for a moment, a look of joy flashed across his face, and he hurriedly saluted.

"It's so late, why are you still here?"

"Jing Zhao hasn't been in the apse for half a month. I don't know how the god is doing these days. The people who serve him are attentive..." The pure white uniform was covered with a gold-plated black cape. Bai Jue stood quietly. His face was handsome and cold under the moonlight. Awaken God.

"Jing Zhao, you should have heard of it..." Bai Jue interrupted Jing Zhao with a playful expression on his face, "The Four Great True Gods have existed since ancient times, and they are older than the oldest Juxian tree in the fairy world."

"Jing Zhao naturally knows what the Divine Lord said... what does it mean?"

"If there are some things that shouldn't be said, don't say them. I've been reincarnated and don't know the past, so I'm really tired of seeing it." Bai Jue looked at Jing Zhao, whose face suddenly turned pale, and said calmly, "Tomorrow, you can go back to the Heavenly Palace."

Jing Zhao stared at her blankly, almost unable to speak, the cold and resolute Bai Jue in front of her was obviously very different from what she had faced in the past hundred years, especially the indifference and expulsion he said just now.

"Divine Monarch, you..."

"I don't want to say it again, it's better if you go back by yourself than I send someone to take you back." Bai Jue went around her and walked out.

"Why!" The voice suddenly became sharp and resentful, and Jing Zhao's eyes were bloodshot: "I have worked so hard for the past 100 years just to be able to stand by your side in a justifiable way. Promise me under the Tianzhu!"

Bai Jue stopped in his tracks, turned his head, and at first glance, there was a touch of pity: "Jing Zhao, the person you love is Qing Mu from a hundred years ago, not me at all, and you have worked hard for a hundred years just to be able Just standing by my side, back then you could still truly love Qingmu, but now, what you love is only the right to the top of the sky. In a hundred years, you should have known that I am not him."

"Then why was there that wedding? You know that I love Qingmu, why did you still want to marry me!" Under the moonlight, Bai Jue's eyes were indifferent, Jing Zhao seemed to suddenly understand, and took a few steps back and muttered He muttered: "You already knew... Hou Chi would come back, and you also knew that Gu Jun would come to stop you. You've figured out that the wedding is impossible to complete!"

She looked at Bai Jue fiercely, with a painful and desolate look on her face, and tears rolled down her face: "Why did you treat me like this, prepare me for the grandest wedding in the Three Realms, just waiting for the moment when you abandon me... I would actually lie to myself... thinking that you are still Qingmu!"

"You are the true god Bai Jue, who rules the world and is admired by all living beings. Why do you treat me like this?"

"Whoever says that a true god must be kind and righteous, little girl, I'm afraid you have heard too much ancient mythology." Bai Jue's eyes glowed with an inexplicable dark light: "There is no perfect person in this world, even the true god is no exception. "

In 6 years, it is Twilight and Wu Huan who have changed.

"The reason why you stayed with me in the past hundred years is because of Houchi. Now there is no memory of Houchi in ancient times, so you don't need me anymore, right?"

"You love Shanggu, but Houchi falls in love with Qingmu. You simply cannot accept that she likes someone other than you. You're desperate, aren't you?"

Jing Zhao staggered and asked in a low voice, holding on to the rockery beside him, holding it tightly, blood slowly flowing down.

Bai Jue glanced at him indifferently, turned away without answering.

"Bai Jue, I curse you, in this life you will never get the love of the ancients like Qingmu."

A shrill voice came from behind him, Bai Jue finally stopped, turned his head, and the corners of his mouth slightly curled up.

"One life is too short, Jing Zhao, if you really hate me so much, why not live forever?"

Bai Jue turned around and disappeared into the path, while Jing Zhao stood there in a daze, the last thing he remembered was the dead stillness and silence that seemed to be submerged in the abyss under his eyes.

Bai Jue walked out of the Sky Palace, but did not go straight into the Heavenly Palace, but flew towards the depths of the Yuanling Swamp.

Behind the large swamps and dense forests, there is a vast open space, covered with yellow sand, stretching for several miles, desolate and quiet.

Dozens of portrait stone tablets stand in the open space, as if they have been there since ancient times. The years have weathered on the stone tablets, and finally only blurred faces are left. They look at the sky, as if they are hoping to look up at something.

Bai Jue walked by step by step, and finally stopped in front of a female stone statue, and smiled, warm and clear, not as cold and indifferent as when facing Jing Zhao just now.

"Yue Mi, the ancient times are back, I'm sorry, I told you 100 years late."

The stone statue in the open space made no sound, the wind blew past, and there was a roar, which seemed to be spinning through time and space.

In the early morning of the second day, Shang Gu said hello and drove directly to the Heavenly Palace. Sanhuo squatted in the corner of the main hall and watched her disappearing back and sighed secretly. The Lord Baijue guessed right, and he didn't know how the Emperor of Heaven would deal with the ancient god. As soon as he finished thinking, Bai Jue appeared at the entrance of the main hall.

"Shenjun, you're back." Sanhuopidianpidian said as he stepped forward.

"Get ready, change your clothes, we're going to the demon world for a while."

"In such a hurry, how did you convince the Emperor of Heaven? I heard that the Emperor of Heaven was obedient to the ancient gods before."

"You don't need him to cheat, you just need to avoid her before returning to the ancient world." Bai Jue glanced at Sanhuo and said.

"You really have a way." Sanhuo praised sincerely, with adoration in his eyes.

Bai Jue turned around and looked in the direction where the ancient disappeared, hooking the corners of his mouth with a mocking expression.

He was just giving Twilight a choice between Wu Huan and loyalty to the ancients, and there was no doubt that he chose the former.

Look, ancient times, this is the person you wanted to save when you exhausted your eternal life power.

If you knew everything back then, would you...would you regret it?
Thinking of something, Bai Jue's footsteps paused: "Sanhuo, did Jing Zhao return to Tiangong?"

Sanhuo grinned, eyes brightened, and nodded hurriedly: "Yesterday, not long after you left, she returned to the Heavenly Palace with her maid of honor."

Thinking of Jing Zhao who questioned her loudly last night, Bai Jue narrowed his eyes. He did not answer her one sentence.

He chose her not only because she was the most suitable at the time, but...she was Wu Huan's daughter.

Whatever the reason, this reason is enough.

6 years, Wu Huan, this is just the beginning.

Letting you die is nothing, the sins you have committed, even if you go to Jiuyou Hell, it is not enough to make up for one ten-thousandth of it.

Everything you cherish, care about, and yearn for, I will let you destroy one by one with your own hands.

Bai Jue came back to his senses and looked at Sanhuo: "Get ready and leave immediately. When the ancients come back, I can't guarantee that she won't set fire to my Sky Palace. If she can't see me, it will naturally stop in a few days." .”

Sanhuo nodded, and the two disappeared into the hall.

It was rare in ancient times to be diligent once, and she woke up early in the morning and rushed to the Heavenly Palace. She yawned all the way, and saw an old man standing outside the Heavenly Gate from a long distance away, with a gray beard and doing the same movements as her.

She withdrew her hand and immediately stood upright, her intuition told her that this old man didn't seem to be here to stand guard.

Sure enough, just as Xiangyun approached, the immortals near the Tianmen knelt down on the ground in a very orderly manner. The old man with white beard sprinted a few steps, almost hitting his head on the pillar, and cupped his hands in her direction: "Xiaoxian Huari welcomes the ancient true god .”

Shang Gu walked down from the cloud, looked at the situation, and frowned a little: "Is Twilight in Tiangong?"

"Hui Shenjun..." Immortal Huari said cautiously with a trembling voice: "Unfortunately, the Heavenly Emperor went to play chess with the Dragon King of the South China Sea. It will take several months to return. The little fairy came to meet the ancient god."

Shang Gu stopped in his tracks, the cloak on his shoulders swept the ground, his expression froze.

"This place is only a few days away from the South China Sea, so I will go to the South China Sea to find him."

"Shenjun..." The old man Huari was extremely terrified, his face was flushed, and his voice was as loud as a mosquito's 'buzzing': "It's Xiaoxian who remembered wrongly, the Emperor of Heaven may have gone to Kunlun Mountain, Yanshun Shangjun... ..."

"Really? Old Shangjun is afraid of heights. The South China Sea and Kunlun Mountain are thousands of miles apart, so it may be a little far away." Shang Gu's voice was a little weak, and he stopped moving in front of Tianmen.

The majestic and stern aura spread in front of the gate of heaven, and the immortal generals all over the place were full of panic, and Na Hua Ri fell to his knees in horror: "The god is happy and angry, the god is happy and angry."

"When Twilight comes back, tell him that we haven't seen each other for 6 years. He really surprised me."

Shang Gu turned around, never looked at the Tiangong behind him, and walked towards Yuanling Swamp.

Bai Jue is the only person who can guess that she will come to Tiangong and make Twilight avoid her.

She was just surprised that Twilight would listen to Bai Jue's words and avoid her.

The young boy in her memory is now the master of a world, but she felt tired outside the Tianmen in ancient times. She suddenly discovered that after 6 years, the only person who has not changed is her.

In the Xuantian Palace, the Emperor of Heaven learned that even the Heavenly Gate had not been stepped into in ancient times. He looked solemnly, looked towards the sky, and said nothing for a long time.

Hua Ri repeated the ancient words with a lot of anxiety, only to hear a faint "Got it" from Gao Zuo, and then fell silent.

Queen's bedchamber.

Tian Hou listened to Xian'e whispering what happened at Tianmen Gate, she felt a little relieved, but she didn't show anything on her face, she just waved her hand and said, "What a coincidence, the Emperor of Heaven just said yesterday that he would go to Kunlun Mountain to visit Lord Yanshun, but today He set off without a word."

Twilight has always followed the orders of the ancients, how could she refuse to see the ancients this time, the queen came back to her senses and felt something was wrong, frowned, and was about to get up, but heard an exclamation from outside the door.

"Your Highness, what's wrong with you?"

Tianhou was stunned for a moment, got up and walked out, and was stunned at the moment.

Jing Zhao stood outside the door in plain clothes, his face was pale, his eyes were absent-minded and slightly sunken, his fingertips pierced deeply into his palm, and the blood dried up in the palm, which was extremely terrifying.

"Jing Zhao."

Tianhou called softly, Jing Zhao seemed to come back to his senses suddenly, looked at Tianhou in front of him, hugged her suddenly, and cried out with a 'wow'.

"Mother, mother...he has been lying to me." She fell on Tianhou's shoulder, as if she was extremely sad, hysterical, and said in a mournful voice: "What should I do, what should I do..."

"Jing Zhao, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, the queen mother is here." The Queen of Heaven hugged Jing Zhao in her arms, and a spiritual force blew over Jing Zhao, Jing Zhao slowly closed her eyes, and the Queen of Heaven put her on the couch, covered her with the quilt, Just came out of the inner room.

She raised her eyes and glanced outside the door at Ganoderma lucidum kneeling on the ground trembling, her voice seemed to be cold to the bone.

"Tell me, what is going on, how did the princess become like this!"

The realm of the sky.

Back to the apse, Bai Jue of the Ancient Deity went to the demon world with Sanhuo, but none of them set fire to the main hall, but he just refilled the lake that Sanhuo had dug a few days ago, and added It's only three layers thick.

Look, in this world, many things can be solved without violence, right?
So, Shang Gu, take a breath, it won't be too late to settle accounts when Bai Jue comes back, right?
(End of this chapter)

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