
Chapter 93

Chapter 93 Backtracking

No matter how big the Yuanling Swamp was, it was only a thousand miles away, and the dark aura behind it fell into nothingness, and it became silent bit by bit, as if the world that could kill gods and demons never existed.Holding the ice box, Tian Qi walked in the barren desert for a full three hours, walking with difficulty, turning around and unable to take half a step out of this place.

There are many things he didn't ask, but it doesn't mean he doesn't understand. How can the 6 years of desolation be so simple that words can explain it all, even if he is indignant, but facing Bai Jue, who has merged into one at the end of the seal and the calamity of chaos, what can he do?
6 years ago, he chose to destroy the Three Realms for the ancient times, but Bai Jue spent 6 years saving the Three Realms for the ancient times.

It's not that he doesn't love, it's not that he doesn't stop, it's not that he isn't ruthless, it's just that he is no match for Bai Jue in the end.

The footsteps stopped unconsciously, Tian Qi raised his head, saw dozens of stone statues a few meters away, smiled wryly, Yue Mi, if you were still there, how would you choose in such a situation?

Unraveling the dusty memories of the ancient times, telling her the truth, and letting her spend the next tens of thousands of years in regret and self-blame, or spending time without knowing the situation, using countless lies to lay Bai Jue in the trap of 6 years go on?
The 6-year-old Goddess has a blurry face, and she can only see the charm she once had from her mottled eyebrows.

In the past two years, he thought that the years of those years had been recovered... However, in the depths of the sky, next to the stone statue that had almost turned into dust, Tian Qi finally understood what is the vicissitudes of the sea, and it is hard to get back.

The close friends who talked and laughed wantonly in the past are no longer there, and there are tens of thousands of years in the past, and Bai Jue is even more...

Tian Qi approached slowly, and stopped in front of Yue Mi's stone statue with a lonely expression. After a long time, he finally sighed slowly, and took the hand of the Goddess Jun, who protruded slightly and stretched out to the sky.

Yue Mi, can you tell me that I have been persistent for 6 years, is it right or wrong?

In the depths of the desert there was only the distant and thin sound of the wind, and the stone statue staring silently at the sky could no longer tell him the answer, Tian Qi shook his head bitterly, and was about to leave, when suddenly the back of his hand felt cold, his expression was startled, and he raised his head in disbelief.

Tears condensed with stone sand dripped from the stone statue's eyes one by one, and splashed on the back of the hand, dissipating the cold and desolate temperature.

Tian Qi's lips trembled slightly, and he grasped the hand of the stone statue desperately: "Yue Mi, it's you, you're still here, right...?"

The mournful voice stopped abruptly, and the superficial and faint spiritual power escaped from the palm of the stone statue, slowly enveloping Tianqi. The moment the spiritual power touched him, the prosperous scene of the ancient world 6 years ago was a little bit in his eyes Suddenly, Tianqi suddenly understood... This is the last memory of Yue Mi left in this world.

He just didn't understand what was in the past that made her stubbornly stay here for 6 years without getting rid of it.

Time passed by breath by breath, the night fell, and the sky was full of stars, as if hundreds of millions of years had passed, the faint spiritual light finally dissipated in the night sky.

The stiff figure suddenly opened his eyes, Tian Qi was holding the crystal ice box, half kneeling on the ground, clenched his hands, his eyes were blank, and he muttered to himself: "Yue Mi, is that what you want to tell me?"

Goddess Jun looked at him quietly, her vague face seemed to reflect a touch of relief through the prehistoric years, the stone statue she held in her hand began to dissipate like quicksand, and slipped from her fingers, Apocalypse woke up suddenly, looking at the empty desert , his eyes fell on the ice box in his hand, and then turned to the depths of the desert, flickering for a while.

"No, she must know in ancient times."

Tian Qi got up suddenly, the hand holding the ice box trembled slightly due to the force, he waved his hand fiercely, the thick divine power pierced the sky, the space was torn apart, the ancient gate suddenly appeared above the desert, Tian Qi looked embarrassed The boundary gate rushed, and the figure disappeared in the realm of the sky.

Under Optimus Prime, Feng Ran was dressed in plain clothes, and looked at Sen Hong from a distance in midair. The two of them sensed this powerful wave of divine power, and frowned as they watched the disappearing ancient gate.

But no matter how surprised they were, they fell silent the moment they raised their eyes. In mid-air, the name of Bai Jue printed on Optimus Prime gradually faded, as if foreshadowing that this god who has stood proudly in the world for thousands of years is about to die. Disappeared in general.

On the Qiankun platform in the ancient world, intricate divine power gathered in the air, outlining a brilliant and bright divine light. Outside the ancient platform, looking at Zhiyang and the others who were about to wake up inside, the corners of their eyebrows lightly raised.

A hundred meters away, surrounded by divine power, hundreds of gods waited quietly by the side, with clear joy and excitement in their eyes.

After more than 6 years, the time has finally come for the four ancient true gods to gather together!

With the sound of 'click', thin cracks slowly spread on the aperture, and in the anticipation of the gods, they shattered with a bang.

On the Qiankun Terrace, the man in the very center and dressed in an ancient navy blue robe twitched his eyebrows, his stiff body stretched out bit by bit, and then he opened his eyes suddenly, rising to the mid-air, enough to reflect the huge sky above half of the ancient world. The cyan mark of the ancient tortoise appeared behind him, magnificent and simple.

After that, several ancient gods woke up one after another, and stood behind Zhiyang with a smile on their faces, looking at the grand scene of a world with a little emotion.

"Welcome to the return of the True God." A tidy and excited voice sounded from the periphery of Qiankun Terrace, and the waiting God bent down to salute with a respectful expression.

"There is no need to be too polite. The catastrophe is over. You can feel at ease. For the past 6 years, Zhiyang would like to thank the gods for their full support." Zhiyang raised his hand slightly, his voice was deep and majestic, and his ordinary appearance had a kind of shocking Convinced.

The gods bowed again, seeing that the ancient gods were slightly disturbed looking at the awakened old gods, but the sun gods had a cold face, and they all retreated several miles knowingly.

The most honorable of the four true gods is the ancient true god, but after the ancestor gods disappeared, it was the Zhiyang true god who really ruled the world and had a great power. The God of Apocalypse can't beat the sky in the hands of the True God Sunburn.

Under the calamity of chaos that year, the ancient gods quietly died in the world, which caused the true god of apocalypse to fight against the ancient world, causing the ancient world to be in danger of being destroyed. The gods of the world were so tired that they had to use their original power to support the interface, sleeping for [-] years, presumably At this time, the ancient gods don't know how to face the True God Sunburn...

A few steps away, the corners of Shang Gu's eyes were sore, his lips moved and he didn't know how to speak.

Zhi Yang's eyes fell on Shang Gu who was a few meters away in a red robe, his face was still cold: "Shang Gu, these 6 years, are you okay?"

His voice was not in a hurry, but he used the word "good" in a very straight and round manner. His ancient expression paused, and he was a little awkward and silent.

Although she died in the world at the beginning, although it was the only way, she concealed it from this elder brother to the end. When she died, she never even said goodbye. I think he was really angry.

The scene fell silent for a while, Yuqin and Yunze behind Zhiyang looked at each other, shook their heads, and were about to step forward to persuade them, when a clear and clear child's voice suddenly sounded, it was a bit abrupt in such a solemn and solemn scene Accident.

"Mother, is this the Uncle Zhiyang you mentioned?" A small head protruded from behind the ancients, and a few strands of jet-black hair fell on his forehead and swirled. Human, with small hands on Shang Gu's body, his eyeballs kept rolling.

This claim is too lethal, coupled with the shock brought by that face, even Zhiyang and Yuqin, who are famous in the ancient world for their calmness and calmness, were stunned, and the little old man Yunze who had just woken up was not. With such concentration, my breath didn't go smoothly, and I almost got carried back again.

The row of Gods standing a few meters away were all refreshed. They were frightened two years ago, but now they feel that it is really fair.

Zhi Yang looked at the little Maotou that appeared out of nowhere, the corners of his mouth were slightly stiffened, and he looked towards the ancients, his eyes were dark, without a word, but with a bright questioning.

Shang Gu pulled out A Qi who was hiding behind him, and said dryly: "Zhi Yang, this is A Qi, me and..."

Before the ancient words were finished, A Qi had already swung his little arm, and jumped towards Zhiyang with a sprint. The round ball outlined a thrilling arc in the air, and landed accurately in Zhiyang's arms.

"Uncle Zhiyang, I am Aqi. My mother said that you are the most handsome and kind-hearted god in the ancient world. I like you the most, even more than Uncle Zimao!" With a clear and crisp voice, Aqi's eyes curved into In the shape of a crescent moon, he hugged Zhiyang's neck affectionately, feeling extremely tired.

The corners of Shang Gu's eyes twitched, he really wanted to find a hole to bury himself in, it's so embarrassing!

Zhiyang paused, his expression softened, with a smile on his face, he lifted Aqi in his arms to his chest, and laughed loudly: "Your mother has been pestering you for 10,000+ years, and finally said To put it plainly, you little doll is my appetite."

He rubbed Aqi's soft forehead hair, and looked towards Shang Gu: "This bastard is quite different from his father in terms of temperament." As soon as the words came to an end, before Shang Gu could speak, Zhi Yang waved his hand , the voice was a little heavy: "I'll talk about these things later, go back to the Xingxing Pavilion first, ancient times, I have something to ask you."

"Yunze, the Phoenix Emperor has awakened and is now the Emperor of the Immortal Realm. If you want to see her, I will let her go to the Realm in a few days."

Seeing Zhiyang's dignified expression, the ancients were a little puzzled, nodded, and let the gods retreat, and after admonishing Yun Ze, the great elder of the Feng clan, he, Zhiyang and Yuqin flew towards the Zhaixing Pavilion of the Pilgrimage Hall.

Inside the Zhaixing Pavilion, Shang Gu looked at the two people who were silent, and finally lost his patience after waiting for a long time: "Zhaoyang, I didn't think well at the beginning, but now everything is fine... What do you have to ask me?" Halfway through her words, her eyes fell on Yuqin and she stopped.

In the past, she was inseparable from Yuqin and Yuemi, but now that Yuemi is no longer there, how can everything be considered safe?
Zhi Yang got up, handed Ah Qi who was twisted to Xian'e, walked down the corridor, looked at the Taoyuan Forest not far from the pilgrimage hall, and suddenly said: "In ancient times, Bai Jue...but he still exist?"

There was a bit of hesitation in this voice, which was not like Zhiyang's temperament. Besides, the question was really weird. Even Shang Gu, who never liked people to mention Bai Jue, could hear the clue, and she frowned: "Zhiyang, what are you talking about?" What do you mean by this? Bai Jue awakened a hundred years ago, and now he is very good in the lower realm, if you want him to return to the ancient realm, I will have someone issue an imperial decree to invite him back."

Zhiyang did not respond, but fell silent for a long time. Yuqin on one side stepped forward, looked at the two people who were confronting each other, and said softly: "Zhaoyang, when we were sleeping, you promised me that if this day, I will definitely tell the truth to the ancients, no matter whether you promised Bai Jue or not, we cannot continue to bury the truth, let alone there is Aqi now..."

Yuqin turned her head and looked at Shang Gu with a stunned expression: "Shang Gu, I don't know what happened to you and Bai Jue during these years of sleeping, but if there is any suspicion between you, it is definitely not true. Bai Jue... "

"In ancient times, Ah Qi possessed the power of chaos since he was born?" Zhi Yang turned around with a firm voice.

"That's right, Ah Qi has inherited my original power." Shang Gu frowned: "Zhiyang, Yuqin, what truth, what exactly are you talking about?"

"Shang Gu, haven't you discovered it?" Zhi Yang rubbed the corners of his brows, sighing: "A Qi's original power is pure and uncomplicated, comparable to yours."

"So what?" Shang Gu squinted his eyes, looking at Zhiyang, very puzzled.

"Bai Jue has the most orthodox immortal power in the ancient world, not weaker than your chaotic power. Your children, how can the origin of chaos be so pure?"

Shang Gu was taken aback by the question, his expression sank slightly, Zhi Yang said it was right, she never thought that even if A Qi inherited her chaotic origin, she shouldn't be so orthodox, he was a true god when he was born.

Unless... suddenly thought of a possibility, Shang Gu raised his eyes incredulously, his eyes were deep and cold: "Xiaoyang, do you know the reason? Did Bai Jue use the immortal power...?"

"Ancient times!"

Before the conversation was finished, an untimely voice interrupted Shang Gu's questioning. The three people in the pavilion turned around and saw Tian Qi standing a few steps away with a solemn expression. He was holding a crystal ice box in his hand, and the silver power was shining inside. , the seal on the box is so shallow that it is about to disappear.

"Apocalypse?" Shang Gu's eyes fell on the crystal ice box, and he felt a little uneasy in his heart.

"Shang Gu." Tian Qi walked in, handed the ice box in front of Shang Gu, and said softly: "This is what Yuemi asked me to bring to you, Shang Gu, this is your lost memory of 300 years before the chaos came, it will tell All your answers."

Shang Gu Wenyan raised his eyes slightly, took the ice box in Tian Qi's hand, and a familiar breath emerged from the box.

Although the seal outlined on the box hadn't been seen for 6 years, she recognized Bai Jue's divine power with just one glance.

"All the answers?" She said softly, her voice was a little trance, and she suddenly turned and walked towards the corridor outside the Star Picking Pavilion.

"Since he chose to hide it, even at the expense of sealing my memory for [-] years, I will do what he wants." The calm and inexplicable voice came slowly, and disappeared into the depths of the corridor with a touch of desolation.

Tian Qi wanted to step forward, but Zhi Yang grabbed him: "Tian Qi, there's no need to go, she probably already guessed it in ancient times."

"No, there is something she doesn't know, those 300 years..." Tianqi looked in the direction where Xianggu disappeared, and in Taoyuan Forest, the ancient fiery red robe was hidden in a corner, his voice suddenly calmed down: "Zhiyang, Shanggu She'll open it, it's got her most important stuff in there."

"Tianqi, what is hidden in the memory of the 300 years of ancient times?" Yuqin stepped forward and spoke quietly.

"What Bai Jue never knew...the ancients chose to give up...the secret that Yue Mi kept for 6 years."

The three of them never left the Zhaixing Pavilion, but just quietly looked at the peach forest not far away.After a while, a faint silver light finally escaped from the forest, and the majestic divine power enveloped the entire peach forest.

In ancient times, she... finally opened the memory in the ice box.

Tianqi sighed softly, looked up, the sky in the ancient world was ethereal and clear, as it was more than 6 years ago.

In that year, Yuemi's birthday was also that year, he sensed the imperial decree handed down by the ancestor god, and chose to destroy the world in the lower realm.

He once thought that this would be enough to outline all the pictures of the last 300 years of the ancient world, but now he realizes that it is just a grain of sand in a world of hundreds of millions of lives.

In ancient times, if I had known the truth back then, I would have protected everything you cherished for you, instead of...causing you to give up everything on the altar in the wilderness.

I didn't lose to Houchi and Qingmu's 200 years, but to you 6 years ago and Bai Jue 6 years later.

(End of this chapter)

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