Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 1001 All the seniors in Nanzhou and Dongzhou are dead!

Chapter 1001 All the seniors in Nanzhou and Dongzhou are dead!

Seeing that Bu Yuanju, who was about to blow himself up, left his feet off the ground, he straightened his neck, his neck was red all the way up, his veins were bulging, and he was extremely ferocious.

And the boy who was a few steps away raised his hand, and they could feel the destructive power from his five fingers, everyone understood now.

It was Di Cang who prevented all this from happening!
The people in the Holy Land gradually became complicated, and it was Di Cang who saved them.

From the snatching of the Nine Heavens Knife, to the exposure of the boy's frightened identity, to Bu Yuanju's self-explosion, it completely exceeded their expectations. These strong men in the Holy Land ignored them and even wanted to let them die with them. Now, It was Di Cang who saved them.


Stuck in the throat, dry and uncomfortable.

In the Holy Land, a disciple raised his head, his face was pale and bloodless, he looked straight at another place, where the three of Nanzhou Holy Master stayed, sneered mockingly, and shouted: "

Nanzhou Holy Land?Heh, I am proud of being a Nanzhou native, and I am ashamed of the Nanzhou Holy Land!If you want the Nine Heavens Sword, don't care about us!We just want to get out!You want to choose to blow yourself up to die, why do you want us to be involved? "


Like a fuse, everyone around exploded!

"Yes! What does it have to do with us! We are here to find opportunities, not to die! Why don't you let us go?! If it weren't for Senior Di Cang's action, we would have died long ago!"

"Senior Di Cang was the number one in ancient times! Just because you want to kill him? By self-destruction? You don't know how many strong people there were in ancient times. At that time, no one could kill him, not even God. You? Deceiving yourself!"

"When I get out of the Holy Land alive, I won't wait for anything, I want to go home, I miss my parents, I miss their cooking!"


Howling, howling, completely turned into howling ghosts and wolves.

Even if the elders came forward to appease the anger of the disciples, there was nothing they could do, because even some elders couldn't stand up.

Some elders were also angry.

Especially the Nanzhou Holy Land.

Although they respected the old man, what he wanted was their lives, he couldn't do it, he couldn't do it at all.

Do you understand?

Almost all the elders on the left and right were looking towards the location of the Holy Lord.

On the top of the mountain, the Holy Masters of the three parties were all cold, obviously everything was under their control, but because of the appearance of Di Cang, things changed completely, out of their control, and... made them helpless .

How could they not be able to hear the anger of the disciples of the elders, but what could they do? Even the elders in ancient times couldn't do anything about it. What could they do?
In the past, the sword mound was only opened when the energy was sufficient, but now it is completely different from before. It was opened when the energy was not sufficient, and it was very turbulent. Now the sword mound can only be opened once, and it can only be opened again. years later.

In other words, there is only one chance.

Before the sword mound was opened, they had to be trapped here.

Their original plan was that the four seniors would compete for the Nine Heavens Knife instead of the Holy Land, and they would not kill these elder disciples, but the appearance of Di Cang was an exception, which completely disrupted their plan.

what can they do...

Bu Yuanju was desperate.

Pain numbs him.

He thought Di Cang was dead.

He never thought that Di Cang would stand up for Emperor Xiaoyao.


He lived for tens of thousands of years, and died in Di Cang's hands as soon as he left the customs.

Do you regret it?

Do you regret killing Emperor Xiaoyao with those people?

Or do you regret appearing in Jianzhong to snatch Jiuxiaodao today?

Or regret self-destruction?
Yes, he did regret it.

But I don't know what to regret.

The old man from Nanzhou Holy Land died after all.

Died at the hands of the boy.

His eyes were open before he died, his neck was flushed up, and his blood vessels and veins could be clearly seen.

The Holy Lord of Dongzhou is dead.

The old man from Nanzhou also died.

This is undoubtedly a major blow to the two holy places.

And this time.

Yue Gang watched Bu Yuanju die in front of the young man, the blood flowing all over his body was cold, and his back was covered with sweat.

But now he can't escape at all!
Yue Gang looked at the man in black who stopped him, and felt desperate!He can't escape!This person is very strong, at least stronger than him, he is no match for this person!It may even be killed by this person!

The man didn't kill him, but didn't let him go.

At first he didn't understand, but now he fully understood, this person wanted to trap him, and then let Di Cang kill him, he and Di Cang were in the same group!

The boy's figure disappeared in an instant.

next moment.

Beside the man in black was the figure of a teenager.

Those blood-red eyes gradually disappeared, replaced by Mo Se. When she saw Jiang Yi, she whispered something when she came to him.

Jiang Yi pursed his lips, his handsome eyebrows furrowed slightly.


Yue Gang looked at Ye Yuye who appeared in front of him in fear. As a strong man in ancient times, his legs were trembling. He couldn't do what Bu Yuanju wanted to blow himself up. What's more, Bu Yuanju also lost.


Even God has nothing to do with Di Cang.

With his ability, how can he kill him.


Everything Bu Yuanju did was a joke.

But he regretted why he appeared here, closed for more than 2000 years, why he appeared at this juncture, the Jiuxiaodao was born, so what, if he did not appear, he would not have met Di Cang!
Ye Yuye looked at the pale Yue Gang, raised his eyebrows, and two words came out of his mouth: "Want to live?"

Yue Gang thumped and knelt on the ground, his bloodshot eyes looked at the ground, not daring to look at Ye Yuye's eyes, and said in fear: "

Please let me go, I was wrong, I was wrong, Holy Land will not be your enemy, and neither will I, let me go, I will correct it, please, please..."

Ye Yuye frowned slightly, as if he was too lazy to listen to what he had to say, Yue Gang didn't finish his sentence, his whole body suddenly exploded like this!
Even more crisp and neat than Bu Yuanju's death.

However, although Yue Gang died quickly, the pain would be less, unlike Bu Yuanju, who was killed alive by strangling his neck, and suffered a lot of torture before his death.

The old seniors from the two holy places were no longer in the sky, but they witnessed all this with their own eyes. The two people who competed with them for the Nine Heavens Sword not long ago are now dead.

And they.

but still alive.

They seem to be grateful.

They did not participate in the war that year.

So Di Cang spared them.


The two holy places in Nanzhou and Dongzhou were no longer enough to worry them.

Especially Dongzhou, the Holy Master of Dongzhou is dead, even the old seniors in their holy land are dead, the holy land of Xizhou is no longer afraid of Dongzhou!

Today I ordered washi tape, which contains pictures of Ye Ye, Jiang Ye, two people, and a handsome anime [this anime character is the hero in my previous article, but I feel that this character is also similar to Jiang Grandpa, but without glasses, in modern clothes, very handsome] Hahahahaha, either, the top three in the overall list, I will give it to you.

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 Our Master Ye is strong, go ahead!In fact, Jiang Xiaojiao's wife is not weak

(End of this chapter)

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