Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 1003 Kid, I’ve Lived Long, You Are Not Worthy To Call You A Fellow Daoist

Chapter 1003 Kid, I have lived a long time, you are not worthy of calling me a fellow Taoist

What he said was basically just Yang Wenyan's casual remarks. In fact, it was all a lie. He was just a small character in the superior world, and there were countless star fields in the superior world. Even if he reported his name, where could he be found?

It's just a casual talk, maybe I will forget it one day, and let's talk about it at that time, the main purpose now is to take Jiu Xiao Dao from this person.

"Do you think whether Grandpa can enter the superior world depends on your face? Do you?"

Ye Yuye pursed his lips, and walked towards him with his legs open. The young man's own strength made Yang Wenyan almost out of breath. For a while, even his confidence weakened: "

Your Excellency misunderstood what I meant. With your strength, you can already enter the world of superiority. You are being stupid. "

For a moment, he was really afraid that the person in front of him would kill him.

Ye Yuye glanced down at the Nine Heavens Knife in her hand, then let it float in the air, patted Yang Wenyan's shoulder,

The next moment, the young man twisted his facial features in pain, and knelt on the ground with a plop. Ye Yuye withdrew his hand indifferently, as if he didn't hear Yang Wenyan's groan/groan, and glanced at the other four people, with some interest: "

You can't take Jiuxiaodao with you today, I'm just interested in the secret realm of the Nine Palaces here, as long as someone of you tells it, you can leave here, how about this method?Are you satisfied? "

Nine Palaces Secret Realm?

The few people caught by Ye Yuye were all puzzled, except for one person who quickly closed his eyes to hide the shock in his eyes.

What's the meaning.

he knows?
He is interested in the Nine Palaces Secret Realm?
Could this be the person he was looking for?

Jiuhong lowered his head, no one knew what was going on in his mind, after all the physiques disappeared from the secret realm, he was sent by the emperor to search for his whereabouts, and later found the whereabouts of Emperor Xiaoyao's master weapon in the sword mound of the Holy Land... Could it be this person?

Did Di Cang do it?
Was he the one who stole the Emperor's physique?

Everything seems to be out of Jiuhong's control. If Di Cang really stole his physique, since he has no ability to kill him, it will be a problem to survive from here.

Things get tricky.

Jiuhong frowned, confused.

Perhaps because he realized that his abilities were limited, he seemed to accept his fate, but he planned in his heart to tell the emperor about it after he got out.

Yang Wenyan's face was pale with pain, and cold sweat flowed from his forehead. He felt that his arm was broken and he couldn't move it.
He just recovered from the pain when he heard the young man's voice. Perhaps he knew that this person was coming for real, so he said quickly without waiting for others to speak: "

I know, Your Excellency, I know, as far as I know, there is indeed a secret place in the lower world called the Nine Palaces, which is named after the nine great emperors of the lower world. "

Ye Yuye was in a pretty good mood, squinting his eyes and smiling: "Then, who named it?"

"I know!"

Before Yang Wenyan could open his mouth, someone among the four suddenly said, "I know a thing or two about this, and I also heard from other people that the Nine Palaces Secret Realm was started by a great emperor in our superior world. Thousands of years of history."

Ye Yuye's smile remained the same, her eyes fell on a young man, she raised her eyebrows lightly, smiled wantonly, and finally found you.

"Then tell me, what is the name of that great emperor?"

Jiuhong was shuddered by the smile on the young man's lips. He cupped his hands calmly and said, "I just heard what other people said. I don't know who the great emperor is. Fellow Daoist, I hope you don't get angry.

As a predestined person, I would like to remind you that the great emperors of the superior world are recognized by heaven and earth, and are protected by fortune, while those emperors of the inferior world are just wild roads. Fellow Taoists have never been to the superior world. Be careful not to be rash. "

On the surface, it could really be heard that Jiuhong was concerned about Ye Yuye.

And, every word he says is true.

Not someone who is fooling around this inferior world.

As a result, the eyes of the other four people are a little dull. Does this person need to be so concerned?Or... just to survive?
"Is it?"

Ye Yuye glanced at him deeply, walked around the others, and walked towards the young man, Jiu Hong's relaxed body suddenly became tense.

Ye Yuye was already standing in front of Jiuhong, looking straight at him, looking him up and down, the smile on his lips remained unchanged: "Who did you listen to, little guy? Is it the Great Emperor? The Great Emperor you are talking about Is it great?"

At the same time, the four of them were all stunned, and looked in Jiuhong's direction in astonishment. What did he mean by this?What does Di Cang want to know?Or already know something?
The corners of Jiuhong's eyes twitched fiercely, and he smiled to cover up the panic in his heart: "I think fellow Taoist has misunderstood. Every emperor in the superior world is very powerful. I have really heard other people talk about this, but I don't think so. do not know him."

Ye Yuye didn't answer his words, but looked at him for a while, she smiled and pressed his shoulder, and said patiently: "Boy, I've lived a long time, you don't deserve to call me a fellow daoist, Even your great emperor is not worthy, understand?"


Even if Jiuhong wanted to speak, his whole nerves were swallowed by the pain, and he felt the profound energy in his body rushing wildly. Like Yang Wenyan, he also knelt on the ground, just looking at his appearance, as if he was going to compare Yang Wenyan. Wen Yan was even worse.

Because they heard the click.

Like a broken bone in the body.

Even his cultivation seems to be gone!
This is what terrifies the few people the most.

Jiuhong's cultivation is gone!
How did he do that?
In their eyes, the boy just pinched Jiuhong's shoulder, and then he didn't cultivate?Abandoned?
So much so that they didn't hear what Di Cang said clearly at all, and they were so stunned and unbelievable that they were completely focused on Jiuhong's dismissal.

Seeing this scene, Yang Wenyan suddenly got a chance to breathe like a fish in the water, and he was extremely thankful that his cultivation was not abolished.

The worst is not him.

"Dao... as I said before," Jiuhong gritted his teeth, "don't compare the great emperor of the world with the superior world,
The great emperors of the superior world have experienced 99 thunderstorms and cast their bodies... With the addition of luck, they are already the sons of destiny canonized by heaven before they are not great emperors! "

Ye Yuye was a little surprised that this person could utter so many words, his courage was not bad, after listening to his speech with great interest, she raised her eyebrows and pinched Jiuhong's jaw.

The jaw dislocated with a snap.

Jiuhong was forced to raise his head, facing the boy's cold eyes, there was no smile at the moment, he heard the boy say: "They are still grandsons in front of the master, but they are not yet grandchildren. Allotment to the grandfather as a grandson, understand."

 The class is coming to an end soon, and this semester is also over, but there are too many homework owed, and I have to catch up with my homework this week, and there is an English final exam next week
(End of this chapter)

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