Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 1005 No, I'll Hold Him

Chapter 1005 No, I'll Hold Him

Jiang Ye, who was passed on to the outsiders, was a five or six-year-old child.

Similarly, there were rumors that Jiang Ye was a young man.

But seeing it with my own eyes now is a different kind of shock.

It turned out that those claims were true.

It's just that they still can't believe that Jiang Ye was the Di Cang in ancient times!This difference is not a star and a half!
Di Cang will also become smaller.

Di Cang is still so young.

They hadn't forgotten that even if some of the strong men who survived from ancient times looked young, they already looked like old men. It was hard to imagine that Di Cang's appearance remained the same, and he still looked like a boy.

Take this appearance as an example, how many young and beautiful girls have to be provoked.

Looking at the seniors and seniors around him, the seniors in Sifang Holy Land felt helpless, comparing themselves with their seniors?Haha, they don't deserve it.

Elder Xi was silent for a long time before she opened her mouth and said, "Pavilion Master Bai, I still can't believe this is true."

"I don't believe it either." Bai Liu paused, turned to look at her, and said with a smile, "But you have to accept the facts."



Elder Xu next to him let out a long sigh, mixed with complexity.

Jiang Yi didn't carry her on his back as Ye Yuye wished, but leaned down, hugged her waist, supported her hips, stood up, and hugged her. Ye Yuye was stunned for a while before reaching out to wrap his arms around him neck.

The child in her arms was very quiet.

After a while, Jiang Yi realized that he had fallen asleep.

The soft head rested on his shoulder, breathing steadily.

Jiang Yi looked down at him, and caught a glimpse of a stone on his neck. He closed his eyes, the bottom of his eyes gradually became soft, and the corners of his lips curved a little.

The Nine Heavens Knife suspended in the air was stunned for a long time, swaying back and forth beside the two of them, as if asking himself what to do?Did you not take it to find the sword master?

Jiang Yi glanced over.

Nine Heavens Knife immediately became quiet.

Because Jiuxiaodao smelled a dangerous breath on him, he seemed to have a sense of fear towards him, and he learned to be obedient.

The three people on the top of the mountain had already left.

They have a special way, and it is not difficult to get in and out of the sword mound.

In a trance, he disappeared.

So is it all over?

There was no more danger, no more that powerful aura, and under the care of the elders, those disciples who had fainted became sober one by one.

The sword weapons in the sword mound have all quieted down.

Some have already returned to their sword masters.

Someone suddenly became interested in this, and said with a smile: "I want to tell my parents, as well as my grandparents, the news that Senior Di Cang is alive. People of their generation admire Senior Di Cang very much. Knowing that I saw Di Cang and his old man with my own eyes, he is absolutely envious of me."

"Okay, don't go too far, but even if you tell them, they will probably think you are confused. If it weren't for the fact that I can still see Di Cang now, I would have thought I was dreaming."

"Then have you woken up from the dream?"

"Fuck off, I'm not really stupid!"


Jiang Yi carried Ye Yuye back to Qingma and the others, which also made Bai Liu and the others wonder what the relationship between Master Uncle and this person was. They seemed very close?

And, it was closer than they expected.

Also, this person seems to be very strong.

As members of the academy, they didn't dare to investigate his cultivation level, not to mention that it would disrespect the other party, and even make their uncle displeased with their behavior.

What's more, they don't think they can find out anything unless the other party is willing to tell them.

Fat Maoer's expression seems a little serious?

It stepped on the horse's back and looked at Ye Yuye in Jiang Yi's arms for a long time. After confirming that she was safe, the serious expression gradually dissipated, and sat on the horse's back obediently.

Seeing that his master had turned into a child again, Shi Shi wanted to get off the horse, but he heard Jiang Yi's gentle and clear voice: "No, I'll hold him."

Stone was stunned for a while, then nodded.

Although a few people from the Holy Land died in Di Cang's hands, they were still strong in the Holy Land, not to mention one of them was the Holy Master of Dongzhou.

After the matter was resolved, the three holy masters reopened the sword mound.

And outside.

The Four Holy Lands sent some people to welcome the people who entered the sword mound. Of course, part of the reason was that they wanted to know who took the Jiuxiaodao.

The most likely one is the Nanzhou Holy Land.

After all, they do have this strength.

Jianzhong happens every few years or more than ten years, and it is also a day when the four holy places meet. However, at this time in previous years, they were all waiting in their respective holy places, but this time it was the first time.

They all want to know who took away the Nine Heavens Sword from Emperor Xiaoyao.

Half an hour has passed since the expected time to come out, and they still haven't waited for them to come out, but not many people care, after all, this time they entered the Sword Tomb to snatch the Nine Heavens Knife, so it's normal for it to take longer.

It's just that Jianzhong's energy is insufficient, which is troublesome.

But thinking that all the seniors from all over the place are inside, Jianzhong's energy is not enough.

Until there are fluctuations around.

Everyone became energetic suddenly, their attention was completely on the location of the teleportation array, their eyes were bright, here they come!They are coming back!

The teleportation array teleported them quickly.

directly to the destination.

The lines under his feet faded.

The moment the loud voice sounded, it was surprisingly neat.

"I'm waiting to welcome the Holy Master, the Supreme Elder is back!"

"We are waiting to welcome the Holy Master, the former Holy Master returns!"

"Welcome Holy Master, the return of the Supreme Elder!"



Nothing was heard.

Instead, it was very quiet.

The saluting people hesitated for a moment, then raised their heads in doubt.


People in the Four Holy Lands have discovered it.

"Why don't you see our Holy Master?"

"Our Supreme Elder is also gone!"

"Didn't everyone come together? Where did our former Holy Master of Nanzhou go?"


Discussions and doubts continued, and the people who were teleported seemed to be reborn after a catastrophe, greedily sucking the air around them. Compared with everything that happened in Jianzhong, they felt that their life at this moment was very beautiful.

Just hearing those people's comments, their moods are mixed, and it is inevitable that they will become heavy, and many people have died.

Especially Dongzhou Holy Land is the worst.

The Holy Master is dead, and even the old man is dead.

Dongzhou Holy Land has no support now, and even the third position is about to be lost.

Here, the most rewarding one is probably the Xizhou Holy Land.

Of course, the Beizhou Holy Land completely sat on the top of the Quartet Holy Land this time, and it is rare to surpass the Nanzhou Holy Land, no longer the second in ten thousand years.

Jiang Yi glanced around, frowned slightly, he walked towards the other side with the person in his arms, his steps were steady and powerful.


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Haha, our Master Ye has another identity, which I wanted to write about a long time ago, and this time I feel comfortable.

In addition, Ye Ye became smaller again hahaha, how did the atmosphere become warmer?

(End of this chapter)

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