Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 1007 Ye'er, Is the Person You Trust

Chapter 1007 Ye'er, Is the Person You Trust

Staggering, Elder Liang plopped and knelt on the ground, performed a very grand salute, and said respectfully: "

Liangzhuang, the holy land of Dongzhou, came to pay respects to the seniors, and pleaded guilty to the seniors on behalf of the holy lands!Holy land can accept any punishment, and I hope that senior can let go of the past and forgive the mistakes made by Holy Land! "

Elder Liang's obeisance made the three holy masters of the Holy Land suddenly panic. Should they also obeisance?As Di Cang's old man, they would just kneel down for three days and three nights.


Just when the two were still hesitating.

Instead, the Holy Master Nanzhou knelt down directly.

Two holy masters: "..."

Elder Liang was kneeling aside, when he heard a sound suddenly, he turned his head and saw the Holy Lord of Nanzhou who was kneeling next to him, and suddenly felt the pressure increase.

The difficulty is too great.

Even the Holy Master of Nanzhou knelt down in person.

What can they do with Dongzhou Holy Land?

Is it not enough to send him alone?

Certainly not enough it is.

The Holy Master pleaded guilty to his predecessors, and he was just an elder of the Holy Land.

But the problem is that Dongzhou Holy Land has nothing to do now. Two people died, both of whom were strong in charge of the Holy Land. Among the people who came now, only he is of a higher seniority, and he can barely save face.

But facing the Holy Masters of other holy places, this level is not comparable. Elder Liang is afraid that the people in the academy will think that Dongzhou Holy Land is not sincere,

He even knelt down to salute, but in the end even the Holy Master knelt down. Elder Liang began to worry whether senior Di Cang would forgive the mistakes committed by Dongzhou Holy Land.

With Nanzhou Holy Master taking the lead, the other two Holy Masters also knelt down and bowed solemnly to the people in the carriage again without shame.

Several other people in the academy retreated to the side, silently watching the three holy masters kneeling on the ground pleading guilty to their masters and uncles in the holy place, feeling somewhat sighed in their hearts.

At the beginning, when the Holy Master of this holy place met their master, although he was polite, he still put on the posture of a Holy Master, appearing to be slightly superior to the Academy.

Thousands of years ago, the Academy was in crisis because of the Mandate of Heaven, and it was precisely because of this that the Holy Land and other forces suppressed the Academy everywhere.

But now, these holy masters are kneeling beside them, because of Jiang Ye, because of their master and uncle, they even have a different kind of feeling and sigh, but unfortunately the master did not see this scene.

I also feel a little regretful.

in the carriage.

Jiang Yi leaned on the soft couch, his gentle and clear temperament was mixed with a little bit of laziness at the moment, he looked down at the sleeping person in his arms, and did not let go.

He is clear.

Night is very tired.

Once asleep, it is not easy to wake up.

That's why he refused to let go.

Jiang Yi lowered his eyes to look at the person in his arms, and gently brushed his eyebrows with his fingers, moving down a little bit, the delicate and soft touch made him unable to put it down.

he thinks.

Only when he is fast asleep can he touch him, even hold him in his arms, he will not resist, and will be hugged by him obediently.

What he likes most is probably his appearance as a child.

Because only in this way can he boldly carry him on his back and hold him in his arms.

Jiang Yi's fingertips touched the soft lips, and he stroked them lightly. He bent down slightly, and slowly approached the lips. The moment he was close, he suddenly stopped.

Those long and narrow eyes darkened and darkened, and finally, his warmth left, and he murmured softly: "Ye'er, am I the one you trust?"

That's why you let me carry you, right?

If I am like this, have I failed your trust in me?

Jiang Yi's eyes stayed on the lips that were slightly deepened by his caress, his eyes were drooping, with a bit of complexity, after all, he didn't do anything to him, but the hand holding him was much lighter, so that he could sleep soundly be more comfortable.

And outside.

No knowledge of the matter.

They waited and waited for Di Cang's voice, not even a single word.

Four people are still kneeling.

Without Di Cang's permission, they didn't dare to get up.

Xie Gang cupped his hands to the people in the carriage again, and said in a deep voice: "Your junior knows a thing or two about what happened thousands of years ago, but I don't know that you were the one who offended the younger generation. If the younger generation knew at that time, they would definitely make them apologize to the senior." .”

millennia ago.

Because Jiang Ye beheaded that generation of geniuses, the heavens sent down punishment, which caused panic in the entire star field, and the aspiration for the destiny failed that time.

No one can be an alternate Destiny's Child.

Heaven was furious and sent down punishment, so they all thought that Jiang Ye was dead and died under the punishment, but now that they knew Jiang Ye's identity, they didn't doubt why he was able to escape from the punishment.

Because he is Emperor Cang.

This identity alone is enough.

In ancient times, Di Cang beheaded so many sons of destiny that he was almost numb to counting them. He killed gods and demons, and killed some mere geniuses. It was really nothing.

So now it seems that it is undoubtedly the most stupid behavior for Holy Land to offend the academy.

Elder Liang was afraid that someone would rob him, so he hurriedly said, "Senior, today I am asking you for sin on behalf of the Holy Land, and I am also here to apologize to the academy. It was our Dongzhou Holy Land's fault back then, and how much I have done to the academy over the years..."

Elder Liang really couldn't say this, what to say, could it be that the Holy Land has always been disliked by the Academy?Or is it suppressing the academy everywhere, so as not to let the academy revive?
Unable to speak.

There is no way to say it.

Elder Liang thought about it, and turned his gaze to the few people in the academy beside him. He was still kneeling on the ground with a solemn expression: "I hope the academy can forgive the mistakes made by the Holy Land. Whatever the Academy wants and needs, no matter what you ask, the Holy Land will do it." !"

Elder Xu was a little embarrassed, pursed his lips, and finally said, "Can you forgive me, the academy still needs to seek the opinion of the headmaster on this matter, Your Excellency Liang, I'm sorry, we can't decide this matter, but when we go back, we will Tell the Master about this."

In a word, Elder Liang, who was immediately blocked, couldn't say a word.

Bai Liu glanced at Elder Xu with a smile, yes, good job.

Nie Honghong was silent for a while, and suddenly asked several people in the academy: "Isn't Senior Emperor in the carriage?"

"Uncle Master is here." Bai Liu paused for a while, and then said, "But you guys are late, Uncle Master used too much power earlier, so he was tired."


The faces of the people in Sifang Holy Land became weird and complicated.

Using too much force?
Why didn't they see it?


So he's asleep?
Dare they say so many things that no one in the carriage heard?

A few people can no longer be described as complicated.

That's pretty complicated.

The Holy Master Beizhou hesitated for a long time before he coughed a few times in embarrassment. He got up and smiled in the direction of the few people in the academy: "

Since Senior Emperor is tired, why don't you come to our Holy Land to rest for a few days?It snows all year round in Beizhou. You can enjoy the scenery of Beizhou. The scenery is very beautiful. "

 cough cough.Afraid of being blocked again.

  I feel like this chapter is a bit off. . . .well.


(End of this chapter)

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