Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 1010 It turns out that he has children...

Chapter 1010 It turns out that he has children...

"Later," Yunhe recalled for a while, "the princess was very persistent. No matter how many people objected, she wanted to marry Jiang Ye as his wife, even as a concubine. But something happened and she died. .”

Venerable Xiu Ran frowned and looked up at him: "Is it true? Could it be you who made it up?"

"That's not true," Yunhe glanced at him displeasedly, "That's what I saw with my own eyes, what I saw with my own eyes, could it be fake?"

Venerable Xiuran was not clear about some things about his master and uncle, because he was still young at that time, and he had heard many things from his father.

Things at that time.

Could it be a certain princess from the Four Continents Dynasty?

Why hasn't he even heard of such a big thing?

Venerable Xiu Ran put away his thoughts, frowned and asked, "How long has this happened?"

"How long?" Yunhe smiled, and picked up the wine jug beside him, "That was a long time ago, you, you have no way of knowing."


He looked up in a certain direction, and clenched the hand holding the wine jar slightly.

Even Venerable Xiuran had faintly noticed something, he put down the chess pot, shook himself, and then said to the old man sitting opposite: "

Pavilion Master Yun, you know that the academy has changed a lot, and I hope you don’t refuse, and make a decision after careful consideration for a period of time. There has never been a Pavilion Master in the Fulu District. I still hope that you can take up the post of Pavilion Master of the Academy. "

Yunhe looked at him deeply for a while, finally stood up holding the wine jar, and replied: "Let me think about it for a few more days."

"With Pavilion Master Yun joining, those little guys will be happy."

Venerable Xiuran breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, it could be considered that he had temporarily stabilized Senior Yun, but he knew in his heart that if Yunhe really wanted to stay, it would probably have something to do with his uncle.

After all, the great uncle disappeared at that time, and Senior Yun resolutely left the academy. If the great uncle leaves someday...

Venerable Xiu Ran frowned, he really couldn't guarantee whether Senior Yun would stay or not.

In an instant.

A carriage slowly entered the back hill of the academy.

It only took about an hour to get back here from the Holy Land, and it was even faster than the normal teleportation array. The people in the carriage came back to their senses and couldn't help but sigh at the speed of the horse.

They had thought before that it might take a few days to go to the Holy Land, and it would take a few days to go back, but in the end, the two trips combined did not even take a day.

of course.

After learning the identity of the master and uncle, they were no longer surprised by how capable the horse was.

The two elders couldn't get close to the back mountain area, so they said goodbye to Bai Liu and the others and went back.

As for Bai Liu himself, although he is the master of the pavilion, he can only enter the periphery at most in the back of the mountain. When he got off the carriage, he happened to meet the demon saint and the academy's disciple Yin Miaoyin.

Bai Liu paused for a moment on the two of them, then raised his eyebrows thoughtfully: "What are you two?"

"I just want to come for a stroll, but I absolutely abide by the rules of the academy," Yin Miaoyin stared at the carriage behind Bai Liu, her eyes lit up a few times, and she asked casually, "Master, what is inside the carriage?" Is the person in question Elder Ye?"

Bai Liu smiled, and looked at the girl in front of her: "Why, you came to the back mountain to look for Elder Ye?"

Then, without looking at the little girl's guilty expression, he turned to look at the woman holding the umbrella and wearing a white gauze, and asked, "Saint, are you also here to find Elder Ye?"

The Heavenly Demon Saintess was stunned for a moment, but she didn't hide anything. She smiled and said, "I really wanted to come to him. If I dare to ask Pavilion Master Bai, he..."

The voice has not yet fallen.

The curtain was lifted.

A child looked around, and when he saw two other people, he nodded politely, then jumped off the carriage, tiptoed, and pulled the fat cat out of the carriage.

The two saw it clearly.

This person and cat are all people around Elder Ye.

Couldn't he be in the carriage?
Yin Miaoyin pursed her lips, feeling a little nervous, and then quietly glanced at the demon saint who came forward, clenched her hands involuntarily, her eyes were a little sad.

The purpose of not daring to speak out.

The saint dared.

Is she... a bit useless?

Bai Liu raised his eyebrows, with some surprise in his eyes, he could have gone directly in the carriage, but why did he stop halfway, of course, he may have guessed some of the specific reasons.


The curtain was lifted.

However, the person who came out was not Ye Yuye, but a black-clothed man who was completely opposite to Elder Ye. And pass.

this person.

They have seen.

It was the person next to Elder Ye before.

They also saw that this person was holding a child in his arms. Because this person seemed to be gentle with this child, they thought it was his child, but when they accidentally glanced at the child's side face, they couldn't help froze.

this kid.

...Looks like Elder Ye.

Even though they only saw the child's side face, they were very sure in their hearts that this child was very similar to Elder Ye!
Some vague guesses spread in the hearts of the two of them.

Bai Liu coughed dryly a few times, and said appropriately, "I'm tired these days, and I'm going back to rest, everyone, please take my leave first."

As he spoke, he didn't care what the others were doing, and the moment he turned around, his figure disappeared into the back mountain.

Bai Liu left.

There was no one in the carriage, the green horse neighed, and directly pulled the carriage behind him and hurried towards another direction, running faster than before.

The person in his arms was still fast asleep.

Jiang Yi changed the posture of the person in his arms, making sure that he could sleep more comfortably this way, and there was a slight curvature of his pursed lips.

Regardless of the other two.

With long legs, he bypassed the two and left directly.

Shitou hugged Fat Mao'er, saw his master being carried away by the young master, and hurriedly followed, during which time he politely bid farewell to the two women.


It seemed like everything was out of control.

The two women were still standing where they were, they couldn't get close to the back mountain boundary, they could only look at the figure going away, wondering who the child was.

What is the relationship with Elder Ye.

what is the relationship?
The two of them thought about a lot of guesses, but they were just deceiving themselves. The two of them looked so similar. What could it mean?
Yin Miaoyin felt unspeakably uncomfortable, bit her lower lip, and stared blankly at her toes under her skirt: "It turns out that he already has children..."

their family.

Even twins can be distinguished.

But that child, just by that side face, can make her think who it is, how old is Elder Ye?Is he over 20?But it doesn't look like it at all.

It's just... Unexpectedly, he even had a child.

(End of this chapter)

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