Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 1023... What, now that I've grown up, I'm still shy

Chapter 1023... What, now that I've grown up, I'm still shy

Jiang Yi pushed the door open and saw this scene.

He looked away from the child without leaving a trace, and after a long time, he said: "I'm going to pour water, Master, let's rest early."

Ye Yuye narrowed his eyes thoughtfully.

She didn't look away until Jiang Yi left.

Pushing open the window, she sat relaxed by the window, looked up at the bright moon in the sky, and took a few sips from a jug of wine.

Fat Mao'er returned to his little den, looked at the figure sitting by the window, did not disturb her, found a comfortable position, and fell asleep in a daze.

The night is dark.

Most of the academy has fallen asleep.

Jiang Yi, who was lying on the bed, opened his eyes instantly, grabbed the man's arm, turned over and pressed him under him, and then the moonlight outside the window,
He stared at that immature and delicate face, and suddenly chuckled: "Master doesn't rest, what's the point of coming in through the window and climbing onto the disciple's bed?"

Ye Yuye's body still had a faint smell of wine, and he didn't feel annoyed when Jiang Yi grabbed his wrist. He raised his eyebrows and moved his lips lightly a few times: "I just wanted to see if you were asleep. Why don't we sleep together?" ?”

For a moment, Jiang Yi almost stopped breathing.

Quickly suppressing the strangeness in his eyes, he let go of his wrist: "Master, let's rest earlier, it's not too late."

Ye Yuye sat up, the belt of her clothes was loosened a lot, and her black hair was scattered randomly. She raised her eyes and looked out the window, looking at the stars in the distance.

After a while, Ye Yuye squinted at Jiang Yi, and smiled: "You slept with me when you were young, why, now that you've grown up, you're still shy."

Jiang Yi's expression was gloomy, mixed with darkness and ambiguity, his tightly pursed lips moved, and he subconsciously clenched his fists.

"Master, did you remember?"

he asks.

"I don't think much of it," Ye Yuye leaned back against the cold wall, looking a bit lazy, his black eyes narrowed slightly, a little sleepy, "You're not much more than that." Come to sleep, I'm sleepy."

Jiang Yi looked at him, and after a long silence, he said, "Okay."

The moonlight pouring down from the window was very faint.

Not long after Jiang Yi lay on the bed, his cold body leaned towards him, probably because of his warmth.

The corners of Jiang Yi's lips twitched, and he hugged him in his arms. His body was very soft, as thin as he was afraid it would be crushed. He sighed in his heart, feeling satisfied and a little regretful.

He didn't know how long he had waited for this day, and how long he had been looking forward to it.

Obviously the person is in his arms.

I can't do anything myself.

Jiang Yi lowered his eyes to look at the sleeping person, the bottom of his eyes gradually became complicated, is he too greedy.

Not urgent.

Jiang Yi sighed imperceptibly: "I will wait for you."

do not let me down.

Otherwise, my hard work will be in vain.

Ever since it was learned that the academy was going to compete with the disciples of the Sifang Holy Land, the atmosphere has become tense. Everyone knows that the Holy Land is a place that transcends the secular world.

And now.

They actually want to compete with those geniuses in the Holy Land.

The news came without warning.

Not at all prepared.


It's too late to prepare anything.

The time of the competition is a bit fast for them.

You have to prepare for a month or two, right?


and so.

Some of the disciples were recruited for examinations, and they were completely omitted from registration. Of course, they were all disciples including the leaderboard.

Among them, even the top ten disciples on the freshman list also participated together.

There is no choice at all.


It was the day when the academy was going to compete with the Sifang Holy Land.

There are more than a hundred disciples selected for the competition, and most of them are inner disciples. The two academy disciples also came back.

Tang Feng.

Yun Wushuang.

These two people have rarely appeared in the academy since they became the top ten geniuses in the Tianzi list, and now they are all here!This means that this competition is absolutely extraordinary!Otherwise, these two geniuses will not come back!

The return of the two.

It was also expected by the academy.

After all, the Holy Land is a power beyond the secular world. It can be said that in the eyes of the world, the Holy Land is an excellent place for cultivation. Any genius wants to enter the Holy Land to practice.

It is also proving one's own strength.

What's more, these two people are still the first and second in the star field's Tianzi list. This time they can compete with the disciples of the Holy Land, which is a rare and good opportunity, so they naturally want to participate.

of course.

The high level of the academy can also think.

These two people wanted to enter the Holy Land.

After all, this opportunity does not come often.

The Holy Land has always been in a state of hiding from the world, rarely appearing in front of everyone, and even their strength will not be recorded in the world list, and it is precisely because of this that people feel that the Holy Land is a mysterious and sacred place. exist.

The news spread as early as two days ago.

Almost all the forces in the entire star field know about it.

It's related to the academy again!
The Academy is going to compete with the Sifang Holy Land!

It is said that it was also a simultaneous challenge issued by the academy to the holy places in all directions.

"The news is all true? What is the Academy doing this for? Is this floating?"

The streets and alleys are full of news about the Academy, and even the teahouses and taverns are talking about the Academy.

"I'm going, why is it news from the academy again? During this time, why are you going around the academy?
Those who don’t know thought that there was news about the academy I specially bought, Holy Land?The academy wants to compete with the four holy places? !Fuck!What is the academy doing this time? ! "

"Holy Land! Damn it! It's so fucking exciting! Can other forces participate this time? What did the academy say? Can we go? It's okay to go and have a look!"

After someone heard the news, they were so excited that they couldn't close their mouths from ear to ear: "My God, this is a great opportunity! As long as you show your strength in front of the Holy Land, if you can meet their standards, you will definitely be able to enter the Holy Land to practice! This is the turning point in life! The fish jumps over the dragon's gate!"


Soon, many forces tried to get in touch with the academy.

But there is no hostile force with the academy.

Those forces said that the academy is worthless, they are simply picking on the bone in the egg, and they are sour all the time.

Who doesn't want to go.

Everyone wants to go.

What it was like to meet the disciples of the Holy Land.

Where is the gap between them and the disciples of the Holy Land, or is there any possibility of entering the Holy Land in this life?
As a result, they received the news the next day.

Academy, anyone is welcome to come to the Academy to observe this competition!
Not certain forces.

but anyone!
In other words, as long as you want to go, you can participate? !

Doesn't represent forces, but individuals? !

The academy really has its own set.

Even the forces hostile to the academy couldn't help but want to participate in their personal capacity.

A once in a lifetime opportunity!
 Hohoho dare not write more about this plot, it will be troublesome if it is closed
  I still wanted to write. . .well


  After reading the article, do you feel that Master Ye's attitude towards Professor Jiang has changed.

  Probe!Crazy exploration!
  The explosion time has been set, and it will be on July [-]th.

  Recently, I am going to save manuscripts like crazy.

  Recently, because the class is going to end, there are many big homeworks for the class that have not been finished. I cried, and the task is difficult. Therefore, I can’t guarantee that tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow, will not be interrupted for another day, because I have to write the big homework for the end of the class.
(End of this chapter)

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