Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 1025 [Must-see] I have grown up, I am no longer the apprentice that Ye'er said, Tang Fe

Chapter 1025 [Must-see] I have grown up, I am no longer the apprentice that Ye'er said, Tang Fengyun Wushuang

There is also the green horse, which often follows the ginseng plant, but most of the time, the ginseng plant will avoid it, and even spit at the horse.

This is obviously a dislike for the horse.

But what Dushengyan Ancient Lion saw was the green horse running over, specially making it spit on him, spit once is not enough, wishing to come a few more times, it looks very happy .

Fat Cat opened his eyes and woke up, and found himself lying in the familiar grass. It glanced at the window with resentful eyes, raised its long tail, and left with a few grunts.

Ye Yuye woke up.

And it just so happened that she met those dark eyes, Ye Yuye squinted, and soon realized that his body had recovered, and he was in a rather awkward state.

However, it may be due to a change in mentality, Ye Yuye calmly put his legs down from between Jiang Yi's legs, sat up lazily, and gathered up the rather messy underwear.

Ye Yuye looked away from Jiang Yi's face, then slowly looked down, narrowed his eyes almost imperceptibly, and said with a smile: "Little guy, you have grown up."

Jiang Yi's eyes didn't have the slightest dimness before, they were clear and gentle, he had already got up,

Moving the stiff and numb arm, raised his eyes and smiled at Ye Yuye, his voice was hoarse because he just woke up: "When I grow up, I am no longer the apprentice that Ye'er said. "

Ye Yuye's squinted eyes became slightly darker.

Jiang Yi got out of bed, put on a piece of clothing casually, and left the room. Ye Yuye was still on the bed, squinting his eyes thoughtfully, not knowing what he was thinking.

When she changed her clothes, Jiang Yi came over with a basin in his hand. He was already dressed neatly, even the neckline was meticulous. He was dressed in black with dark gold patterns embroidered on the upper cuffs.

The overall effect may not be clothing.

But people set off the clothes.

He was still holding a face towel in his hand, and looked at the figure beside the bed, his clear voice was beyond doubt: "Come here and wash up."


The heads of the four holy places gather.

Tang Feng appeared at the top of the Tianzi list.

He was accompanied by other people, who were sent by the Tang family.

He is a tough and handsome young man in his twenties, with a cold temperament, and his whole body seems to reveal the breath of killing, making people afraid to approach him.

Judging from the breath on his body.

Everyone knew that this person had killed a lot, not to mention thousands, but at least he had killed hundreds of people.

No wonder it can become the top of the Tianzi list.

He is indeed a ruthless person.

As for Yun Wushuang.

His appearance made many people focus on him, as dazzling as a thousand feet, all the light gathered on this person.

Yun Wushuang.

Man as his name suggests.

He is very handsome.

He is the number one handsome man recognized by Star Territory and even the lower world.

Not only is he handsome, but he is also the second-ranked genius in the Tianzi list. With both strength and looks, he is the one that all women want to marry.

It is said that Yun Wushuang once had a child relationship, but when he was five or six years old, the Yun family rescinded the engagement. It was not because of problems in the other party's family, but because the Yun family felt that the girl of that family was not worthy of Yun Wushuang. , so the engagement was withdrawn.

At the beginning, Yun Wushuang was not called Wushuang.

It was only because he was too handsome that he got this name.

Yun Wushuang held a folding fan in his hand. He didn't come alone. People from the Yun family also came. Standing there was particularly outstanding, and his handsome face was pleasing to the eye.

Someone looked at that handsome figure and murmured to himself in a low voice: "Yun Wushuang, Wushuang Wushuang, you really deserve to be Mr. Wushuang..."

"Of course, there are many people who come here to support Mr. Wushuang, and we are one of them!"

At this moment, a woman squeezed in from inside, turned her head and yelled for others to come along. At that moment, many pure and beautiful girls came over, with excitement on their faces, and there was a burst of sharpness towards that figure. Yelling, almost jumping up and down with excitement.

"Ahhh, Master Wushuang!"

"Young master is unparalleled in the world!"

"Young master! With your ability, you can definitely enter the Holy Land! Come on! We will all support you!"


In the already chaotic surroundings, these voices were added at this moment.

Some people frowned, feeling unhappy in their hearts.

When Yun Wushuang heard those voices, he hesitated for a moment, and followed the source of the voices. A group of girls gathered together and waved excitedly at him.

Yun Wushuang smiled slightly, and waved to them with a folding fan in his hand. His smile seemed to heal everyone, and his voice was as gentle and clear as jade: "Hello."

It was replaced by screams.

"Ah, he was smiling at me just now! I saw it!"

"Fart, he's smiling at me!"

"Go away, you are obviously against me!"


The messy scene seemed even more messy than before.

But the culprit responded calmly to the other girls one by one.

Yun Wushuang.

It's really a disaster.

Everyone is complicated.

Appearing in the sight of everyone caused such a big fluctuation, wouldn't he be going crazy when Yun Wushuang came on stage?

Who knows, gritted his teeth and said, "How was this Yun Wushuang born? Why wasn't he stuffed back into the mother's womb and continued to be rebuilt?"

"Come on," said someone on the side slyly, "Put it back again? It depends on whether people are willing to go in or not."

this day.

Even the number one beauty recognized by Star Field also came.

Gu Ningyue.

She is the Saintess of Nebula Sect.

Her appearance made those men sigh in their hearts, but it's a pity that they couldn't see her face clearly, wearing a white gauze on her face, she had an inaccessible aura, as cold as ice.

She is completely different from the saint of the Demon Sect.

The temperament is also completely opposite.

If Gu Ningyue is a blooming white lotus.

Then the saint of the Demon Cult is Honglian.

Compared to Gu Ningyue, most of them actually chose the Heavenly Demon Saintess.

At least, people are willing to take care of it.

As for Gu Ningyue, she can only watch from a distance, but not play with it.

Just like those treasures at home.

Geniuses gather here.

The Heavenly Demon Saintess walked over holding an umbrella, she looked at the cold woman in white with a smile, and said, "Saint Gu, it seems we haven't seen each other for a while."

Gu Ningyue frowned slightly, and glanced at her: "I'm not as free as you."

The Heavenly Demon Saintess smiled. In fact, she is not very familiar with Gu Ningyue, but she is curious about her as a woman.

In the entire star field, the geniuses who could come basically came, and those who couldn't come rushed over.

After all, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Once he was spotted by the people of the Holy Land, he could become a part of the Holy Land, even in his dreams, he wanted to laugh.

The pavilion masters of the four districts are all here.

If Yunhe is also counted, there are five pavilion masters.


This content does not take up the text.

Hey, I don’t dare to write more about this kind of male and female plot, for fear of being banned, [I don’t know if this kind of scale will be blocked] so please consciously make up your mind n+, and let’s talk about it, July [-] will explode three Ten chapters, which is [-] words, may be interrupted for a day or two recently, because I have been busy with final exams and homework recently, which confuses me, there are too many, and I am too busy

Sure enough, it was blocked the next morning, and the plot of the two people in Chapter 24 was deleted, and I was tired
(End of this chapter)

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