Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 1029 Dongfangfeng is leaving, hands are a little dirty

Chapter 1029 Dongfangfeng is leaving, hands are a little dirty

Seeing the people around him leave suddenly, Shao Xia was taken aback for a moment, and quickly followed up, asking, "No, what are you going to do?"

Dongfangfeng stopped: "I want to go to the Holy Land."

Shao Xia's footsteps faltered, he was stunned for a while, then frowned and asked incomprehension: "Wait a minute, what are you talking about? What are you going to do?"

Dongfang Feng turned to look at him, with a serious expression he had never had before, and said solemnly to Shao Xia: "I want to win, and I want to go to the Holy Land to practice."

"Are you going to the Holy Land?" Shao Xia opened his mouth and was dumb for a while. He grabbed Dongfang Feng's arm and lowered his voice, "

No, are you crazy?Isn't your boss still here?Why are you going to the Holy Land?What's so good about the Holy Land? "

"You don't understand," Dongfang Feng looked elsewhere, not knowing what he was looking at, and after a while, he said, "I want to become stronger."

Standing in front of Dongfang Feng, Shao Xia frowned tightly, very complicated: "What do I not understand? As long as they are geniuses, they all want to become stronger, and I also want to become stronger, but we don't necessarily have to go to the Holy Land to be stronger." become stronger?"

Dongfang Feng looked at him and shook his head: "That's not what it means, Shao Xia, do you know that you want to follow in someone's footsteps? That's how I feel right now."

Shao Xia had seen Dongfang Feng like this more than once or twice, he didn't understand why Dongfang Feng showed such an expression, serious to the limit,
During the time in the academy, he didn't go out to familiarize himself with the environment of the academy. He was either practicing or sneaking into the library for several days and nights.

Occasionally, Shao Xia would also think, is Dongfang Feng having a bad life in the family?That's why you fight so hard to make yourself stronger and prove it to others?

And now.

Maybe he got it.

"Who are you going to follow?" Shao Xia was surprised for a while, followed Dongfang Feng's gaze, and when his eyes were locked on a person, he vaguely understood, "Elder Ye? The person you are talking about is Elder Ye ?”

Dongfang Feng said grace, he was silent for a while, and spit out a sentence: "

Ye Yuye is my goal. I want to follow in his footsteps. I heard that the environment in the Holy Land is much worse than that of the Academy, and the aura is rich and abundant, so I want to go. Breaking through the ground will be much faster than now. "

He wants to get stronger.

Follow the side of Senior Emperor.

Shao Xia came over in a daze, and patted him on the shoulder: "

Brother, I understand that you want to keep up with Elder Ye, but you don't have to be so anxious, right?Which genius didn't spend a few years breaking through?Even if Elder Ye will leave the academy in the future, you two will still be able to meet each other, right? "

"You do not understand."

Dongfang Feng frowned and said nothing, Shao Xia didn't know that he was Di Cang, but he knew, he was very clear that senior Di Cang would leave here one day.

At that time, if you become not strong enough.

There is no right to stay with him anymore.


never see you again...

Dongfang Feng's expression darkened.

His goal in this life was brought to him by Senior Emperor.

He did not want……

do not want to lose.

"Are you determined to go to the Holy Land?" Shao Xia knew that he couldn't persuade him, but there was nothing he could do, so he said, "Does Elder Ye know about this? Have you already told him?"

Dongfang Feng hesitated for a moment: "I haven't told him yet."

"You boy..." Shao Xia opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say, so he waved his hand in a irritated way, "

Alright, don't forget that your boss is now the elder of the academy, you should tell him to go, lest anyone say you are an ungrateful guy. "

"it is good."

The oriental wind answered.

I really want to tell the boss about this.

When Dongfang Feng appeared, Ye Yuye was not surprised, but expected it. As for Jiang Yi, who was next to her, squinted at Dongfang Feng for a while, and then looked away.

The two haven't seen each other for a while. Dongfang Feng has improved very fast, and now he has broken through to the peak of the sixth heaven from the fourth level of the mysterious rank. With his talent and ability, it is indeed not a small breakthrough, and he has surpassed it. other people.

"A choice?"

Ye Yuye asked.

"En," Dongfang Feng responded with a nod, his gaze firm, "I want to go to the Holy Land to practice."

Standing in front of Ye Yuye, Dongfang Feng became more and more determined in his choice, making himself stronger and qualified to be by Senior Emperor's side.

"Okay, I see," Ye Yuye squinted and smiled, she raised her hand to press on his shoulder, Dongfang Feng was stunned suddenly, feeling something entered his body, only to hear the boy say with a smile, " I will give you something useful for you."

I don't know if it was because of that thing, or because of Ye Yuye, Dongfangfeng only felt warm in his heart, but this feeling didn't last long,

Feeling that there was a danger very close to him, from the corner of the eye he looked at the man next to Ye Yuye, Dongfang Feng's expression froze for a moment, but he quickly returned to normal.

He didn't know what the relationship between this person and the boss was.

But it looks like the relationship is not normal, that's right...

He met the man's eyes again.

Dongfangfeng found that although the man's gaze was not gentle, but he had gentle manners, he couldn't help but stunned him, was it just an illusion?

Fat Mao'er sat at Ye Yuye's feet, and during the rare licking process, he even glanced at the gentle and distant man in black.

Oh, duplicity human beings.

When Dongfang Feng came back, Shao Xia stared at the man next to the young man, pressed his tongue against his back molars, and asked casually, "Didn't you ask what is the relationship between your boss and that man?"

Dongfang Feng shook his head: "I didn't ask."

Recalling the way Jiang Yi looked at him, Dongfang Feng felt more and more that that person was unusual, at least different from what he saw.

"You should ask anyway..."

Shao Xia stared at the boy, and suddenly stopped talking.

He saw the man grab the boy's hand!
The relationship between these two is absolutely extraordinary!
"what happened?"

Ye Yuye looked down at the hand held by him strangely, raised his eyebrows and raised his eyes to look at him, which was a bit intriguing.

Holding a clean handkerchief, Jiang Yi moved his pursed lips a few times: "Hands are a little dirty."

And the hand he held happened to be the hand that Ye Yuye patted Dongfang Feng's shoulder not long ago. Ye Yuye watched Jiang Yi purse his lips and said nothing.
But he could still see his displeasure, Ye Yuye squinted his eyes, unable to see what she was thinking: "Okay, then wipe it."

Shao Xia who was not far away stared at it.

Dongfang Feng happened to look over, staring at the man's concentration on wiping the boss's hands, the corners of his lips twitched violently a few times, and a strange thought suddenly came to his mind.

Is this hand the one that the boss patted him just now?
Shao Xia stared sourly, and then said in a moment: "Are these two the darlings of the heavens? This skin is so fucking enviable. Compared to that Yun Wushuang, what is he? Not worthy..."


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Dragon Boat Festival Ankang, I am going to die recently when saving manuscripts, and I fall asleep every now and then.

(End of this chapter)

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