Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 1042 Emperor Cang!You should have died tens of thousands of years ago!

Chapter 1042 Emperor Cang!You should have died tens of thousands of years ago!

In the teahouse, someone wondered: "Isn't Venerable Xiuran the head of the academy? What is he thinking? Does it mean he doesn't want to revitalize the academy? Does he not want the academy to continue to grow?"

"Who knows what the academy is up to lately, just talk about it now, almost all the news about their academy, I even suspect that the academy is planning some kind of conspiracy."

In the excitement of the teahouse, someone half-jokingly said: "What conspiracy? Could it be that the academy sent these geniuses there just to get the exercises of the Holy Land?"

Instead, it was a serious consideration: "It's not completely impossible."


The direction of the academy.

Dark clouds loomed.

From time to time, there will be the movement of thunder.


It makes people feel a little terrified.

Qiu Peng's eyes were filled with raging anger, burning the pain in his heart, and the scar was torn apart again when facing Di Cang's appearance, his voice was sharp and full of murderous intent: "

Di Cang, since you are alive, you have to pay the price for the mistakes you made back then. You killed my son back then, and today I will kill you to avenge my son! "

Ye Yuye's expression did not change, he raised his eyes to meet Qiu Peng's gaze, ignoring the murderous intent in his eyes: "I have killed a lot of people, and there are many people who want to seek revenge from me, so why don't you come here first?" Find the reason yourself?"

"The reason? Someone like you deserves to be destroyed! You shouldn't exist!" Ji Tiancheng stared at the white-clothed boy below, and gritted his teeth and said, "Di Cang! You deserved to die tens of thousands of years ago!"

To appear here, there is more or less a grudge with Di Cang. Among the four, Ye Yuye killed Qiu Peng's son back then, and has already become a candidate for the Son of Destiny at a young age.
He even had the hope of becoming the Son of Destiny, but his son went to the lower world and never came back. He died and died in Di Cang's hands!

Later, Qiu Peng heard the news and rushed to the lower world, only to hear the news that Di Cang died under the punishment of heaven. He hated himself for not avenging his son himself.

But now, the murderer who killed his son was right in front of him!

Ye Yuye frowned slightly, as if impatient, he raised his head and glanced at the one above: "Okay, get off, a few incarnations want to kill you too? If you really want to kill me for revenge, you can put your real Come here, please."


"Di Cang, you are presumptuous!"

"Di Cang, don't think that you are in the inferior world now, and I can't do anything about you!"

Rolling like thunder!
A terrifying aura enveloped the surroundings!
In the gloomy sky, there seems to be a dark void swallowing everything at this moment, the thunder is suddenly loud, and a few purple flashes of lightning flash across the sky, which makes people feel more and more strange.


Huge noise.

It alarmed some people nearby.

"What's going on? Is this the direction of the academy?"

"It's not an academy, it's even further north than an academy."

"What's going on in that area? It doesn't look like it's raining, someone is fighting over there? I'll go, who?! Look, this posture should be heavenly, right?!"


at this time.

The people in the academy also noticed something strange.

They could clearly feel a force covering their surroundings, suppressing them, even finding it difficult to take a breath now, and looked around blankly and with horror.

The disciples who were still in the competition stopped.

Because I feel very strenuous.

Someone looked at the other side in surprise, where they could vaguely sense a terrifying aura coming towards them, and murmured: "What's going on? Isn't it going to rain?"

Someone with a pale face suddenly slammed into the ground: "Damn, this is absolutely not! Look at the sky, does it look like it's going to rain?! I've never seen it so violent!"

"I've never seen such a vision before. Is there a strong man fighting beside us?"

"Fuck! A duel between the strong? Then can I go and have a look?"


Some people are already ready to move and can't help but want to go over and have a look.

The battle between the strong!

Look at this posture, the strength is probably around the level of heaven!

It is also very possible to reach the peak strength!

After a while, a cold and majestic voice came from the high position: "All students of my academy are not allowed to go!"

a time.

Everyone in the academy froze suddenly.

on high.

Venerable Xiuran had a straight face. He stood and looked down at the people below. His expression looked extremely serious, without any jokes: "

Everyone in my academy is not allowed to leave. Some of you have already joined other holy places, but remember, as long as you haven't left my academy, you are still a disciple of the academy!No one is allowed to disobey the order of the academy! "

Venerable Xiuran is very clear.

There are even others who know it too.

Once in the past, it is death!

The battle of Di Cang is no joke.

Tens of thousands of years ago, daring to watch Di Cang's battle was nothing more than the heart to die!Although the academy lets these geniuses leave, it doesn't mean that the academy is willing to let them die.

These seedlings are still young, and have not even gone through the tempering of life. Even if Venerable Xiu Ran sent them away in person, he would not be able to accept their death in unknown danger.

The people of other forces were stunned, feeling stunned for a short while.

What do you mean?
Venerable Xiuran won't let the academy disciples leave?

It stands to reason that the academy should agree with the disciples of the academy to watch such a strong battle. Even if it is dangerous, nothing will happen if you stand within a safe range, right?
It's just one thing they don't know at all, but it's extremely crucial!
That person is Di Cang!
The one from ancient times!
The strength of this guy is the god of the inferior world!
Going to watch the competition with the gods, do you feel that you have lived too long as an ordinary person, or do you feel that you are lucky to be blessed by God?
The elders of the academy also wanted to see it, not less than the disciples, but they quickly dismissed this idea after hearing the order of Venerable Xiuran.

The host didn't let them go, of course he had his reasons.

After the big figures of other forces frowned and pondered for a long time, they thought that Venerable Xiuran's attitude was firm. Maybe the academy knew something, otherwise they wouldn't have such a decisive attitude, so they immediately gave up their plans to watch.

They cannot risk their lives.

Of course, some people can't sit still.

They are not from the academy, and they will not be frightened or restrained by the order of Venerable Xiuran. They even feel that they are lucky not to be from the academy, otherwise they would not even be able to watch this duel between the strong.

So many people have already left.

Or leave a few people watching and leave by yourself.

The obsessive pressure all around is still there.

In the academy, someone wanted to leave with other forces, but was stopped by an elder nearby. That old man was Elder Xu from Jie Pavilion.

(End of this chapter)

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