Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 1150 Is this thunder cloud directed at Di Cang?

Chapter 1150 Is this thunder cloud directed at Di Cang?

The moment Ye Yuye looked away, the old man seemed to have noticed something, his whole heart slowed down a beat, and he quickly looked around, only after a while, he looked back strangely.

It should be... just an illusion.

"Senior Emperor, this person..."

Jing Zhengqing hesitated for a moment, his pupils shrunk slightly, and he lowered his voice a lot without knowing it, "Senior Emperor, this person is so strange, his body is half-empty, it feels like he is about to lose his body."

This is a cultivator?
How could there be such a strange cultivator?
Ye Yuye looked calm, and said, "He's about to leave."

Jing Zhengqing probably didn't expect Ye Yuye to say this, he was taken aback for a moment, and then hesitantly asked: "What is going to end soon? Is this person dying soon? Could it be that he... is living here of?"

Ye Yuye didn't explain much, just frowned, and then said: "As you guessed, he is going to die."

As for why that person appeared in such a place, Ye Yuye never thought about it, and was too lazy to spend energy thinking about these things that had nothing to do with her.

Jing Zhengqing didn't ask any more questions, just looked at the old man, and felt more and more strange in his heart, he didn't look like a person from the lower world, could he...

Is it from the superior world?

After awakening, Goddess Phoenix raised her head and looked around, she had a dazed look for a moment, and there were more memories of this life in her mind, including her family and another person in her memory.

Brother, I like him--

Yin Miaoyin pressed her forehead, her dejected expression was replaced by indifference, it seemed that there was only one expression from beginning to end, and there was no change in her whispering voice: "My name is Yin Miaoyin in this life."

"That man..."

Yin Miaoyin frowned fiercely, the figure in her memory became more and more clear, why does this person look like that person...

Thinking of that person, Yin Miaoyin's expression became a bit sad, and she pursed her lips: "It can't be him, he is dead, how could it be him."

Dongfangfeng circulated the crazy power in his body, and forcibly transformed those powers into his own strength. After Dongfangfeng woke up, it happened to be the moment Xiaoyao Emperor No.90 struck by the seven heavenly thunders.

He was puzzled at first, but then understood.

Standing up from where he was, he saw other people around him.

They all looked at him with complicated eyes.

Dongfang Feng was about to step forward, but those people hurriedly backed away, and even had deep fear of him, for fear that this person would set their minds on them.

Dongfang Feng was stunned for a moment, not understanding what happened before he woke up. Seeing how many people were afraid of him, Dongfang Feng thought that he didn't hurt them, unless something happened during his cultivation.

Right now, Dongfang Feng was not interested in making trouble for these people, he just glanced at them lightly, then walked past them and walked away.

Little did he know that after he left, those people were already sitting on the ground in fright, and their voices could be vaguely heard.

"Who is that person? His strength is too terrifying!"

"Because of him, my two brothers died. What is this guy?"

"Fortunately, I'm gone, otherwise my old life might be in danger."


Dongfang Feng looked down at his hand and laughed at himself silently, even he himself didn't know what was wrong, if he was a reincarnation, he would definitely restore the memory of his previous life, but he didn't.

Only this body does not know where the power comes from.


Dongfangfeng smiled, not the self-deprecating smile, but sincere and comfortable, and seemed to be in a pretty good mood: "This way, I can follow the boss..."


No.90 Eight thunders descended.

Gu Zhaoyan opened his eyes, he looked up at the place where the thunder struck, then looked at himself in a panic, and twitched his lips: "Interesting, I never thought I could become a person in this life..."

Those ordinary eyes gradually turned gray.

Gu Zhaoyan raised his eyebrows, feeling surprised: "This guy Fu Xiaoxiao turned out to be the reincarnated Emperor Xiaoyao, no wonder this guy's talent and strength have gradually increased since he came to the lower world. "

He smiled and didn't stop walking.

No.90 Nine thunderbolts strike down!

The last thunder.

After the end, you can become a real emperor!
The emperor of the world!

The creatures who aspired to the destiny were paying close attention. After all, the last thunder was different from the other 98 thunders, and its power was more than twice that of other times!

The thick sky thunder slammed on the crumbling figure, and the terrifying aura of heaven and earth spread out from his body!dusty!Blurred that figure!

The Jiuxiaodao beside Xiaoyao flew out!

Rush into the sky!

Blast into the thundercloud!

This scene without warning made everyone present stunned, and even their minds went blank for a while.

what happened?

Well, why did Emperor Xiaoyao's natal weapon provoke a catastrophe?
Jing Zhengqing looked worriedly at Di Cang beside him.

However, Ye Yuye's face was found to be calm, which made Jing Zhengqing even more puzzled. Didn't Di Cang worry that Emperor Xiaoyao would fail?

Once it fails.

Even if you have the memory of your previous life, you will not have the identity of the Great Emperor, that is to say, this time the Dao Dao Emperor will fail!

Will fail because of that Nine Heavens Knife!

After Jiuxiaodao rushed into the thundercloud, Xiaoyao was also desperately resisting the last thunder from the sky, and then let him successfully reshape his body.


Hold on a little longer.


The thundercloud above suddenly shook, and then everyone saw that the thundercloud was expanding rapidly, but it became stronger and stronger!The aura of catastrophe is getting heavier!

The thundercloud was filled with purple and violent sky thunder.

Someone is scared.

This catastrophe... won't come again, will it?
Ye Yuye looked at her calmly, unable to see the changes and fluctuations on her face, and rubbed her fingertips thoughtfully, it seemed that Xiaoyao had made a plan.

The old man is afraid that he will be disappointed again.


The thunder cloud condensed was billowing, but everyone suddenly found that the thunder cloud spread was more obvious!In other words, if they didn't leave, they might be the ones who were hacked to death!

Jing Zhengqing was stunned, turned his head and continued to look up in Leiyun's direction, he...why did he think that Leiyun was coming towards them?


Did he come for Di Cang?

Silently, Jing Zhengqingan quietly closed his mouth, but the thought in his heart did not disappear, but gradually became more obvious with the direction of thunderclouds gathering and enveloping.

It was at this moment that someone couldn't take it anymore and quickly evacuated. The Nine Heavens Knife suddenly rushed out of the clouds, buzzing——

The blade trembled.

Make a strong tremor.

(End of this chapter)

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