Chapter 1152

The old man opened his mouth, and before he could utter a second word, the thunderstorm brewed by the thunder cloud had already slammed on the young man's body, shaking the ground under his feet, and the sound was also overwhelmed by the huge movement. cover up.

The third way!

Everyone was shocked and unbelievable!
what's the situation? !

Could it be that Tianlei targeted the wrong person this day?

If you don't want to kill Emperor Xiaoyao, why would you want to kill this young boy in front of you?

And this boy...Jiang Ye, his physical body is fine? ?
Jing Zhengqing who was beside Ye Yuye couldn't hold back anymore and retreated. Even if he was a person from a superior world, he could do nothing against this catastrophe, let alone stay by Ye Yuye's side all the time.

The fat cat on the shoulder grabbed Ye Yuye's clothes, and almost wrinkled them, Ye Yuye let himself be struck by the lightning that day.

Not for anything else.

The Heavenly Tribulation that proved Xiaoyao was useful to her.

You can fix your bad body.

I'm afraid that even the old man himself didn't think of the heavenly tribulation for Xiaoyao's demonstration, but it became part of Ye Yuye's power instead.

Then he noticed that the fat cat on his shoulder trembled two or three times, so Ye Yuye brought the cat into his arms, stroked its fur, and made it obedient.

As expected, Fat Mao'er obediently did not move any more, with his head pressed against Ye Yuye's chest, feeling extremely at ease.

In the eyes of outsiders, Emperor Xiaoyao's knife is a murderer.

In Ye Yuye's eyes, he did a good job.

Emperor Xiaoyao testified that the being who was destined to win the throne was also staring at that familiar person in surprise. Isn't this the Jiang Ye who came over 2000 years ago?

How did this guy get here?


Why did they find this person somewhat familiar?
Different from Jiang Ye's sense of familiarity? ?

Especially seeing that the young man is not even afraid of Tianlei at the level of Emperor Zheng.

Why... let them have a feeling of déjà vu?
When Yunhe rushed over, he saw the straight figure struck by the lightning, and was taken aback for a moment before realizing who the person was struck by the lightning.

Isn't that guy Ye Yuye?
Otherwise, who would be so dazzling?

No, why was it struck by lightning?Shouldn't this be Emperor Xiaoyao's Heavenly Tribulation?What is Splitting Ye Yuye doing?Did you hit the wrong person?
Yun He was very confused, he hadn't figured out what happened here, his eyes turned around, he didn't know anyone except Ye Yuye.

Yunhe chose a place where he could not only avoid the touch of those people, but also observe Ye Yuye. At this juncture, Yunhe didn't need to look for Ye Yuye, and he also saw that Tianlei seemed to be interested in Ye Yuye. Yu Ye didn't work.

After thinking about it, too.

This guy is thick-skinned and tough.


Jiuxiaodao rushed out of the thundercloud!

At the same moment.

Xiaoyao, who successfully reshaped his body, opened his eyes suddenly, feeling the continuous power in his body, which was much stronger than his previous body!
There seemed to be a gleam of joy in his eyes, and he looked up at the thunder cloud above. Very good, the 99 catastrophes have ended, because the relationship between the Nine Heavens Knife has temporarily kept Lei Yun, and the process with the Emperor Zheng had obviously happened. The error of recovery, as long as the vision of the emperor will not appear, then he will not become the emperor!
and many more……

Who is this catastrophe attacking?

Because the moment he opened his eyes, he saw a thunderbolt coming out of the thundercloud and slamming towards a certain direction!

First he was dazed for a while, and then he stared at the figure of the boy in white!Those eyes are full of incredible!I feel very surprised!
What the hell!

No way? !

He said before that he was looking for him, why did he not find him yet, and someone appeared in front of him? !

This is... too surprising!
What the hell!

Xiaoyao couldn't stop lying in his heart, Jiuxiao Dao had rushed down from the thunder cloud and came to Xiaoyao's side, the blade made an excited sound.

He didn't know that in the storage ring, a knife was trembling. For him, these days were too wonderful and he experienced a series of fears.

Who would have thought that the person who called him senior would be the emperor of the lower world? !
Oh shit.

Can't think of it at all!
Hesitating about that knife, he has already started to plan to escape, not to mention, he himself is useless to Emperor Xiaoyao, so why keep it, looking for abuse? !

Although Xiaoyao was very excited in his heart, he still maintained the proper posture on the surface, moved his wrist a few times, and moved other parts.


After reshaping the physical body, the body is more than a hundred times stronger than before.

Xiaoyao was very satisfied.

Everyone saw Emperor Xiaoyao waking up, but they didn't see any vision except for the pitch-black thunder cloud with the aura of thunder.


Didn't it mean that there will be a vision after the emperor succeeds?
Why not?
It's not just them who are strange, but also those creatures whose destiny is aspirational, because they know better than these people that after becoming the emperor, not only will there be visions, but also certain gifts will be given to all beings.

But...why not?
Is it...

Those living beings all had guesses, but they didn't dare to imagine this guess. The emperor of the lower world was reincarnated and awakened, but he didn't become the emperor in the end?How fucked up is this?

Don't you feel embarrassed that you were a great emperor in your previous life, but you are not a great emperor in this life?
And what happened to the Nine Heavens Knife?
What's the mess on such a crucial and important occasion?
If there hadn't been the experience of Jiuxiaodao, wouldn't he have succeeded in proving the emperor?
Fucking thing.

Seeing this scene, the creatures who were still looking forward were very angry, and blamed the knife for their mistakes. They felt that the Jiuxiao knife was really stupid, and they wished they could all come forward and teach this knife a lesson!

Letting Emperor Xiaoyao fail to become the emperor was the biggest mistake!

Originally, I thought that there could be a great emperor in the inferior world, but now it is better, it's all over!Even if Emperor Xiaoyao regained his memory, he is no longer an emperor!
It was a thunderbolt from the blue sky, but the outside world was still waiting for the news of the emperor's awakening, but no, they waited for a long time, but there was still no vision of heaven and earth.

what happened?

It stands to reason that this vision should appear soon, right?


They waited for a long time and still didn't come.

It is inevitable that you will feel worried and a little uneasy in your heart.

This... is it going to be an accident?

In addition to the lower world, people in the upper world are also paying attention, and they are also surprised that there is no vision. It is reasonable that the time to prove the emperor will not be too long, but after completing No.90 Nine Heavens Tribulation Only then can you prove the success of the emperor, but now it doesn't appear...

Could it be that the emperor did not succeed?
Something went wrong with the Heavenly Tribulation?

The deducer couldn't figure out what happened on the side of Destiny, so he could only make a rough guess, but it was hard to determine anything.

(End of this chapter)

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