Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 1154 Is Ye Yuye Proving Emperor?

Chapter 1154 Is Ye Yuye Proving Emperor?
"Cloud River?"

Xiaoyao was puzzled for a moment, and when he saw the young man in front of him nodding his head, he realized that this was his reincarnation.

Yunhe saw the inquiry in Xiaoyao's eyes, and said helplessly: "It's just what you think, but it's really nothing. I actually like the name Yunhe quite a bit. Just call me Yunhe."

Xiaoyao was startled for a moment, then smiled: "Then Brother Yun."

The two looked at the other side at the same time, that was where the boy was, and no one dared to step into the surrounding area that was bombarded by the thunder.

Here, Xiaoyao is also close to Di Cang, and Yunhe is a person close to Di Cang, so he is naturally much more familiar and friendly than other people.

The two chatted.

All the people present looked at the two people in front of them strangely, because they did not shield their surroundings, so they all heard the communication between Xiaoyao and that person.

Brother Xiaoyao? ?

And Brother Yun?

These two people are so familiar?

Could it be that this person was also a strong man in ancient times, and also knew Emperor Xiaoyao?Wait, is he also the Great Emperor? ! !
Everyone is unbelievable.

It's impossible to think about it, if this is also the great emperor, there should be a vision, but except for Xiaoyao this time, there is no vision of the emperor.

Whether it is or not, if this person can call Emperor Xiaoyao "Brother Xiaoyao", then this person's status is absolutely extraordinary.

at this time.

The unleashed lightning struck the boy No. 20 nine times!
And the boy is still standing upright!

……No way.

Only then did everyone turn their eyes back and focus on Ye Yuye's body again. It was inevitable that they would feel strange in their hearts and had some vague guesses.

Emperor Xiaoyao failed to become emperor...

Could it be that Jiang Ye from the academy was once a great emperor?
Everyone's pupils shrank, and now, is Ye Yuye proving the emperor? ?

With this guess, and seeing the young man's peaceful appearance, there are also some muttering voices in the surrounding area.

"Hey, I think this Ye Yuye is extraordinary. After all, he is the master uncle of the academy, the former genius Jiang Ye. If he is the emperor, then the explanation will make sense!"

"What the hell! I never thought that Jiang Ye would be the reincarnated emperor. If he is, why didn't he wake up from that time more than 2000 years ago?"

"What kind of explanation is this? Didn't Emperor Xiaoyao fail to become an emperor?! It means that Ye Yuye also failed that time, so he was able to enter the destiny for the second time!"


The communication of those people can be vaguely heard.

The old man in the middle wiped the cold sweat from the nothingness on his forehead. He heard that he was worried for these people. What is the emperor?

Can this be compared with the great emperor of the lower world?

In addition to his status as the emperor of the lower world, this person has another level of identity!That is a powerful existence in the superior world!

Although the combat power is not as good as the great emperor of the superior world, but his identity can stand shoulder to shoulder with the great emperor, master alchemy!Isn't this high status? !

At the beginning, by chance, I found out that Venerable Dan had another name, otherwise he might not be able to spend it!
He is now counting on Master Dan to save him.

If even Master Dan can't save himself, then he is really doomed!


No. 30 thunderstorms had already fallen, and the powerful thunderbolts struck Ye Yuye's body, just like small raindrops falling on him, without pain or itching.

Everyone has become numb in their eyes.

Probably because Ye Yuye has been regarded as the reincarnated emperor.

That's why he forcibly resisted the No. 30 Emperor's Heavenly Tribulation.

Ye Yuye absorbed the sky thunder, his consciousness had gone to the other side of the space, Jiang Yi was still in seclusion, after so long...

The space created by Ye Yuye is not like the time in the outside world, the time spent here is short, while the time in the space is much longer.

It's just been so long, why hasn't he come out yet?
Ye Yuye had already guessed a little bit, but these things made her worry. Before Jiang Yi came out of retreat, it was hard for her to make a judgment, and now she couldn't leave at all.

Ye Yuye frowned, twisted Sha Mao'er's ears with his fingers, and murmured softly, "Go and help me guard him."


Fat Cat understood who the "he" she was referring to, his ears trembled, thinking of that hateful human being, he was still struggling whether to... admit it?

Ye Yuye turned the hand that twirled the fat cat's ears to run along its fur, and nodded its head: "If there is any situation, please tell me immediately, don't be lazy."

Fat Mao'er hesitated and meowed, reluctantly agreeing, although he really wanted to be hugged by Ye Yuye, but this place is too messy and terrible, it's better to stay in the space after all.

After the fat cat agreed, Ye Yuye sent it over directly, and the fat cat disappeared in his arms, which made everyone who observed him feel strange.

It is really strange that the cat is not here.

Ever since Phoenix Goddess woke up, her memory has been blurry, especially that figure is extremely profound, but that figure made her unable to help but think of another person.

A person who no longer exists.

She didn't know why she was walking in that direction, but she was still following her memory based on her feeling.

that similar person.

Have you come into contact with it in this life?

I am still the same as before.

Have you fallen in love with someone similar to the one you used to be?

Goddess Phoenix pressed her forehead, her indifferent eyes changed a little bit, mixed with complex, endless resentment like an endless abyss, her red lips parted slightly, and murmured two words: "Di Cang..."

After so many reincarnations, why haven't I forgotten him...


Phoenix Goddess sneered: "Di Cang...hehe..."

There was a rumbling sound of thunder, covering up her cold laughter, a bit cold to the bone marrow, with a mockery of herself.

Gu Zhaoyan was still on the road, but it was coming soon, but when he used his pupils, he found that the target of the catastrophe had been replaced by another person.

It was Ye Yuye, huh? ?
Gu Zhaoyan, who still didn't know what happened there, looked bewildered and stunned. After waking up, he couldn't use his pupil technique much. Gu Zhaoyan suppressed his curiosity and suppressed the idea of ​​using pupil technique again.

Why is it Ye Yuye?

Why did he prove himself emperor?

Could it be that he is also the reincarnation of the Great Emperor of the Underworld?
Gu Zhaoyan thought about it strangely for a while, and after a while, he muttered to himself: "Forget it, let's look here for dragon blood first..."

After the No.90 Nine Heavens Tribulation is over, he should be able to finish his work, right?

With this plan in mind, Gu Zhaoyan stopped rushing there, and just followed his instinct to rush in another direction, that extremely fast figure looked urgent.

The creatures here feel more and more familiar with the person who was struck by the catastrophe, especially the attitude of not taking the catastrophe seriously, and his appearance of being safe and sound.

(End of this chapter)

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