Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 1164 Jing Zhengqing Meets Emperor Chilan

Chapter 1164 Jing Zhengqing Meets Emperor Chilan

The strong men who lived in seclusion inside had very complicated moods. They were really excited when they learned that the emperor would wake up, but in the end, they failed to prove the emperor.

None of them even had any interest in drinking.

Since the fall of ancient times, the reincarnations of those great emperors have not seen their reincarnations. Now they have finally waited, but they have failed.

The old man sitting in the yard sighed, and his voice sounded quite sad: "After so long, are those great emperors really unable to come back? I remember that in ancient times, it was really good.

The upper world and the lower world are interoperable, just like entering other star domains, but the strongest in the lower world is only the peak of the sky rank, and if you cross that level, you want to leave here and go to the upper world, really It's changed..."

An old woman came out of the house, she reached out and handed over the water, after a moment of silence, she said: "

Although he did not succeed in becoming an emperor, it was a good thing. The return of the ancient emperor would mean that other emperors would also reincarnate and wake up, and other strong men would wake up one after another. "

The old man thought for a while in silence, then nodded in acquiescence, looked at the leaves blown by the wind, shook his head, and muttered to himself: "It's a pity, Di Cang will never come back."

If Di Cang was still there, maybe everything would change in the lower world, and those people in the upper world might not be so rampant...

After all, they are still too weak.

"Yeah, I can't come back..."

Superior world.

"What's going on over there?"

"Ask Canghai Tower about this matter."

Someone was taken aback, and his mood was extremely complicated: "

Canghai Building?Fuck, I don’t know what’s wrong with the Canghai Building, the price is too expensive, I’m too poor, and I’m so curious, which emperor has awakened?Now it fails again, tsk tsk. "


The streets and alleys are all related to the affairs of the lower world.

I don't know what's wrong with this lower world, and many things have been exposed one after another.

I almost forgot, it is said that the Emperor Cang in ancient times did not die, and killed many people in their superior world.

They have no hatred towards Di Cang, but they are somewhat curious about him, after all, he is the strongest in the lower world.

On Tianchi Mountain, Emperor Chilan is inside.

Since Tianchi Mountain was sealed off, many people came to visit one after another, including the emperor who came all the way, but he didn't even see the face of Emperor Chilan, and he didn't reply to the messages he sent. He stayed for a few days. Also had to leave.

On this day, Emperor Zuo came to Tianchi Mountain again.

No, upon sensing Emperor Zuo's aura, the creatures on Tianchi Mountain all want to curse, why are you here again?
Didn't you get points for a fight before?

Still want to fight?
The creatures were very angry, hoping that Emperor Chilan would not be able to see the Great Zuo outside the mountain, and they were the ones who got involved in the fight between the two.

Now the temperature on Tianchi Mountain is still as low as ever, it's worth it for the Zuo Dadi to come again.

Chi Lan opened her eyes, she took a look outside the mountain, looked away coldly, got off the bed, and left the cave.

Zuo Yunxiao regretted it a bit, he should have asked about other ways to heal his Haoer before then, but now he and Chi Lan are at loggerheads... Will she still sell her news?

Zuo Yunxiao frowned, and stood at the foot of Tianchi Mountain without moving. After some time, knowing that Chi Lan would not see him, he left wisely.

The creatures on Tianchi Mountain breathed a sigh of relief, they were really afraid that Emperor Zuo would break through the barrier of Tianchi Mountain if he disagreed with him.

Fortunately, it is gone.

Half a month passed.

Destiny asks for the top there.

Many reincarnations wake up one after another.

Among them are reincarnated powerhouses from the inferior world.

Fortunately, the last few reincarnations and Emperor Cang had no grievances with Emperor Xiaoyao, otherwise they would have died in the hands of Emperor Xiaoyao like everyone else.

Destiny's Aspiration to the Crown has begun.

It is rare for the inheritors of the secret realm of the star field to not fix the loopholes. They stood at a place closest to the destiny and looked up in silence.

at the same time.

Others are also awaiting their return.

There was a bang.

The entire sky seemed to be split in half by someone, it looked dark, and there was another extremely deep crack.

This is the harbinger of their return.

How long.

It's been half a year.

They are back.

The superior world is also paying close attention. In front of Emperor Chilan is a scroll of mountains and rivers, which emits a faint light.

She pursed her lips, and glanced at the information sent by Canghai Tower, the destiny is over, they are coming back, he...

Is it time to come back...

Emperor Chilan walked out of the place where he had been staying for a long time. Although his appearance was still extremely beautiful, it somehow made these creatures on Tianchi Mountain feel strange.

Why do they feel that Emperor Chilan is a little... nervous?
Or are they reading it wrong?
You should have read it wrong.

Emperor Chilan was as cold as ever.

After about an hour.

Someone from outside the mountain came to look for Emperor Chilan.

I thought this person would leave like the others, but the barrier of Tianchi Mountain was suddenly broken.


Jing Zhengqing stood cautiously in front of that extremely beautiful woman, lowered her head a little nervously, this is the goddess in everyone's mind, and her appearance is recognized as the first in the world.

Now he sees it!

With just one glance, just standing in front of her, Jing Zhengqing was so nervous that he didn't dare to speak. Emperor Chilan was really beautiful, amazingly beautiful, but his temperament was as cold as ice, as if he was not human at all. near.

"Go ahead."

The sound is the same as before.

Cold without any mood swings.

"Di Cang..." Jing Zhengqing hurriedly said, "Senior Di didn't encounter any dangers along the way, nor did he. The dangers he encountered were all resolved by Senior Di..."

Jing Zhengqing stumbled and said, but suddenly his brain became hot, and he remembered that he had recorded all those things about Di Cang, and quickly took out the scroll that he carried with him all the year round, and respectfully handed it into the hands of Emperor Chilan .

Nervous palms are sweaty.

The one in front of him is the Great Emperor.

Those high-level people in the Canghai Tower might not be able to see her. Jing Zhengqing was very nervous, and he was even more afraid when he saw the Lord Chilan himself.

Probably because the coldness emanating from Emperor Chilan's body made people feel frightened.

Chi Lan silently read the scroll Jing Zhengqing gave her. It should have ten lines at a glance, but it took her a long time to read it. After returning it to Jing Zhengqing, the surroundings became strangely silent.

Emperor Chilan didn't speak, but Jing Zhengqing didn't dare to speak.

Until, Emperor Chilan said coldly: "Apart from these things, what else did you not tell me?"

(End of this chapter)

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