Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 1168 The Emperor's Son

Chapter 1168 The Emperor's Son

Ever since the news that Tang Feng became the Son of Destiny, life in the Tang family has become hotter, and many forces have visited the Tang family one after another.

However, Tang Feng has not been seen in the past few days.

The Tang family only received a few short lines.

To leave the lower world and go to the higher world.

Even though this incident made the Tang family look bad, they still behaved correctly in front of outsiders. At most, they just missed seeing him and went to the superior world to practice.

And the Xizhou Dynasty also received news from Yin Miaoyin, with few words, most of them got the news through Yin Ding's mouth.

The Little Princess of the Dynasty is the reincarnation of the Phoenix Goddess.

Followed by.

Those things about the destiny's aspiration to the throne have been known by the people of the entire inferior world, and the awakened emperor is Xiaoyao!

Really happy!

I was stunned by the person who said that casually.

In this year's Mandate of Destiny, not only did they know that Di Cang was still alive, but the Xiaoyao Great Emperor from ancient times was also alive. Even if he failed to become the Great Emperor again, but with his status here, he had to be called Senior instead of Great Emperor.

Everyone knows that Xiaoyao is Di Cang's friend.

The whole inferior world is afraid that the Academy of Changxuan Tianyu will become the number one force.

in the forest.

The strong men who lived in seclusion all widened their eyes when they heard this, and they didn't even have time to swallow the drink in their mouths, speechless incoherently in shock.

Did Di Cang actually live? ? ?

Is it Emperor Xiaoyao who wakes up?

Destiny aspires to become emperor twice.

Carefree failed.

Why did Di Cang and Zhengdi also fail?

They knew that in the past, the fate of the inferior world would be born, but...even Goddess Phoenix was reincarnated and awakened in their inferior world?
Since the fall of ancient times, this is the first time that so many people have reincarnated, and some of them are still strong in their inferior world!This is the point!

The reincarnated and awakened powerhouses of the superior world have already left the inferior world, some were taken back by others, and some went back by themselves.

And the remaining reincarnated awakened ones have become the most powerful existences in the inferior world. They have been waiting for this moment for too long!
This year's Destiny Aspirations finally has a strong man from their inferior world, and not only Xiaoyao has returned, but Di Cang has also returned.

Maybe, their inferior world can go back to the ancient times.

Not long after that, the ancient strongman who had lived in seclusion for many years also came back!This is nothing short of exciting for anyone!
This side of the academy.

Many people have come to visit these days.

Of course, Venerable Xiuran has the right to choose to avoid seeing them, not to mention that the people they want to meet are Xiaoyao and Di Cang.

What are the identities of these two people.

Excluding the strong men from the ancient times, one is still a figure at the level of a great emperor, and the other is a frightening existence.

And these two people are in their academy.

It's a pity that since they learned that the uncle was Di Cang, those people in the academy didn't dare to bother him anymore, even if they wanted to see the uncle so much.

"Unexpectedly, in addition to Jiang Ye's identity, my uncle has such a powerful identity. No wonder my uncle doesn't take those people seriously. This is the light of the firefly daring to compete with the sun and the moon."

"What should I do? Ever since I knew that my uncle is Empress Di Cang, I want my uncle to teach us even more."

"I only know what I lost now. I didn't seize the opportunity! I'm afraid it's too late now!"


No one noticed that Venerable Xiu Ran was watching silently in a hidden corner. After a moment of contemplation, he looked up and saw Bai Liu's figure.

Bai Liu smiled, and walked over: "What's the matter, the master is still bothering about the previous incident?"

"No," Venerable Xiu Ran sighed, feeling rather complicated, "It's just that my uncle told me yesterday that he is leaving here."


Bai Liu's expression was shocked, "How could it be so fast?"

Venerable Xiuran looked at him and shook his head: "How do I know about the uncle, I just think that if these children know about the uncle's departure, I don't know how sad it will be."

After the words fell, Venerable Xiu Ran asked Bai Liu, "What's the news from the Superior World?"

Bai Liu thought for a while, and told him everything he knew these days without hiding anything: "

There was a commotion over there for a while, because the Phoenix Goddess returned to the Phoenix Temple, while Tang Feng went to Qingdi's side, and Yun Wushuang, that kid is not bad, I didn't know he turned out to be the Dragon Emperor son. "

Venerable Xiuran's face remained unchanged at first, but when he heard the last sentence, he looked at Bai Liu in surprise: "The son of the great emperor?"


Bai Liu remembered the news he had inquired from Canghai Tower before, and couldn't help but smiled and said, "400 years ago, the son of the Dragon Emperor died suddenly. After all, the Dragon Emperor was old enough to have a son. If his son died, it would be a good thing. In the end, it will be used." The secret technique allowed his son to reincarnate and wake up, and the reincarnated person was Yun Wushuang."

"The Great..."

Venerable Xiu Ran was surprised for a while, and his expression and words were quite gratified, "This kid can be said to have reached the sky in one step. How is the Yun family?"

Bai Liu paused, then shook his head: "Yun Wushuang didn't tell the Yun family when he went to Shangshang World. I went to the Yun family a few days ago and happened to see the phantom of the Dragon Emperor. I just wanted to thank them for their support over the years. His son's care, and then sent some things."

If not, he would not have gone to Canghailou to inquire about the Dragon Emperor.

I heard that all of them went to the high-level world. Those people in the low-level world are envious and envious. Their talents and strengths are all limited to the low-level world. If possible, they would rather go to the high-level world to experience it.

Valley home.

It is said that Gu Ningyue, the daughter of the Gu family, was taken away by people from the superior world, while Gu Qiu was the son of Qinglong from the inferior world, but there was no movement in the superior world.

Gu Chou's temper became more and more irritable, and the Gu family couldn't stand it anymore, but apart from Gu Ningyue who left, in the whole family, only Gu Chou had the most status.

Of course, the Patriarch of the Gu family became more and more dissatisfied with his son, especially after learning that Gu Ningyue was taken away by people from the superior world, he felt that the son he had cultivated so hard was useless.

These days in the academy.

Ye Yuye changed back to the man's identity as usual, and this matter was changed back with Jiang Yi's emphatic consent, not because he didn't like it, but because he liked it too much, for fear that his night would be missed by others Yeer at his house is enough to attract people.

It wasn't long before he regretted it again.

Ye Yuye came out from the pool, put on a piece of clothing casually and simply, with his fingers still hooked to the belt,
As a result, someone hugged her from behind, and there was the familiar faint scent of bamboo in her breath. She squinted her eyes for a while, and saw the man's chiseled handsome profile sideways: "What?"

(End of this chapter)

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