Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 1170 Won't Make You Hurt

Chapter 1170 (Sprinkling sugar to death) won't make you hurt

Fat Cat suddenly felt a cold gaze from above its head fall on it, and when it looked up with guilt, it saw the expressionless face of the human being, as if telling it how useless it was.

Fat Mao'er was so annoyed by Jiang Yi's eyes staring at him that he was about to open his mouth and before he uttered a few words, he was picked up by Jiang Yi and thrown aside without even looking at it.

Tool cat? ? ?

Fat Maoer looked at him indignantly.

Dare to be useful to you?
It's because Ye Yuye kicked him out of the room and couldn't get in!
No, you think I'm useless and give up?
Fat Cat jumped a few times angrily.

There are four big characters written on the top of the head, and I am very angry.

Hateful human beings!
Shameless human!

Standing in front of the door, Jiang Yi moved his tightly pursed lips a few times: "Ye'er, I was wrong."

Ye Yuye leaned lazily against the wall, tapped his fingers on his knees and paused, the corners of his lips curled up, a little funny and helpless: "You're right."

It's just that this guy is a little intemperate.

Ye Yuye said he was right, but Jiang Yi felt that he was wrong, otherwise he wouldn't make Ye Yuye angry, and his clear voice dropped a little: "I was wrong."

Ye Yuye looked sideways at the blurry figure outside the door, and remained silent without speaking.

"I was wrong..." Jiang Yi pursed his lips a few times, there was a thin layer of sweat on the palm of his hand, and he could see how nervous he was at the moment, "

Self-consciousness, I only have you in my heart, and only you. This is the first time for me... There are many places that I can't do, but if I do it a few times with my ability, I will definitely not hurt you again, Ye..."

"To shut up!"

Ye Yuye felt his face burn, and the scorching heat that should have subsided hit his ears again.

The door in front of Jiang Yi was suddenly opened.

Then a slender, bony hand grabbed his arm and pulled him in, and the door was closed again, only this time with a louder sound.

The joy in Jiang Yi's eyes could not be concealed, and he could barely see the outline of Ye Yuye's profile through the moonlight: "Ye'er, you..."

Ye Yuye grabbed his arm and turned directly to the side of the bed, hearing his deep and clear voice, Ye Yuye's ears were burning hot, and he interrupted his voice: "If you don't want to go out, shut up. "

This time, Jiang Yi really closed his mouth obediently and refused to make a sound. He was really afraid that Ye Yuye would drive him out, so he finally entered the room, he would not be so stupid again.

Although he could see the outline clearly by the moonlight, Jiang Yi still wanted to take out the glowing night pearl and place it on the side of the bed.

But the moment the light didn't fill the room, Ye Yuye stuffed the Ye Mingzhu back which he couldn't hold, and glared at him: "Sleep."

She knew very well that her face was as red as it was hot now, and if this guy saw it, she might have to go through a lot of trouble.

Jiang Yi was brought to the side of the bed, Ye Yuye let go of his arm, he obediently picked up the mattress next to him and spread it out, nodded and smiled at Ye Yuye: "Okay."

Ye Yuye only felt that his throat was a little dry, and he didn't know if what he did was right or wrong, but he just felt that this guy had changed.

Where did the cool and abstinent look of the past go?
Since when did it change?
From the day you know Jiang Yi likes you, or after the day you know he is Tiandao?
Jiang Yi got his wish and entered the room.

The fat cat outside the house was stupid.

Didn't they drive this human out?
Why didn't you put it in again?
Can't you be tough?

Ye Yuye, where is your cruel and merciless temper?

Why did he take a detour when he met this person? !

The fat cat felt sad, sat on the cold ground and doubted life for a while, and after confirming that the people in the room would not come out again, it shrugged its head sadly, dragged its long tail behind, and prepared to go to the stone house to sleep one night.

During the night, Ye Yuye's breathing gradually became even and steady. Jiang Yi next to her slowly opened his eyes, not at all sleepy. He turned over and looked at her with dark eyes.
An arm passed under her neck, and the other wrapped around her waist and hugged her in his arms. The series of movements were not muddy at all, but they were a little cautious, for fear of waking up the person in his arms.

Fortunately, she was breathing evenly, and she didn't wake up at all. In the dark night, the corners of Jiang Yi's lips curled up slightly, smelling the smell of the person in his arms, and slowly closing his eyes while hugging her.

Seems like that's all.

He will be steadfast.

The night passed.

Ye Yuye woke up from Jiang Yi's arms, but all this has long been familiar. Although she sleeps very deeply, she has always slept very well. As for why she wakes up like this after sleeping with him these few times, Most likely have nothing to do with this guy.

Ye Yuye put his arms down Jiang Yi's waist, seeing the man move his eyelashes but still failed to wake up, Ye Yuye squinted: "How long are you going to pretend to be asleep?"

Jiang Yi opened his eyes, his eyes fell on Ye Yuye's face accurately, he raised his hand and rubbed Ye Yuye's head, and gently stroked a strand of blue hair behind her ear, the blooming hair The person who wiped the smile tickled his heart: "Morning."

Ye Yuye looked at him, inexplicably making Jiang Yi feel guilty. He did wake up earlier than Ye Yuye, but he just woke up not long ago, thinking that if she didn't wake up, would he be able to sleep forever?

However, to Jiang Yilue's disappointment, she woke up after only six snaps of her fingers.

So, get up.

If you don't get up again, Ye'er will be angry.

Ye Yuye was probably used to being touched on the head by him every morning, glanced sideways at the sky outside the window, lifted the mattress and sat up and stood up.

Jiang Yi sighed, got up from the bed not long after, quickly changed his clothes, and went to wash up with Ye Yuye.

Waking up to wash up in the morning is a bit of fun between couples, how could Jiang Yi let go of such a good opportunity.

Fat Mao'er turned over and wanted to continue sleeping on his stomach, Shi Shi had already woken up, jumped off the bed like a good baby, put on his clothes, cleaned up and went to wash.

Fat Mao'er shook his ears, and finally got up from the bed. The scorching sun had already shone down. He felt that the hair on his body was scorching hot. He stretched lazily and shook his body. Mao'er, as soon as he walked out of the room, he saw a person passing by in his field of vision.

Humph, shameless humans!

Thinking of last night, Fat Mao'er suddenly felt bad, with resentful eyes piercing, wishing to poke a hole.

Since Xiaoyao lived in the academy, he lived in the back mountain with Ye Yuye and the others, but they were not in the same place.

Xiaoyao was full of energy and seemed to be in good condition. He looked at the horse beside him and felt even better.

This horse is spiritual.


not bad!

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Jiang Yi: "Ye'er, I was wrong..."

Ye Yuye: "What's wrong?"

Jiang Yi pursed his lips and rubbed them distressedly: "I will pay attention next time."

Ye Yuye slapped his hand off and glared at him: "Is there a next time?!"

Jiang Yi: "Wrong..."

I almost forgot, today is Qixi Festival, maybe...cough, single people don’t care about Qixi Festival, but this day Ye Yuye and Jiang Yi are full of dog food for you to eat

(End of this chapter)

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