Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 1173 The Origin of the Green Horse

Chapter 1173 The Origin of the Green Horse

Xiaoyao couldn't figure out what the man opposite him was thinking, so he was really surprised, but he could tell that Professor Jiang seemed to be in a good mood now.

The chess game played again seems to be intentional to let him play again, at least he can keep up with Professor Jiang's chess skills now, and he doesn't have to rack his brains so hard to figure out how to play.

The tea was still steaming.

Yunhe's expression didn't change, but he vaguely glanced at something out of the corner of his eye, and he probably understood what was going on. The show of affection showed his face. He came here to seek abuse?
Sighing, Yunhe didn't forget to think about playing chess, and wanted to have a good time quickly, so he couldn't really disturb the couple's life.

Ye Yuye took a few sips of the freshly poured tea, squinted his eyes slightly, it would be nice to have a few more sips of tea after drinking.

Fat Mao'er turned over, and saw the little stone who had just come back from the outside, with a flowering baby ginseng lying on top of his head.

Smelling the aura other than Ye Yuye, the baby ginseng glanced resentfully, as if it hadn't played enough, leaving the head of the stone, the baby ginseng escaped into the soil, exposing three thin whiskers, shaking a few times, and then scurried He turned and ran in one direction.

Shitou looked up, and happened to meet the dark pupils of the fat cat on the eaves, and smiled with his lips pursed.

The fat cat who pretended not to see: "..."

Shi Shi hugged Fat Cat in his arms as he wished, and smoothed its fur satisfactorily. It was warmed by the sun and felt very comfortable to the touch.

Watching the master and the others playing chess, the stone was held for a while before it was put down, and then ran over to make tea for the master.

On the way, Xiaoyao took a few more glances at the kid running over, and after a while, he realized that his real body was a stone.

Thinking of Di Cang calling his name just now, Xiaoyao was stunned for a while, thinking that Di Cang had always chosen his name so casually, so he readily chose to accept it.

After all, among the names he knew, the one that Xiaoyao could most accept and think most acceptable was Di Cang.

It is domineering and can highlight its own cow!

Shi Shi not only poured tea for Ye Yuye, but also poured tea for the other three people. He did his duty everywhere and entertained them.

In fact, Xiaoyao didn't feel used to it, even though he knew the true nature of the stone, in his eyes he was just a child who hadn't grown up.

Of course... not only this reason, but also other reasons.

Xiaoyao met the eyes of the person on the opposite side, his hand holding the teacup trembled, but he quickly held it steady before passing by, then blinked a few times at the child next to him, and said with a smile: " Don't bother, I'll pour it myself when I'm thirsty, and your master needs your help."

Shi Shi turned to look at Jiang Yi, hesitated for a moment, then nodded, took the pot and ran to Ye Yuye's side, it happened that Ye Yuye had just finished drinking the tea and it was already half empty, Shi Shi carefully refills the tea.

Looking at this scene, Yunhe sighed in his heart, still twiddling a white chess piece in his hand, and asked in doubt: "When did brother Jiang find such a precious lump, well-behaved and sensible, I see you are still on him breath."

Jiang Yi focused on two things, listening to the movement while playing chess. In fact, when he saw this child for the first time, he also felt strange. If he hadn't known that his body was a stone, he would almost have thought that this child was Ye Yuye's own. of.

Xiaoyao glanced at Ye Yuye's expression while Jiang Yi was playing chess. He also wanted to know what was going on with this child. It was really strange that a stone could give birth to intelligence and transform into a human form.

Listening to them talking about himself, Shi Shi obediently stayed by Ye Yuye's side, meeting the eyes of others, he smiled a few times, his chubby and cute little face became a little more shy.

Ye Yuye put down his teacup, recalling the memories of being in that star field, the young man raised his eyebrows, and didn't explain much, just said: "This child is destined to be with me."

Ye Yuye didn't say anything, Yunhe regretted not asking any more questions, but Xiaoyao, who was still playing chess beside him, turned his head, blinked curiously and asked: "

Di Cang, what is that, let me ask, what breed is your horse?Why haven't I seen it before, and I also heard that the horse's cry is a bit like a dragon's roar. "

In fact, he wanted to ask Di Cang if he still wanted this horse. If he wanted it, this horse was good, but he hadn't ridden it for a few laps yet.

Yunhe dropped the chess piece, and looked up curiously at the noble young man sitting opposite him. He was also curious as to what kind of horse it was, even he had never seen it before.

Ye Yuye pondered for a moment, dropped the chess piece in his hand, and said casually: "

I have never seen normal, it is the only remaining Canglong horse in the whole world, it has half of the blood of the Canglong, but it is not born of a dragon, but born of all things in the world. "

From listening to Ye Yuye's explanation, to the surprise and even disbelief afterwards, the two of them were shocked.

After all, Xiaoyao is an existence that has lived for tens of thousands of years, and Yunhe has lived in the superior world at one time or another, and has more or less heard of the legendary Canglongma.

But those are legends.

Ancient books from ancient times.

Even in ancient times, I never saw it.

In the end, you told me that the horse strolling outside is the Canglong horse?Can be transformed into a black dragon horse that soars through the clouds and rides the fog?
After Yunhe was shocked, his emotions returned to calm, but he was just a little more curious about the horse, after all, the horse that can only be seen in ancient books appeared here.

But Xiaoyao is different, he came here not only to reminisce about the old days, but also to take this opportunity to ask about the situation of the green horse, but unexpectedly, he asked such an astonishing big secret.

If it spreads to the superior world, it will be absolutely explosive!I'm afraid that those great emperors will be greedy for this horse.

Compared with these two people, Jiang Yi was relatively calm. He seemed to have known the origin of the green horse for a long time. He took a sip or two while twisting the teacup. I think I'm in a good mood, it's rare that I have the leisure to wait for the opponent to play chess.

And Xiaoyao's soul had already floated to the horse outside the courtyard, and his mouth was a little dry when he said to Ye Yuye, he drank a glass of the wine he had poured earlier, and asked with great interest: "

In ancient times, there was no trace of the Canglong horse. How did you, Di Cang, find this horse? "

Like that, he wished he had to go there to see his luck. He was very interested in this horse before he knew it was a blue dragon horse, and he was even more interested now.

If possible, he even wants to ride a few laps to have fun now. How many people dream of riding a horse, if this can be used as a mount, it will definitely be more powerful than anyone else!

He wouldn't think about it.

But this Canglong horse belongs to Di Cang, so he can get over his childhood addiction a little bit, right?

(End of this chapter)

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