Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 1185 Jing Zhengqing: I'm here for Emperor Chilan

Chapter 1185 Jing Zhengqing: I'm here for Emperor Chilan
Gu Zhaoyan raised his eyebrows: "I don't think there is much choice, the first region is the most prosperous star region."

Ye Yuye looked at Jiang Yi, Jiang Yi's eyes were warm, and he was holding Ye Yuye's cool hand, his slightly straight lips parted: "You decide."

Ye Yuye hesitated for a while, then made a decision: "Then go to the first domain."

Compared with other star regions in the superior world, Ye Yuye doesn't have much contact with them, and some of her forces are concentrated in the first region, which is indeed the best choice at present.

Hearing that he got the answer, Xiaoyao's eyes lit up immediately, and he said with a smile: "Headland is good, I have wanted to go to the Headland for a long time, yes, let's go to the Headland!"

It sounds like he completely regards that domain as his own back garden.

Hearing the word "Shouyu", Yunhe suppressed the fluctuation in his eyes, even if the faint fluctuation disappeared in an instant.

Gu Zhaoyan seemed to be interested in looking at Yunhe's calm expression, and felt that this person was somewhat familiar, did he seem to be familiar?
It's just this familiarity...how did it come about?

But the answers of several people made Emperor Pei not know how to speak, and there was cold sweat on the forehead. In fact, he came this time to invite this master to the first domain. After all, several emperors of the superior world lived there for a long time. The same is true of Baidi.

And these emperors have lived in other star fields affiliated to the emperor for a long time, that is to say, there is basically no fixed star field, and they run back and forth. On the surface, it is a glamorous title, but in fact they are "little servants" who run errands for the emperor. ?

Emperor Pei thought about it seriously, anyway, these few people went to the first domain with him anyway, rounded up, he has completed the mission given to him by the emperor, right?
Emperor Pei thought so weakly, then looked at them with difficulty pretending to be surprised, and said: "

How many of you are going to the first domain?Coincidentally, I happen to be going too, how about I send some of you there?There is a teleportation pavilion over there, not far from here, I will take you there personally. "

Everyone: "..."

so humble.

Is this still the Emperor Pei they know?

Or... is this person not Emperor Pei?
In fact, if it weren't for Emperor Pei's powerful and fearsome aura, the two people who guarded the passage all the year round would almost believe it. Is this still the Emperor Pei they fear?

Although Emperor Pei is in charge of several lower-ranked star fields, his status is still not comparable to that of other Martial Emperors. After all, he is one of the four emperors appointed by the emperor.

At least in the star field under his jurisdiction, he is the most noble and powerful person, but now this most noble person is still waiting for their answer in a humble manner,
The sweat overflowing from the forehead didn't know when it increased again, and I prayed that I could personally send them a ride, but... In fact, even Emperor Pei himself almost believed this sentence.

I just don't know what these people think...

Xiaoyao looked at that Emperor Pei, didn't think there was anything strange, and said in a babbling voice: "

I don't think it's necessary, don't bother this... Well, Emperor Pei, you said that the teleportation pavilion is not very far from here, we can go there by ourselves, don't bother you to send us there in person. "


Pei Huang's expression was a little unnatural, slightly stiff, and his emotions had not yet changed, and he tried hard and hard to recover, "Actually, a new one was built there not long ago, and it's quite far away. If you are in a hurry, I'd still I will send you off..."

Xiaoyao declined with a smile: "Don't bother, we are not in a hurry."

The humble Emperor Pei: "..."

But I rush!

I'm too fast!

Can't even send it? ?With Di Cang here, could he still send them to meet the Emperor? !

Pei Huang's heart was extremely congested, the supposedly rough man now became hesitant, if this spread to the domain network, would he lose face? ? !

In fact, Pei Huang didn't know that his behavior had already spread to a certain corner of the domain network, and at this time the interior seemed to be completely blown up.

"Wait? Who is this? This person looks so familiar!"

"You don't know anyone here? This is Emperor Pei! Brother, are you from the star field above? Otherwise, how could you not even know Emperor Pei?"

"Fuck? Wait! This is Emperor Pei? Why is Emperor Pei submissive to these people? This doesn't fit Emperor Pei at all?!"

"Didn't you notice how good-looking these people are all upstairs? Especially two of them, they are too good-looking!!!"


At the same moment without knowing it.

The complexions of those who received the news changed rapidly, and they had already recognized one of these people, and it was Di Cang from the lower world.

He actually came over!

These messages are only left in a small corner of the domain network, and it is difficult to be easily discovered, but the Canghai Tower is slightly different from other places, it is the largest intelligence office in the entire superior world.

They were the first to get the news.

However, there was a regulation above that all information about Di Cang was not allowed to be leaked out, so they had no choice but to stop thinking about exchanging information for other rewards.

Jing Zhengqing also saw this news on the way to Banxuan Tianyu. In fact, it would be really hard to see this information if he didn't look carefully. After confirming the news about Di Cang and his old man, he hurried over without stopping.

The first thing he saw was Pei Yuanchen, one of the four emperors of Baidi. The information about Canghai Tower spread all over the world. Jing Zhengqing had done business with Peihuang several times before, so he was familiar with him.

Emperor Pei also saw him, but he just glanced away and looked away, he didn't pay attention at all, he just thought this person was out to do the mission of Canghai Tower.

It's just that he didn't expect that this task came to him!

Hearing Jing Zhengqing excitedly calling the names of several people, Emperor Pei was not stupid no matter how stupid he was, staring darkly at the comer, and whispered: "What are you doing here?"

Jing Zhengqing accepted his fate and followed Emperor Chilan's arrangement, and finally found Di Cang and the others, but when he turned around, he heard another person's voice,
He paused, not sure what the purpose of Emperor Pei's coming here was, he quickly saluted and said apologetically, "So it's Emperor Pei, I'm sorry I didn't see you just now."

Emperor Pei: "..."

Before he could speak, Jing Zhengqing hurriedly said again, as if he was afraid of being abducted by Emperor Pei: "

Emperor Pei didn't know, I came here to pick up Senior Ye and the others on the orders of Emperor Chilan, if Emperor Pei was fine, I would take them away. "

Jing Zhengqing was actually afraid that this person would know Di Cang's identity, and it would be bad if he was detained in the Banxuan Tianyu.

After all, Di Cang's appearance is too confusing to everyone. It is said that a boy of seventeen or eighteen years old is about the same, but Emperor Pei cannot be made to love Di Cang. .

(End of this chapter)

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